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Culture of Quality Governance. Utah is committed to providing value to our citizens through consistently improving services we offer. We are continuing our focus on improving quality of life through many programs in education, economic development, and improving performance in government. .
Culture of Quality Governance Utah is committed to providing value to our citizens through consistently improving services we offer. We are continuing our focus on improving quality of life through many programs in education, economic development, and improving performance in government. . Governor Jon M. Huntsman
Culture of Quality Governance: Areas of Emphasis Strategic Leadership Analytical Framework Leadership Development Strategic Investment Innovative Results
Analytical Framework: Measuring for Performance If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. When performance is measured, performance improves. “What you measure is what you get. Senior executives understand that their organizations measurement system strongly affects the behavior of managers and employees.” -Kaplan and Norton What gets measured gets done.
Analytical Framework: The Balanced Scorecard “The Balanced Scorecard gives government organizations a tool to plan, communicate and drive new strategies to meet the needs of stakeholders, including constituents and legislators…[while] demonstrating accountability for program and organizational outcomes/results.” -Gartner-- Balanced Scorecard: Holistic View of Public-Sector Strategy, 2001
Analytical Framework: Why Use Balanced Scorecard? Why Scorecard? Translate strategy into action, making strategy everyone’s job. Manage the intangible assets e.g., customer loyalty, innovation, employee capabilities Meausre what matters - the critical few vs. the important many – in real time, not just after the fact Create a daily management system for the day-to-day navigation of the business To Scorecard Successfully Reach cross-functional agreement on strategic direction Translate strategy into “everyday speak” Understand the cause and effect of linkages between strategy/initiatives/processes Identify most important measures of success, critical strategic initiatives, and process drivers Set up “accountability contracts” across organization Cascade the Scorecard into the organization What You’ll Get Alignment and focus of the organization around a common purpose and strategic direction Improved resource prioritization and allocation Improved basis for business development and growth planning An ongoing feedback mechanism to make real-time, mid-course adjustments to priorities A set of balanced metrics “Now I understand how I contribute to the business strategy – and the bottom line.”
Analytical Framework: The Balanced Scorecard What is your mission? Management teams at department and division level discussion and agreement. What is your strategy for fulfilling mission? Reassess current strategy and identify areas of desired improvement or performance acceleration. How do you measure your performance? What must we do well? What can be measured? How will we use the information to make decisions?
Creating a Balanced Scorecard Confirm or develop strategy Filter metrics to ‘vital few’ Draft scorecards, targets & iterate Identify metrics xxx Improve Customer Service xxx First Draft Metrics xxx Strategy Increase Efficiency Measurable xxx Controllable Focused xxx Increase Productivity xxx Execute plan Communications Training Roles and Responsibilities Management Process IT Platform
Balanced Scorecard Step 1: Confirm Strategy and Primary Objectives • What processes are critical to our • success (efficiency, innovation, • learning, etc.)? • What are the critical dependences • and relationships among processes? • How must these be structured or • organized? • What actions and initiatives do we • take in light of the above? • - Who takes them? • How do we measure and manage • progress? • Who are our shareholders or stakeholders? • What do they expect from us? • What are our goals? • What actions and initiatives do we • take in light of the above? • - Who takes them? • - How do we measure and manage progress? Financial Balanced Scorecard from 30,000 Feet Internal Business Processes Balanced? Balanced? Customer Mission and Vision Balanced? Balanced? • Who are our customers? • - What do they value? • - What do we sell? • - What value propositions do • we offer? • - What is our brand image? • How do we establish, sustain, • and leverage client relationships? • What actions and initiatives do we • take in light of the above? • - Who takes them? • How do we measure and manage • progress? • What are our human capital issues and • requirements (skill mix, critical skills, • morale, motivation, training, • development, bench strength, etc.)? • What infrastructure resources are • critical to our success (tools, methods, • knowledge bases, labs, etc.)? • What organizational capital resources • are critical (structure, leadership, • culture, values, etc.)? • What actions and initiatives do we • take in light of the above? • - Who takes them? • How do we measure and manage • progress? Learning and Growth
Balanced Scorecard Step 2: Principles for choosing metrics Linked • KPIs must have strong and clear linkage with organization vision, strategy, and goals Individual metrics Controllable • KPIs must be owned by those who will be accountable Measurable • Must be measurable with available data that is easily trackable Balanced • KPIs must be balanced to include financial and non-financial metrics as well as leading and lagging metrics Set of metrics Focused • Performance should be assessed on the ‘vital few’, not the ‘trivial many’ KPIs Appropriate targets • Targets must be set appropriately so that they are stretch, but achievable; they should reviewed frequently Cascaded • Must cascade up/down so that achievement of lower level KPIs ensures company reaches its corporate goals Organizational entrenchment Buy In • Organizational buy-in is critical and requires that metrics and targets are accepted by each organization
Controllable Measurable Focused Mix Balanced Scorecard Step 3: Filter down to ‘vital few’ Initial set of metrics (50+ potential metrics) • Metric owner influences/controls outcome measured • Input data available, objective and comparable over time • Duplication and “non-priority” metrics removed • Leading and lagging financial and non-financial metrics ‘Vital Few’ (target <15 metrics per scorecard)
EXAMPLE Balanced ScorecardStep 4:Scorecard should be simple and high impact Current Last This Comments Trend Target Status Period Period Customer Principal satisfaction with initiatives 6.0 5.0 8.0 Parent satisfaction with counselors 6.0 7.0 7.0 Process Parent/teacher conference attendance 59% 58% 60% PA/PTA effectiveness Elementary and middle schools 8.0 8.0 8.0 High schools 7.0 9.0 11.0 PA/PTA involvement Elementary and middle schools 49% 49% 49% High schools 45% 45% 45% Parent Tracking response rate 49% 49% 49% Parent Tracking response time 30% 30% 30% # of communication channels 50% 50% 50% Town hall attendance 50% 50% 50% Communications effectiveness 6.0 6.0 6.0 Parents touched by counselors 49% 40% 60% Financial $ 31.00 $ 33.00 $ 35.00 Cost per parent 14.0 16.0 18.0 Budget variance Organization Parent advisory board utilization 30% 30% 30% Parent training involvement 20% 20% 20% Employee satisfaction 4.0 5.0 10.0 Real data has been removed
State of Utah Scorecard Template Department/Division Name Logo Period Mission Statement Metric Status Trend Target Current Previous Measured Definition Metric Category Metric Category Metric Category Footnotes Executive Director Contact Info
UDOT Performance Management UDOT’s Final Four Strategic Objectives Examples of Performance Measures
‘Key learnings’ from past balanced scorecard projects • Work to ensure you have the right objectives that are linked to mission/statute • Learn by doing: continue to refine objectives and metrics and replace as needed • Focus on the few metrics that will have the highest practical impact • Engage people from multiple levels of the organization in developing metrics to ensure buy-in • Organizational buy-in is critical • Engage IT professionals early on for help in collecting data • Don’t be afraid of red: the scorecard is your friend