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SEPTEMBER 23, 2009. In the previous session you…. Discussed the proper way of compiling a research bibliography Began writing the official Research Proposal. In this session we will…. Discuss one of the proper ways of citing sources Have a SW.
In the previous session you… • Discussed the proper way of compiling a research bibliography • Began writing the official Research Proposal
In this session we will… • Discuss one of the proper ways of citing sources • Have a SW
RESEARCH PAPER: COMPILING A RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY • MLA Method of Citation: • Can be applied for books, journal articles, and electronic/online resources
RESEARCH PAPER: COMPILING A RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY We need to do this so the reader • can verify our sources and feel secure that we have not plagiarized • will have a list of sources for further reading • can estimate the ‘value’ of our work based on range, timeliness, and reliability
RESEARCH PAPER: COMPILING A RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY The BEST SOURCES for any scholarly research are any products of, likewise, scholarly endeavors. • Scholarly Books, Journals, Vertical Files • Interviews, Reliable Surveys
RESEARCH PAPER: COMPILING A RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY Remember that you must look for a source to fit your objectives, focusing question or subordinate questions. DO NOT look for a source first then ask questions later.
RESEARCH PAPER: COMPILING A RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY Remember that there are TWO MAIN KINDS of sources: Primary:obtaining raw information (experiments, surveys, interviews) Secondary: documents/files written about the same topic (journal articles, books)
RESEARCH PAPER: COMPILING A RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY Remember that your paper’s value is directly proportional to the reliability of your sources. The better your sources, the better your paper will probably be (your analysis weighs heavily too).
RESEARCH PAPER: COMPILING A RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY You can find the MLA Citation rules on pages 174-188 of your textbook. We will practice this in the next session.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD BOOKS: First or single author's name is written last name, first name. The basic form for a book citation is: Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD Book with One Author • Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin Books, 1987. • Henley, Patricia. The Hummingbird House. Denver: MacMurray, 1999.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD Book with More Than One Author • First author name is written last name first; subsequent author names are written first name, last name. • Gillespie, Paula, and Neal Lerner. The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Peer Tutoring. Boston: Allyn, 2000.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD Book with More Than One Author • If there are more than three authors, you may list only the first author followed by the phrase et al. • Wysocki, Anne Frances, et al. Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of Composition. Logan, UT: Utah State UP, 2004.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD A Government Publication • Cite the author of the publication if the author is identified. Otherwise start with the name of the government, followed by the agency and any subdivision that served as the corporate author. • United States. Cong. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Hearing on the Geopolitics of Oil. 110th Cong., 1st sess. Washington: GPO, 2007.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD A Pamphlet • Cite the title and publication information for the pamphlet just as you would a book without an author. • Women's Health: Problems of the Digestive System. Washington: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2006. • Your Rights Under California Welfare Programs. Sacramento, CA: California Dept. of Social Services, 2007.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD Article in a Magazine • Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Periodical Day Month Year: pages. • Poniewozik, James. "TV Makes a Too-Close Call." Time 20 Nov. 2000: 70-71. • Buchman, Dana. "A Special Education." Good Housekeeping Mar. 2006: 143-8.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD Article from a Reference Book • Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Reference Book Year edition. • “Jamaica.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 1999 ed.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD Interview • Interviewee’s name. Personal Interview. Date. Year. • Pacquiao, Manny. Personal Interview. 1 July. 2009.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD A Page/Article on a Web Site • For an individual page on a Web site, list the author or alias if known, followed by the information covered above for entire Web sites. Make sure the URL points to the exact page you are referring to, or the entry or home page for a collection of pages you're referring to: • Stolley, Karl. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide." The OWL at Purdue. 10 May 2006. Purdue University Writing Lab. 12 May 2006 <http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01/>.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD An Article in an Online Scholarly Journal • Online scholarly journals are treated different from online magazines. First, you must include volume and issue information, when available. Also, some electronic journals and magazines provide paragraph or page numbers; again, include them if available. • Wheelis, Mark. "Investigating Disease Outbreaks Under a Protocol to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention." Emerging Infectious Diseases 6.6 (2000): 33 pars. 8 May 2006 <http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol6no6/wheelis.htm>.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD Article in a Database on CD-ROM • “Title of Article.” Name of Database. Format of Database. City/State/Country produced: Producer, Year. • "World War II." Encarta. CD-ROM. Seattle: Microsoft, 1999.
TASK: SW Directions: • Use MLA Citation to format the following hypothetical sources properly • Format: Size 1 • HPS: 10pts
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 1) A book entitled “Peaks and Valleys” and written by John Cruz. It was published in Manila by Anvil Publishing in 1999.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 2) A book entitled “Hoop Dreams” and written by Quinito Henson and Boom Gonzales. It was published in Manila by Summit Publications in 2006.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 3) The Philippine Statistical Yearbook of 1994, which was printed in Makati care of the National Statistical Coordination Board in 1994.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 4) A pamphlet from the Associate Principal for Student Affairs entitled “Discipline in the Classroom.” It was printed in Manila by the Ateneo de Manila University press in 2003.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 5) A magazine article (on pages 30-35) written by Ricky Lo entitled “Sharonians Rule!” It was found in the November 20, 2007 issue of YES! Magazine.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 6) An article found in the 2003 edition of Grolier’s Encyclopedia entitled “Manila.”
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 7) An interview of Bayani Fernando that was done on September 13, 2008.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 8) A web article written by Conrado De Quiros and entitled “Oh My Philippines.” It was posted on the Pinoy Panalo website on August 8, 2007 and retrieved on August 10, 2009. The site is owned by ABS-CBN. Its URL is http://www.pinoypanalo.com/articles/oh-my-philippines.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 9) An online journal article written by Mark Cruz entitled “People I Know” and was found in the Journal of Knowledge (Vol. 1 Issue 3, 2008) on pages 20-21. It was accessed on 31 October 2008. The URL is http://www.jok.org/vol1no3/people-i-know.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 10) An article from an Encarta 2008 CD-ROM that was produced in Seattle, Washington by Microsoft in 2007. The article’s title is “American Football.”
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD Cruz, John. “Peaks and Valleys.” Manila: Anvil Publishing, 1999. 1) A book entitled “Peaks and Valleys” and written by John Cruz. It was published in Manila by Anvil Publishing in 1999.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD Henson, Quinito and Boom Gonzales.“Hoop Dreams.” Manila: Summit Publications, 2006. 2) A book entitled “Hoop Dreams” and written by Quinito Henson and Boom Gonzales. It was published in Manila by Summit Publications in 2006.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD Philippines, Republic of the. The Philippine Statistical Yearbook of 1994. Makati: National Statistical Coordination Board, 1994. 3) The Philippine Statistical Yearbook of 1994, which was printed in Makati care of the National Statistical Coordination Board in 1994.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD Associate Principal for Student Affairs. Discipline in the Classroom. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University, 2003. 4) A pamphlet from the Associate Principal for Student Affairs entitled “Discipline in the Classroom.” It was printed in Manila by the Ateneo de Manila University press in 2003.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD Lo, Ricky. “Sharonians Rule!” YES! Magazine 20 Nov. 2007: 30-35. 5) A magazine article (on pages 30-35) written by Ricky Lo entitled “Sharonians Rule!” It was found in the November 20, 2007 issue of YES! Magazine.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 6) An article found in the 2003 edition of Grolier’s Encyclopedia entitled “Manila.”
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 7) An interview of Bayani Fernando that was done on September 13, 2008.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 8) A web article written by Conrado De Quiros and entitled “Oh My Philippines.” It was posted on the Pinoy Panalo website on August 8, 2007 and retrieved on August 10, 2009. The site is owned by ABS-CBN. Its URL is http://www.pinoypanalo.com/articles/oh-my-philippines.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 9) An online journal article written by Mark Cruz entitled “People I Know” and was found in the Journal of Knowledge (Vol. 1 Issue 3, 2008) on pages 20-21. It was accessed on 31 October 2008. The URL is http://www.jok.org/vol1no3/people-i-know.
RESEARCH PAPER: MLA CITATION METHOD 10) An article from an Encarta 2008 CD-ROM that was produced in Seattle, Washington by Microsoft in 2007. The article’s title is “American Football.”
ASSIGNMENT • Accomplish the Research Proposal Worksheet and complete it by citing your sources using the MLA Method!