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The Revolutionary War

The Revolutionary War. By: Alessandro Andromidas. What were the events that led to the development of the United States of America as an independent nation?. The French and Indian war

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The Revolutionary War

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  1. The Revolutionary War By: Alessandro Andromidas

  2. What were the events that led to the development of the United States of America as an independent nation? • The French and Indian war • The British had a war against the French and the Indians. The war lasted from 1754 to 1763. The British won and had the right to keep Canada and other places.

  3. Sugar Act • The 1764 Act put taxes on Sugar, Coffee, indigo, and other types of wine. This Act made other people frustrated and affected most of the population. • The Stamp Act • The people had to put a stamp or British seal on any newspaper, pamphlet and other public documents that cost money.

  4. Townshend Acts • This put taxes on glass, lead, paints, and tea. This is like the Sugar Act and Stamp Act. • Boston Massacre • One African-American got killed in the Boston massacre because people were throwing rocks and other stuff at the British. • The Tea Party • Americans dumped 342 boxes of tea in the Boston Harbor. Tea was boycotted through out the colonies. Charles Townshend

  5. First Continental Progress • 13 Colonies gathered up secretly to talk about the intolerable acts like the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, and the Townshend Act. They couldn’t let the king know that they were meeting.

  6. How were people affected by the journey to independence and self-rule? • Women: The women wanted to be equal with the men so they joined the army. At the end of the war, the women still couldn’t vote, be President and other stuff. • Slaves: They didn’t have any chance of freedom. The king let them be soldiers and most of the slaves accepted. After, the Northern and the Southern had a discussion and made a new law. Slaves had to stay slaves for 20 more years and they would be free. • Native Americans: Some fought for the British and some fought for the Americans. That caused there own civil war. Many lost their homes.

  7. Why were the rights, common good and sacrifice essential to the birth of the new nation? • The right that all men are created equal is important because it is fair for everyone and that is what the US wanted: fairness. • Life is important because that you way can explore places and learn and you don’t live only how the king wants you to live. • Liberty is important because it is the right to live the life you want to live, under the law.

  8. Sacrifices were important because many people sacrificed their lives for the independence of this country. If there were no sacrifices, we wouldn’t be free and we would still be following the king’s orders. The sacrifices others made for us makes us feel thankful for what they have done and for what we have.

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