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Club Forum 28 May2014

Club Forum 28 May2014. Welcome and Apologies. Mr Geoff Rees MU Sport Board Chair. Previous Minutes. Club Forum #2 (Wed 16 Oct 2014) Presentation and minutes can be found on the MU Sport website club resources page. Agenda. Club Funding Review (Tim Lee)

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Club Forum 28 May2014

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  1. Club Forum28 May2014

  2. Welcome and Apologies Mr Geoff Rees MU Sport Board Chair

  3. Previous Minutes Club Forum #2 (Wed 16 Oct 2014) Presentation and minutes can be found on the MU Sport website club resources page

  4. Agenda Club Funding Review (Tim Lee) Sport and Clubs Working Group (Rod Warnecke) Campaign for Melbourne (Chris Harvey) Club Member Survey (Betony Dawson) Refreshments and Networking

  5. Club Funding Review The 40 sporting clubs provide the 7,000 members with a range of competitive sporting, recreational and instructional opportunities each year. In 2005 clubs received close to $600,000 in funding support. Post Voluntary Student Unionism (VSU) funding was reduced to $130,000 in 2006 but has gradually increased to $345,000 in 2014 with the introduction of the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).

  6. Club Funding Review Financial and in-kind support from MU Sport is crucial for some clubs but not so critical for other clubs Despite participation numbers continuing to increase the performance of many competitive clubs has not improved over the last five years It is also a perception that there is a lack of transparency in the current distribution of funds MU Sport has determined to undertake a review of the current club funding model and develop a more transparent criteria for the future (2015 onwards) distribution of funds in line the Strategic Plan for Sport.

  7. Club Funding Review Terms of Reference • Review current funding model and consider systems at other Universities and sports funding bodies. • Consider the unique set of issues for instructional, recreational and competitive clubs. • Develop a transparent and equitable club funding model aligned with the Strategic Plan for Sport • Review to be lead by Sport Development Manager Rod Warnecke

  8. Club Funding Review Project Timeline • Announce Review at Club Forum (May) • Finalise brief and appoint consultant (Jun) • Consultant to research SSOs, NSOs, VIS, AIS (Winning Edge) and Go8s and prepare discussion paper (Jul) • Review at Sport and Clubs Working Group (Jul/Aug) • Distribute draft report to clubs and review submissions (Aug) • Consider budget position and present to MU Sport Board (Sep) • Present at Club Forum (Oct) • MU Sport Board confirmation (Nov) • Club Funding Review recommendations roll-out from 2015

  9. Club Funding Review Funding Announcement

  10. Sport and Clubs Working Group • SCWG established by MU Sport to assist with the development of guidelines, polices and procedures in relation to sport and sporting clubs at the University • SACS Committee Report (2012) Recommendation 3 identified the need for the development sports-related policies and procedures consistent with University’s Strategic Plan for Sport • EOI for SCWG closed on Friday 31 January • Members were appointed in April 2014 • SCWG met on Tue 20 May

  11. Sport and Clubs Working Group SCWG Members are: • Rosemary Bisset Volleyball Club Member, DSA Recipient, Past VP of AVF, Head of Sustainability Governance & Risk (NAB) • Alison Campbell Past Netball Club Member, Winged Victory Physiotherapist at multiple Uni Games, Senior Manager High Performance (APC) • Luke Cawley Underwater Club Member and Past VP, PADI-certified scuba and rescue diver, Deep Cavern-certified diver, Secretary of SDFV, Engineer (Planet Innovations)

  12. Sport and Clubs Working Group SCWG Members are: • Viet Hoang Kendo Club Member and Past President, TM/Coach at multiple Uni Games, 1st Dan qualified, School of Media & Communications Program Officer (RMIT) • Ben Yeo Water Polo Club Member and Past President, DSA Recipient, TM/Coach at multiple Uni Games, Water Polo Victoria and Victorian Seals (NWPL) Director, Senior Corporate Advisor (Novus Capital)

  13. The Campaign for the University of MelbourneThe Melbourne University Sport Foundation Update Supporting Student Participation via the Annual Appeal

  14. The Campaign for the University of MelbourneEducating tomorrow’s leaders Finding answers to the world’s grand challenges Enriching our communities


  16. The Melbourne University Sport FoundationSupporting Student Participation via the Annual Appeal

  17. Capital invested by the University • Interest up to 5.5% made available for the use of clubs. • MU Sport provide quarterly reports to relevant club committees The Melbourne University Sport Foundation Sport and related facilities and infrastructure are essential features of the University of Melbourne • University Trust Record 7.281 • Focus is on the long term sustainability of Clubs • $20 000 can establish a Club Chapter

  18. Supporting student participation via the annual appeal

  19. Supporting student participation via the annual appeal Online go.unimelb.edu.au/a7fn Provides options for recurring giving plus instalments Melbourne University Sport Donation Form Contact Chris if you are thinking about running an annual appeal for your club (this year or next) Suggested timing for 2014: consider sending between 1 June and 24 June

  20. For more information • The Campaign for Melbourne • The Melbourne University Sport Foundation • Establishing an annual appeal for your Club Chris Harvey Senior Development Manager Melbourne University Sport 03 9035 5781 0430 46 55 33 ch@unimelb.edu.au

  21. Club Survey Refresh • Club Survey was conducted in June 2013 • 1,200 Club members and 680 Non-club members responded to the survey • Tai Chi and Wushu (%) and Hockey (#) received $500 each for responses, Ultimate and Softball received $300 and $200 respectively (%) • Stuart Alexander (Boat) was the iPad individual winner • Each Club received their individual Club results in December 2013

  22. Club Survey Refresh • Overall analysis was very good news:  • 79.9% of Club members were satisfied with their Overall Club Experience • Of the individual satisfaction drivers: • Club Culture was highest ranked with 82.0% • Club Servicing was next ranked with 81.0% • Practice Sessions was 3rd with 80.6%

  23. Club Survey Refresh • However, areas of improvement clearly identified: • Overall Practice Facilities/Equipment (74.6%) and Member Amenities (74.5%) satisfaction was low • Of the individual satisfaction drivers:  Practice facility(s) clean and well maintained (72.1%) and change rooms and showers meet needs (72.8%) were the lowest ranked

  24. Club Survey Refresh • Recent Sports Precinct facility development expected to impact on future satisfaction of on-campus facilities • Sports Centre team change facilities; function and meeting spaces • Oval Pavilion team change facilities, social space and function space • Engagement with City of Melbourne to continue to impact on future satisfaction for off-campus facilities

  25. Club Survey – Next Steps Step 1 • MU Sport to engage independent consultant David McLeod to provide further analysis on Club benchmark measurements using original Club survey data from 2013 Step 2 • Each individual club's member satisfaction results will be compared to the performance average (benchmark) of its club type (Competitive, Recreational, Instructional) • Clubs +/- 20% off the benchmarks to be identified and engaged for discussion

  26. Club Survey – Next Steps Step 3 • Sports Development will meet with identified clubs to review their results and discuss opportunities for increasing member satisfaction, in particular any areas which are below the club type benchmark (where mutually agreed) Step 4 • Agree on long/short opportunities/strategies for club (with MU Sport) to increase member satisfaction • Survey to be conducted in 2015 and bi-annually thereafter

  27. Forum Close Next Forum: Wed 15th Oct Thank you for attending Refreshments and networking

  28. Club Forum28 May2014

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