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English Learner Update

English Learner Update. Cambrian School District February 9, 2012. Overview. English Learner Demographics CELDT Test CELDT Data Reclassification Process Moving Forward. English Learners in Cambrian. English Learners in Cambrian. 14% of total population 454 students/27 languages

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English Learner Update

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  1. English Learner Update Cambrian School District February 9, 2012

  2. Overview English Learner Demographics CELDT Test CELDT Data Reclassification Process Moving Forward

  3. English Learners in Cambrian

  4. English Learners in Cambrian 14% of total population • 454 students/27 languages • Bagby—15% • Fammatre—15% • Farnham—22% • Sartorette—19% • Price—5%

  5. CELDT Required for EL students in the fall Areas assessed • Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing Performance Levels • Level 1—Beginning • Level 2—Early Intermediate • Level 3—Intermediate • Level 4—Early Advanced • Level 5—Advanced Goal • Advance minimum of one CELDT level per year

  6. CELDT • Percent Advancing at Least One Level

  7. Percent of EL Students in each Level

  8. Percent of English Learners By CELDT Level 4th-8th grade

  9. Reclassification R-FEP--Reclassified as Fluent English Proficiency • Criteria • CELDT—Overall Level 4 (Early Advanced) or above • Each category at least Level 3 (Intermediate) • STAR test • Proficient or above on English Language Arts (ELA) • Teacher recommendation • Parent approval and signature required R-FEP students monitored for two years

  10. Reclassified Students

  11. ELD Services Districtwide Elementary • Pull out with some push in for grades K-5 • 30-120 minutes/week • Some support of EL students during ExCel Middle School • 6th grade – four period core class: ELD, ELA, SS, science and EL math • 7th grade – ELD, ELA, SS in two period core • 8th grade – ELD, ELA with ELD teacher, SS in mainstream

  12. Moving Forward New this year • Committees • English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) at each site • District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) • District EL Committee • Data Analysis • Deeper CELDT trend data • Targeted intervention and tracking of EL students

  13. Moving Forward • Professional Development • GLAD training • A Look At Learning (ALL) • EL/ELD training for principals • ELD Curriculum • Pilot at Price and Farnham • El Committee reviewing options • Implement and monitor selected ELD curriculum • Pilot iPod touch with EL students

  14. Moving Forward Next Steps • Continue with focus elements this year • Refine monitoring procedure of R-FEP students • Implement and monitor EL Services Plan

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