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ASYCUDA Overview

ASYCUDA Overview. … a summary of the objectives of ASYCUDA implementation projects and features of the software for the Customs computer system. ASYCUDA ++. ASYCUDA ++ is a computer program developed by UNCTAD as a Customs automatic data processing system.

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ASYCUDA Overview

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  1. ASYCUDA Overview … a summary of the objectives of ASYCUDA implementation projects and features of the software for the Customs computer system.

  2. ASYCUDA++ ASYCUDA++ is a computer program developed by UNCTAD as a Customs automatic data processing system. ASYCUDA was developed in the interests of facilitating international trade and so assist economic development. The reliance of national revenue on the collection of duties and taxes, and accurate trade statistics, is a strong incentive for the introduction of computers to Customs.

  3. ASYCUDA++ …. however, technology is only a part solution to trade facilitation issues. Many problems experienced by countries are partly the result of inefficient or complex Customs procedures and documentary requirements. In implementing ASYCUDA UNCTAD encourages the adoptionof new procedures and concepts.

  4. Objectives ASYCUDA++ UNCTAD’s objective is simply that the country obtains the maximum possible benefit from the implementation of ASYCUDA by: - • Meeting the country’s own national objectives; and • Achieving trade facilitation through standardisation and simplification.

  5. ASYCUDA++ In implementing a major project such as ASYCUDA, there are many factors critical to success. Effective computer software is an essential component, but other contributing factors are of equal importance…

  6. ASYCUDA++ Government & Management Support Project Management And Technical Skills Facilities and Equipment ASYCUDA++ Software

  7. All components are essential for the complete success of an ASYCUDA Implementation Project. ASYCUDA++ • Visible support by all levels of the National Administration. • Skills in Project Management, Information Technology and modern Customs control methods. • Suitable infrastructure, including office facilities and equipment. • Effective and flexible Customs software, such as ASYCUDA++.

  8. Management Support ASYCUDA++ Management support means that a high level commitment is needed to see that: - • Adequate human and material resources are allocated to support both implementation and long term operations under new procedures. • Any necessary legislative changes are supported and promptly introduced, to allow for new procedures.

  9. Management Support ASYCUDA++ Changing to new processing methods often means that fundamental changes to organisational structures are needed. Changes mean that new skills are required and staff will need training for new levels of responsibility.

  10. Project Management ASYCUDA++ The task of the Project Management Team is to ensure effective implementation by linking the Project Objectives to the Government and Customs strategies. • Skills transfer is an important part of any Project: - • Technical expertise in Information Technology; • Modern Customs management techniques; and • Project management skills

  11. Project Management ASYCUDA++ The final design and set up of the system to meet national requirements is done by the national team, who are usually regular Customs staff. The team is also responsible for the procedural changes, local training and implementation. This is done following training and with the advice and guidance of the Project Experts.

  12. Project Management ASYCUDA++ Project managementmethodology, quality controls and documentationstandards are the responsibility ofProject Management. Through training and skills transfer the national team will learn and do much of the work in the implementation. System Sustainability is the key objective!

  13. Facilities and Equipment ASYCUDA++ The introduction of computers means more than just hardware purchase and installation. Major works are frequently needed at office installation sites. The provision of communications facilities and changes to office layouts (to accommodate new processes) are often the cause of project delays – if not allowed for in the planning process.

  14. Facilities and Equipment ASYCUDA++ An incidental but very significant benefit of process change and the adoption of automatic data processing is the improvement in facilities and the working environment of the staff.

  15. ASYCUDA++ Objectives ASYCUDA++ A computer system for: • Customs Control • Duty and tax collection • Accurate trade statistics - by using and producing information and data

  16. Using and producing.. Information or Data ASYCUDA++ ASYCUDA information or data sources include: - • Laws, regulations and policies, of Customs and other agencies • Commercial sources - industry and trade • Customs records and intelligence gathering operations

  17. 1. Laws and Policies Information or Data The system uses or provides information on: - • Restrictions, prohibitions • National tax regimes • Concessions, exemptions • Customs procedures and controls Advisory information is made easily accessible to staff and traders

  18. 2. Commercial Data Information or Data Commercial data or information is received from: - • Traders (importers and exporters) • Customs brokers/agents • Carriers, transport companies • Port and airport authorities

  19. 3. Customs Sources Information or Data ASYCUDA assists Customs Administrations in collecting, analysing and using information from: - • External intelligence sources, such as industry information and from the public • Inspection reporting; risk measurement procedures and selective examinations • Database analysis • Management information systems; audit activities

  20. Customs Controls ASYCUDA provides data validation and security: • Consistency checking of Customs declarations • International standard data codes • Checks using acceptable unit value range comparisons • Full selectivity and profiling options • Integrity of data storage and transaction details

  21. Duty & Tax Collection Flexible and reliable tax calculation mechanisms • Easy to set up for any tax situation • Record full details of duties forgone through concessions and relief schemes • Simple updates and maintenance • Fully integrated with cashier and accounting

  22. Trade Statistics ASYCUDA++collects and stores complete data for national statistics: - • Standard report formats for quick response to data extraction requests • Flexible: data downloadable to PC databases for sorting and reporting • SQL query for routine reporting • Data security

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