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Dr. Lynn Cominsky GLAST E/PO Lead

Section #11 Education and Public Outreach. Dr. Lynn Cominsky GLAST E/PO Lead. E/PO Program Requirements. From the OSS Implementation Plan: http://spacescience.nasa.gov/admin/pubs/edu/imp_plan.pdf

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Dr. Lynn Cominsky GLAST E/PO Lead

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  1. Section #11 Education and Public Outreach Dr. Lynn Cominsky GLAST E/PO Lead

  2. E/PO Program Requirements From the OSS Implementation Plan: http://spacescience.nasa.gov/admin/pubs/edu/imp_plan.pdf Plan to spend 1 to 2 percent of program’s total budget on education and the public understanding of science. (R1) Base educational products and activities on the criteria contained in the national Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education Standards (R2) Provide meaningful opportunities for underserved and underutilized groups (R3) Make materials widely available and easily accessible, using modern information and communication technologies where appropriate (R4) Involve scientists in ways that enhance OSS research goals (R5)

  3. E/PO Program Requirements • Enhance the breadth and effectiveness of partnerships among scientists, educators, contractors, and professional organizations (R6) by: • Focusing on high leverage opportunities, • Building on existing programs, institutions, and infrastructure, • Emphasizing collaborations with planetariums and science museums, • Coordinating with other ongoing education and outreach efforts: • Inside NASA, • Within other government agencies, • Involving the contractors in OSS’s education and public outreach programs. • Evaluate for quality, impact, and effectiveness. (R7) • Each E/PO Program must have a goal (R8)

  4. GLAST E/PO Program Goal We will utilize the observations and scientific discoveries of the GLAST mission to improve the understanding and utilization of science and mathematics concepts for grades 9-12. (R8) Central image from Active Galaxies poster

  5. E/PO Management • Reporting to SLAC Project Management - Weeklies & monthly • Reporting to GSFC Project Management - Monthly • Reporting to NASA OSS • EDCATS (activities and events) • Space Science Education Resource Directory (products) • Review participation (SEU, JOG, NAR, PDR, etc.) • Presentations and telecons for Science Working Group • Day to day supervision of E/PO staff at SSU • Schedule and budget management for SSU, GSFC • Integration of EPO efforts from IDS, MSFC, GSFC, UCSC & SSU • Science Education oversight for all EPO products and alignment with National Standards

  6. E/POEvaluation & Dissemination • Formative and summative evaluation by WestEd (R7) • Pre- and post-tests for workshops • Web-tracking and surveys • Use of workshop materials in classroom • WestEd also measures dissemination • NASA distribution channels • EPO site usage • Marketing by Videodiscovery, TOPS, PBS, etc. • Educator conferences • Subcontract with WestEd in place, workshop reviews are ongoing

  7. E/POWeb Based Materials • GLAST Outreach Web Site (R4) • http://glast.sonoma.edu • New format in Spring 2002 • EIT compliance is new requirement – in progress • Included on Exploring the Extreme Universe CD, Vol. 1 & 2

  8. E/POWeb Based Materials • Space Mysteries (2004-2005) (R4) • Originally funded by NASA’s LEARNERS program • Interactive web-based games that teach physical science and mathematics • Three mysteries are now in release • Two more will be developed with GLAST funds • http://mystery.sonoma.edu • Alien Bandstand • Live! From 2-Alpha • Starmarket

  9. E/PO Educator Training • California Science Teacher’s Association(R6) • Combined Swift and GLAST booth (10/01, 10/02, 10/03) • 750 GLAST EPO flyers distributed in SEU folders (10/01) • 1000 GLAST AGN posters distributed in SEU kits (10/02) • AGN workshop by Plait and Silva (10/03) • National Science Teacher’s Association(R6) • 2500 GLAST EPO flyers distributed in SEU folders (3/01) • 1500 AGN posters distributed in SEU kits (4/02) • 700 AGN posters in SEU kits at regional NSTA (7/02, 11/02) • TOPS workshop by Plait & EA Taylor (4/03) • Other workshops(R5, R6) • Gamma 2001 (4/01) (25 participants) (GSFC sponsored) • NASA Dryden (3/03) AGN workshop by Plait

  10. E/PO Educator Training • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics(R6) • 1000 GLAST flyers distributed in SEU folders (4/01) • 1000 GLAST AGN posters distributed in SEU kits (4/02) • TOPS workshop by Cominsky and EA Ford (4/03) • Other venues (R6) : • American Association of Physics Teachers • Poster at joint AAS/AAPT meeting (1/01) • 100 GLAST AGN posters in SEU kits (4/03) • AGN and TOPS workshop (4/03) • STANYS – 500 AGN posters in SEU kits (11/02) • 1200 AGN posters in SEU kits distributed by Educator Ambassadors • 900 AGN posters in SEU kits to OSS Broker/Facilitators

  11. E/PO Educator Training • MSFC-sponsored Workshop (R5, R6) • Hawaii July 2002 AAVSO Conference • Partially funded by GLAST EPO • Spear presented “Gamma rays and Blazars: more work for variable star observers” • AAVSO is now partner in GLAST Telescope Network • AAVSO members are encouraged to observe selected blazar fields, and to record their results in on-line database.

  12. E/PO Educator Training • GLAST Ambassadors Program (R3, R6) • Educator Ambassadors help us develop, test and disseminate GLAST E/PO materials. Chosen from national competition • Five GLAST (+2 Swift + 3 SEU) Educator Ambassadors trained at SSU during July 2002. Five more GLAST EAs will be selected in 2004. • Meet the GLAST Ambassadors: • Tim Brennan, Woodstock Union High School, Woodstock, Vermont • Teena Della, Terry Fox Secondary School, Coquitlam, British Columbia (Canada) • Michiel Ford, Holton High School, Holton, Kansas • Jason Smith, Challenger Center for Space Science Education in Alexandria, Virginia • Daryl Taylor, Williamstown High School, New Jersey • http://glast.sonoma.edu/ambassadors

  13. E/PO Educator Training • EAs at Workshops and Meetings in FY03 • 10/8/02 - EA Jason Smith presented a teacher training workshop in D.C. public schools for The Challenger Center's Journey through the Universe program, including a GLAST overview to about 90 teachers • 10/12/02 - EA Jason Smith presented a brief overview of GLAST at the World Space Congress in Houston, TX to about 30 teachers • 10/14/02 - EA Daryl Taylor presented GLAST material at the NJSTA Pre-Conference Workshop to ~50 teachers • 11/14/02 - EA Teena Della was the keynote speaker at a Quantum Leaps Career Workshop put on by SCWIST (Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology) at Capilano College in North Vancouver, BC • 11/16/02 - EA Daryl Taylor presented GLAST materials in a Gloucester County (NJ) Science Teacher's Workshop to about 75 teachers • 11/21/02 - EA Mike Ford presented GLAST materials to the Lions Club in Holton, Kansas to ~20 members, including 2 teachers • 11/24/02 - EA Teena Della spoke about GLAST at Alouette Elementary in Maple Ridge, BC to 3rd graders who built the model AGN and drew it from different perspectives

  14. E/PO Educator Training • EAs at Workshops and Meetings in FY03 (continued) • 1/14/03 - EA Jason Smith presented a GLAST Mission briefing and activity demo, for the Challenger Center of Greater Washington to 15-25 Virginia Middle school teachers • 2/14 & 2/21/03 - EA Teena Della will be giving a total of five teacher workshops entitled “NASA: Magic in the Classroom” at the Coquitlam Teacher Association and the Vancouver, BC teacher professional development days. • 2/24/03 -EA Jason Smith: Short GLAST Mission Overview and poster handout, for San Diego Journey Through the Universe Week • 2/13/03 – EA Daryl Taylor: 7th Annual Taylor Workshop at WHS, including GLAST material • 3/27/03 – Phil Plait and EA Daryl Taylor presented a TOPS workshop at National Science Teachers Association • 4/11/03 – Lynn Cominsky and EA Mike Ford presented a TOPS workshop at National Council for Teachers of Mathematics • 4/03 – EA Tim Brennan presented “Where particle physics meets orbiting astronomy: NASA’s GLAST Program” at the AAPT-regional meeting in Williamstown, MA

  15. E/PO Educator Training • Workshops and Meetings in 2003 (submitted) • 10/03 - EA Jason Smith will present The Gamma Ray Universe at the NSTA Eastern Regional in Louisville, Kentucky. • 10/03 –Lynn Cominsky and Sarah Silva will present AGN workshop at CSTA in Long Beach, CA • 11/03- EA Mike Ford will present Astronomy with GLAST, and the GLAST Telescope Network (GTN) at NSTA Mid-west Regional in Kansas City • 12/03 – Lynn Cominsky will present AGN activities at the NSTA Western Regional in Reno, NV • Learning at a Distance web site for EAs now up! • http://epo.sonoma.edu/eas_lad • 3/03: EA Daryl Taylor wins Internet Educator of the Year award!!

  16. E/PO Educator Training • Texas A&M University (Kingsville) (R3) • Hispanic Speaking Institution • Will hold a teacher training workshop in 2005 • UC Santa Cruz (R3, R5, R6) • GLAST Balloon flight with HS teachers • Tesla coil show at many venues • Summer program with HS teachers

  17. GLAST Exhibit Booth • Meets R5 and R6 • HEAD 11/00, 4/02 • AAS 1/01, 6/01, 1/02, 6/02, 1/03, 6/03 • Gamma 2001 4/01 • CSTA 10/01, 10/02 (with Swift) • NSTA SE 12/01 (with Swift) • AAPT 1/03 (with Swift) • AAPT-NCN 4/03 (with Swift)

  18. E/PO Printed Materials • TOPS Learning Systems (2002-2004) (R2) • 3 year subcontract: goal is three modules of lesson activities • First module of lesson activities now in print! • FAR OUT MATH - uses simple slide • rules to understand powers and logarithms • Next module: LEAPING LOGARITHMS! • TOPS has own dissemination channel • TOPS workshops given at NSTA • and NCTM in spring 2003 http://www.topscience.org/

  19. E/PO Printed Materials • Other printed materials (R2, R6)) • Active Galaxy Educator’s Guide now in printing process • Extensively field tested • 3 activities that use instructional design template developed with EAs • Building Perspectives on Active Galaxies • Zooming in on Active Galaxies • Light Travel Time and the Size of Active Galaxies • Active Galaxy poster printed • 10,000 distributed in SEU kits • 5,000 more will be printed with activity on back • Cosmic Journeys trading card game features • GLAST as one of five missions to build • 5000 decks printed • GLAST CDs – have entire E/PO website • NEW GLAST POSTER!!

  20. SLAC Virtual Visitor’s Center Interactive Gamma-ray exhibit will be added to http://www2.slac.stanford.edu/vvc/ in 2004 (R4, R6)

  21. PBS Television Special • PBS Television Special (2003-2005)(R4, R6) • Subcontract with Thomas Lucas now in place • Program outline now in development • Focus on GRBs and Black Holes • 1 – 2 hour program on PBS NOVA • 10:1 cost-sharing by NSF, PBS & others vs. GLAST • NSF proposal in the works for cost sharing, planetarium shows and educator’s guide • Will include Swift launch

  22. GLAST Telescope Network • Program objects are AGN and GRBs (R3, R4, R5, R6) • GTN website: http://glast.sonoma.edu/gtn • Is now self-starting • Has finding charts for each target object • Background information about robotic telescopes and active galaxies • SSU is designing archive for images • AAVSO will archive magnitudes from CCD observations • Other notable partners • Holton, KS Elk Creek Observatory • RCT (Western Kentucky University) See GTN white paper for more information

  23. GLAST Public Relations • Articles for HEAD newsletters • Press release coordination • “Giveaways” at science meetings • Silly putty egg balls • AGN flashlights • Magic cubes – in progress http://glast.sonoma.edu/cubeimages/cube.html • Cosmic Journeys trading cards and GLAST mission cards • GLAST video http://glast.sonoma.edu/resources/multimedia/glast_movie.html • GLAST public brochure http://glast.gsfc.nasa.gov/resources/brochures/trifold/ • New brochure in progress

  24. E/PO Summary • GLAST E/PO is exciting the public and students of all ages • We meet all requirements for NASA E/PO • We are on budget and moving ahead on all scheduled items • Over 3000 teachers have been trained in 20 states • GLAST E/PO materials are in the hands of over 10,000 teachers nationwide

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