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by Guadalupe Gonzalez Biome And Ecosystem Project

by Guadalupe Gonzalez Biome And Ecosystem Project. Tundra. Biome. The Arctic tundra is where most cold blooded animals live. Temperature -30F in Arctic and North Pole Located from Arctic to Alaska It has very little trees and very, but very cold

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by Guadalupe Gonzalez Biome And Ecosystem Project

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  1. by Guadalupe GonzalezBiome And Ecosystem Project Tundra

  2. Biome • The Arctic tundra is where most cold blooded animals live. • Temperature -30F in Arctic and North Pole • Located from Arctic to Alaska • It has very little trees and very, but very cold • Polar bear, arctic fox, snowy owl, whale, seals, and more.

  3. Ecosystem • Polar bears is the second biggest animal in the Arctic • Arctic fox eats mostly all baby animals • Seals are usually on ice on there stomach • Baleen whale eats all animals because it is really big • The rest of the animals are used to the coldness

  4. They are the carnivores • Males weight up to 2,000 pounds • Females weight up twice as less than a male Polar bear • There feet are there swimming tool • They are great at walking on snow

  5. Habitats Most of them live in Alaska through and Canada They live in other 5 nations Also it lives in the west of Canada and the Arctic

  6. Adaptations • They are great swimmers because that’s how they get there fish • The fur helps them be warm and for there cubs are warm during the winter • They have a good sense so they would know where there food is at • If they were not able to smell they would starve because there nose is there best resource

  7. They eat harp seals and hooded seals • Berries, shellfish, and more junk food • If they don’t have any food they would eat garbage • When polar bears are very hungry theywould eat whatever

  8. Communication • Adult Polar bears would hiss, growling, champing teeth, and chuffing • Cubs hiss, squalling, lip smack • Male polar bears would show there anger by fighting • All polar bears have different ways to communicate

  9. Polar bears cubs • Cubs weigh about 16 to 24 oz • They are also 12 in long • Male cubs are usually bigger than the females • Cubs are born helpless and small with the eyes still closed

  10. Cubs • Polar bears are born with little fur • Makes them look hairless • 12 to 14 in long, usually 1 pound • They are born deaf ,but gain it with in 24 hours • Also, they are born blind and gain there sight back in 1 week

  11. Cubs/Polar bears • Cubs don’t have the same strength than as polar bears • Polar bears can jump and run faster than polar bears cubs • Cubs can’t defend themselves better than polar bears

  12. Polar bears need your help! • Global warming has the be stopped to help polar bears • Recycle, save electricity, save water, and go green to help polar bears • You should start doing this because they give you mostly all you clothes with there fur, so go green for polar bears

  13. Tundra’s ecosystem Polar bear food chain Tundra food web

  14. Caribou • The caribou has short legs • The fur is brown and gets darker during the summer, but lighter during the winter • It has a lot of fur under the neck • The Alaskan caribou is clove-brown with a white neck

  15. Habitats • The Northern Europe, Asia, Scandinavia, Siberia, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Northern forests • Also, they migrate to other places • They mostly live in the Northern hemisphere

  16. Adaptations • The warm and thick coat protects them from the extremely cold weather • It also protects them from the insects when it’s warm • Their hooves grips the ice as they walk across it • Their adaptation helps them survive the harsh migration

  17. Food Caribous are herbivores so they eat grass, grapes, and more A caribous food web:

  18. Predator • Wolves attack caribous in the winter because the are easier to catch • Grizzly bears will get the newborn caribous • Wolverine are sort of scavengers, but not always

  19. Protection • They would use their hooves for protection • Their antlers are used by the male only because females don’t have any

  20. Communication • They would snort or grunt • When you hear a clicking noise it is usually a caribou • Their antler also make a lot of noise so when they are fighting it is really loud

  21. Young • They look like a deer and they don’t have enough strength to stand until they build muscle

  22. Status • Yes we should be conserned because they are going extinct • They are going extinct because people use them for clothe and we are killing too many • We should stop killing so many caribous to help them survive

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