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Perkins Funding Overview

Perkins Funding Overview. Maria Swygert Office of Career and Technology Education South Carolina Department of Education September 26, 2013. Perkins Funding FY11 - FY14. Federal Allocations to South Carolina in Millions. Why the reduction?. Sequestration & Hold Harmless.

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Perkins Funding Overview

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  1. Perkins Funding Overview Maria Swygert Office of Career and Technology Education South Carolina Department of Education September 26, 2013

  2. Perkins Funding FY11 - FY14 Federal Allocations to South Carolina in Millions

  3. Why the reduction? • Sequestration • & • Hold Harmless

  4. WHAT IS A SEQUESTER? A sasquatch - a big hairy mess.

  5. WHAT IS SEQUESTER? The idea of imposing automatic spending cuts in the federal budget was first put in place by the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings – Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 Only intended as a threat – never meant to happen. Estimated 10% Cut

  6. Hold Harmless Many state formulas include “hold harmless provisions” (HHP) - modifications to funding formulas that limit revenue reductions. It limits the maximum reduction of an allocation as compared to the preceding year. South Carolina’s did not - compounded the already reduced Federal funding impact.

  7. Allocation Funding to LEAS 30% Based on 5 – 17 Title I (census) population data 70% based on age 5 – 17 Title I (census) poverty data Funds can be transferred to a Career Center

  8. Reserve Funds (10%) $1,272,510Total Funded • Awarded based on Number of Completers • Includes Multi-District Career Centers

  9. State / EIA Dollars Equipment $4,747,406 Allocation based on $20,000 base per LEA/MDCC plus amount based on enrollment.

  10. MICROSOFT PROVISO This year $75,000 was withheld from Equipment to fund 1A.54. (SDE-EIA: Technology Academy Pilot) Proviso 1A.54: The South Carolina General Assembly passed the proviso and has directed that the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) enter into an agreement with a provider to pilot the Microsoft Technology Academy.

  11. State / EIA Dollars Work Based Learning $2,446,348 $575,000 allocated to Regional Center Specialist based in 11 WIA Regions Remainder allocated based on (Education Finance Act) EFA Formula: EFA funds are allocated according to the district’s base student cost multiplied by the weighted number of pupils

  12. Perkins Expectations… Where you spend the $ • Five (5) Core Elements • Standards & Content • Alignment & Articulation Visual • Technical Skill Assessment • Student Support Services • Professional Development

  13. Perkins allowable expenses conversation…. • If / then analysis • Focus of Perkins: • Improving • Enhancing • Expanding • Modernize • Elevate the program • Aligns to current industry standards • Taking the program in a new direction

  14. Supplanting … NO NONO • Funds made available under this Act for career and technical education activities shall supplement, and shall not supplant, non-Federal funds expended to carry out career and technical education activities. [Section 311(a)] Oregon Department of Education

  15. Budget … YES YESYES • Data Driven Activities & Expenditures • Math & CTE, Literacy, Special Pops, Technical Skill Assessment, Measurement Indicators • Program of Study based needs (Improve & Expand) • Standards based expenditures • SCDOE Approved Technical Skill Assessments Oregon Department of Education

  16. For more information:

  17. Questions Please contact Maria Swygert nmswyger@ed.sc.gov 803-734-8456

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