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Lecture №9. Theme: National religion. PLAN: 1.Zaroastrizm.Zhizn and activities Zarathushtra. Avesta - the holy book of Zoroastrianism. 2.Vozniknovenie Judaism, its sources. 3.Induizm, his teachings and sources. 4.Konfutsianstvo, the teachings of Taoism. 5.Sintoizm.
Lecture №9 Theme: National religion
PLAN: 1.Zaroastrizm.Zhizn and activities Zarathushtra. Avesta - the holy book of Zoroastrianism. 2.Vozniknovenie Judaism, its sources. 3.Induizm, his teachings and sources. 4.Konfutsianstvo, the teachings of Taoism. 5.Sintoizm
Formation of means becoming national and state religions, membership of which is determined by membership in a given state.
National religions were formed and evolved in the making and the development of class society in a particular ethnic group. Beliefs and cult religions system reflected and reinforced the specific culture and life of a particular ethnic community, so they tend to not go up beyond a particular ethnic group.
Taoism Zoroastrianism National religions Shintoism Jainism Judaism Hinduism Sikhism
Zoroastrianism, the religion which spread in ancient times in the early Middle Ages in a numberof the Middle East
Religion was founded by Zarathushtra (about 1200 g.do BC. Oe.). Zoroaster, the Iranian translated as, Mounted yellow camel.
The main feature is the Zoroastrian dualism - recognized early two divine light, personified by the god of good Ahurumazda and dark, evil, personified evil god Angra Mainyu (Ahriman).
Modern Zoroastrians usually structured their faith as a 9 basics: - The belief in Ahura Mazda - "Wise Lord" as the good Creator. - Belief in the prophet Zoroaster, as the only Ahura Mazda, who pointed the way to humanity to righteousness and purity. - Belief in the existence of the spiritual world (mine) and two spirit (Holy and Evil), the choice between them depends the destiny of man in the spiritual world. - Belief in Ashu (Arta) - Primordial Law of righteousness and harmony established by Ahura Mazda, the maintenance of which shall be sent to the efforts of a man who has chosen the good. - Faith in human nature, which is based Daena (faith, conscience) and hratu (mind), which allows each person to distinguish good from evil.
- Faith in seven Ameshaspents the seven stages of development and disclosure of the human person. - Belief in Dadodahesh and Ashudad - that is, mutual aid, assistance to the needy, and the mutual support of the people. - Belief in the sanctity of the natural elements and wildlife as the creations of Ahura Mazda (fire, water, wind, earth, plants and animals) and the need to care for them. - Faith in Frasho-Keret (Farshkard) - eschatological miraculous transformation of life, the ultimate victory of Ahura Mazda and the expulsion of evil that come true thanks to the joint efforts of all the righteous people, led by Saoshyant - Saviour of the world.
"Vogu-Mano" "Ashnah-Vagishta" "Dr Hshatra" "Tarvatat", "Amrtat"... Ahuramazda God Prophet Spirits Zarathustrizm Zarathustra sacred writing Objects of worship Main Evil spirit Mounted yellow camel Avesta earth, fire, water, air Angra Magno Clear, Yashty, Vindevdat, Visperat, Small Avesta
monotheistic religion, the cult of Yahweh, the state religion of Israel From the Hebrew word "ischia" - designed to praise God Judaism The ideas of Judaism, outlined in the Ten Commandments, according to tradition bestowed by God on Mount Sinai (the thirteenth century. Up, n. E.) Through the prophet Moses. "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD" (Deuteronomy 6:4).
Symbols Menorah Star of David
Menorah, one of the symbols on the arms of the State of Israel Star of David, one of the symbols Jews, on the flag State of Israel
In religious studies to distinguish between three historical periods in the development of Judaism: • - Temple (in the period of the Temple in Jerusalem) • - Talmud (Room I - VI centuries. BC) • - Rabbinic Judaism (with VI. To present).
The basic ideas of Judaism set out in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17) 1. I, the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, from the house of 2. You shall have no other gods before me. Do not make yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above and the fact that on the earth beneath or in the waters under the earth. Do not bow down to them nor serve them: for I the Lord your God - a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. 3. Do not misuse the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not leave unpunished that taketh his name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all thy work: But the seventh day - Sabbath of the Lord thy God, do not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy 5. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days in the land which the Lord thy God will give thee. 6. Thou shalt not kill. 7. Do not commit adultery 8. Do not steal. 9. You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, do not desire your neighbor's wife, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his village, or anything that your neighbor
The commandments of which must be avoided: Bloodshed idolatry Desecration of God's name Debauchery and adultery Burglary Injustice and lawlessness Cruel, inhumane acts, in particular, the ill-treatment in animals
The holy book of Judaism - the Torah. The essence of the Torah: "Do not do the neighbor what does not want." Torah or Pentateuch, consists of the following parts: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, which is the most revered of the Bible in Israel. In III century began to develop the teachings of Judaism as a comment to the Bible - the Mishnah. Collection was made legal interpretations of biblical texts - Gemara. The Mishnah and Gemara comprise the Talmud.
Holidays (Moed) and the most common in the Jewish community orders and prohibitions (Mitzvot). The most important of them: - Shabbat (Saturday) - the stay and the prohibition of any activity; - Rosh Hashanah - the Jewish New Year; - Yom Kippur (day of Atonement), the daily post, symbolizing repentance of their sins; - Pesach (Passover) - a holiday, which marks the beginning of spring and the exodus of Israel from Egypt; - Shvuot and Sukkot - holidays devoted to harvesting, provides a set of rituals, symbolizing the religious and national unity of the Jews
- Simchat Torah (the joy of the Torah) - is celebrated on the occasion of the completion of the cycle of Torah reading in the synagogue; - Tisha B'Av-post tribulation and mourning for the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem - Chanukah - the holiday lighting candles to commemorate the liberation of the Temple in Jerusalem during the Maccabean revolt; - Purim - a holiday save the people of Israel from total destruction during the Babylonian captivity
Many Jews observe the rites of passage - circumcision of boys on the eighth day after birth, bar mitzvah ceremony and batmitsva, marking the entry into age respectively for boys and girls, as well as numerous rituals sanctifying marriage, death, and mourning for the deceased. Yet other numerous and onerous restrictions, rituals, fasting, food taboos and permits (kashrut) and other provisions of the Torah and the Talmud are observed only a few orthodox-minded Jewish believers
Moses God Yahweh Prophet Judaism Important Holidays Holy book The legal interpretation of biblical texts Saturday, Yom Kippur (Day purification), Easter (spring) Pentecost... "Thor" "Law" Pentateuch Talmud Genesis Exodus Levitt, The numbers Deuteronomy dilapidated Testament Gemara Mishnah 10 commandments
Hinduism - the religion that emerged in the Indian subcontinent. The historical name of Hinduism in Sanskrit - Sanatana-Dharma (Sanskrit सनातन धर्म, sanātana dharma), which means "eternal religion," "eternal way" or "eternal law."
Hinduism - this is the third in the number of followers of the religion in the world after Christianity and Islam. Hindus are more than 1 billion people, of whom about 950 million live in India and Nepal. Other countries in which the adherents of Hinduism form a significant part of the population, it is Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius, Fiji, Suriname, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, Canada and the USA.
In the second half of the XX century, Hinduism has spread beyond India, crossed national boundaries and gained a large following around the world. Widespread and have become familiar ideas such as karma, yoga and vegetarianism. Hinduism has its roots in the Vedic civilization, which is why it is called the world's oldest religion.
First predominantly religious Indian society are the Vedas (1500 prib.s 600 years. BC) Rig Veda (hymns to the gods), Samaveda (melodies, chants), Yajurveda (sacrificial formulas and sayings), Atharveda (conspiracy).
- Dharma - the moral and ethical duty ethical obligations. - Samsara - the cycle of birth and death, belief in reincarnation of the soul after death, the bodies of animals, humans, gods. - Karma - the belief that the order is determined by the rebirth of life committed by the acts and their consequences. - Moksha - liberation from the cycle of birth and death of samsara. The basis of the idea of a universal cosmic order -Rta. Dharma some impersonal law, which is in the things themselves, and events
Brahmanism (1000 year B.C.) produces a system of relations of the gods Shiva Brahma Vishnu
Hinduism Brahma the doctrine of reincarnation of souls (samsara) the root cause of the world and the creator of humanity... Vishnu Shiva appears as the guardian of world order and has many guises (avatars) Destroyer of the world
Honored as a sacred Cow, earth River Ganges Plant (Lotus)
The ultimate goal of spiritual practice is denoted by such terms as "Moksha", "nirvana" or "samadhi", and the various sects of Hinduism is understood in different ways: - The realization of his unity with God - Awareness of their eternal relationship with God and return to His abode - Achievements pure love of God - Awareness of the unity of all existence - Awareness of the true "I" - Achieve perfect peace - Complete freedom from material desires Reaching the ultimate goal of human existence, the individual is released from samsara, thus stopping the cycle of reincarnation.
Supreme Gods Brahma caste structure of society ("Varna") Brahmanism Vishnu Shiva Brahmins The origins Hinduism Kshatriyas Literature sources Vashj sacred worship Mahab- Kharatha Upani- Shads Ramayana Sudras Cow Sankhya Systems Plant (lotus) Snake Yoga Mimamsa Vaisesika River(Ganges) Vedanta Nyaya
The main temple gopuram Arunachaleshvary in Tiruvannamalai - one of the largest Hindu temples in the world.
Sunset over the Ganges in Mayapur. For millennia, Hindus worship the river Ganges and worship it in the form of its goddess personifying the Ganges.
One of the twelve gopuram Meenakshi Amman temple in Madurai, dedicated to Shiva and Parvati
The main temple gopuram of Vishnu Shrirangam - the largest Vaishnava temple in the world.
Image of four-armed form of Vishnu. The followers of the monotheistic traditions of Vaishnavism, which represent about 70% of the total number of Hindus worship Vishnu and his avatars, such as Krishna and Rama, as God in His various manifestations.
Buddha statue in the Mahabodhi temple, Bodh Gaya. Many followers of Hinduism worship Buddha as a picture of God.
Confucius (551-479 BC) - real name Kun-chi (Fu Kun-chi-kung teacher). "Chunqiu" ("Spring and Autumn") - the annals of Confucius The ethical system of Confucius says that everyone should have freedom of choice, and human nature, basically, without blemish The principle of "Ren" - "Do not do to others what you do not want to receive from others" The principles of Zhen-zhi The principle of "Lee" requires respect for elders, determines the relationship between fathers and son, ruler and subject, husband and wife, and also friends In the era of the Han Dynasty (206 AD. AD-220 AD), Confucianism became the state religion of China
Confucianism was declared sacred power of the ruler, granted sky, and the division of people into higher and lower (noble men and young fellows) a universal law
Confucianism declared the ruler of the sacred, heaven bestowed, and the division of people into higher and lower (noble men and young fellows), a universal law.
humanism Wisdom The main content of the teachings of the great virtues are 5 Braveness Faithfulnes respect for elders
Person isn’t for oneself But for society AcOH- Chasi lee Confucius (Koop-tzu) founder slogan Principals Confucianism general law justice General contest separation people five Great Virtue At the lower small fellows At the higher noble
Dao-cause of the universe and the ultimate goal. Dao absolute and the path that should be all around the world.
Taoist temple in the territory of Chang Chun (Eternal Spring) in Wuhan