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PLANTS. Santiago Bilingual Primary School La Línea. Spain. Definition (definición). Plants are living things . (Las plantas son seres vivos). They are born . (nacen). They grow . (crecen). They feed . (se alimentan). And t hey die. (y mueren). They can´t move by themselves .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PLANTS Santiago BilingualPrimarySchool La Línea. Spain

  2. Definition (definición) Plants are living things. (Las plantas son seres vivos) They are born. (nacen) Theygrow. (crecen) Theyfeed. (se alimentan) And they die. (y mueren) Theycan´tmovebythemselves. (No pueden moverse)

  3. Water (agua) Air (aire) Plantsneed (Las plantas necesitan) Soil (tierra) Sunlight (luz del sol)

  4. Theparts of a plant. (Las partes de una planta) Roots(raíces) Plantshave (Las plantas tienen) A stem (un tallo) Leaves (hojas)

  5. Plantshaveflowerswithdiferent : (Las plantas tienen flores con diferentes:) Smells (olores) Shapes (formas) Colours (colores)

  6. Plantshaveflowers. (Las plantas tienen flores) Flowersgivefruit. (Las flores dan frutos) Theseeds are in thefruit. (Las semillas están dentro del fruto)

  7. Trees (árboles) Grass (hierba) There are plantswithdifferentsizes.(Hay plantas con diferentes tamaños) Shrub (arbustos)

  8. VOCABULARY(Vocabulario) Plants(plantas) Water (agua) Sunlight (luz del sol ) Roots(raíces) Air (aire) A stem(un tallo) Leaves(hojas) Soil (tierra)

  9. P L A N T S Flowers(flores) Grass (hierba) Fruit(fruto) Shrub (arbusto ) Seeds(semilla) Trees (árboles)

  10. THE END(fin)

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