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Welcome to Our Community. Before we can really hear our students, we have to know where they come from. This is How We Really Live. If our students are worried about life at home, how can they concentrate at school?. 20% of us do not have enough money for the things we need.
Welcome to Our Community Before we can really hear our students, we have to know where they come from.
This is How We Really Live If our students are worried about life at home, how can they concentrate at school? 20% of us do not have enough money for the things we need. Some of us have to care for younger siblings every evening so our parent(s) can work. When asked if having more money would make us happier, many of us replied that money makes everything better, but that is because more money would provide necessary provisions like food, clothes, and a place to live, which in turn make life happier. Here are a few ways we feel our relationships effect our school day. “It can be negative if I have a bad morning but if I have a good morning than I usually have a good day.” “Both, like if my family sat down and watched a movie together I might go to school happy, but if I got into a fight with my brother I would go to school feeling guilty.” “Both positive and negative, If I have family problems in school… they will affect my feeling during the day. If it is positive I am excited all day.”
What We Believe Religion, politics, and morality are important in the lives of students. 81% of us think every vote counts and 84% of us would vote if we were old enough. 45 % of us discuss politics at home. 26 % of us discuss politics with our friends. 86% of us think religion is important. 70% of us discuss religion with our families. 59% of us discuss religion with our friends.
This is How We Spend Our Time If we know what students like, it will be easier to make classes fun as well as educational. * Playing sports *Hanging out with family and friends *Reading *Music – Playing musical instruments *TV – Video Games – Movies *Church activities *Using the computer *Drawing – Art
Check Out Our Fads and Fashion Everyone feels the need to fit in. If we understand their world we can help struggling students.
What We Think About Health and Nutrition For young adolescents to truly succeed, they require a healthy diet and exercise.
What is Important To Us Knowing little, seeming unimportant, things goes a long way in building relationships. 96% of us think a quality education is important. 68 % of us download our music. 96% of us plan to go to college. 78% of us recycle.
Family Life is Important to Us Young adolescents still depend on their families for support and guidance. 300 out of 322 of us rely on our parents or guardians to cook for us. Be respectful, courteous, honest, caring, polite, stay in school, don’t do drugs, obey school rules, and respect authority figures are some of our most important family rules.
Friends are Important to Us As Well We should never forget how import social skill development is for the future of our students.
Our Favorite Lingo Understanding students’ lingo will help keep misunderstandings at bay. Trippin’! Dude! My Bad! Bazinga! Yo’ bro’, waz up? Bitchin’!
We Want To Learn Young adolescents are curious by nature. It is up to us to cultivate that curiosity in constructive ways. • Health professional: Doctor, Nurse, Vet • Math • Social Studies – History • Science • Electronics • Speak a foreign language • Computers • Cooking • Finances • Fly a plane
What We Would Like to See Change If you ask students questions, their answers might surprise you. School Lunch More Clubs Dress Code Schedule Times Locker Placement
Sources Cites Most information was gained from surveys created by our group. You can find the original summaries at http://www.clinecustomcreations.com/School-Stuff/Survey/Survey_Index.htmland the responses at http://www.clinecustomcreations.com/School-Stuff/Survey/Survey_Responses_Index.html. Movoto. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.movoto.com/public-schools/nc/hickory/middle/370069000283-harry-m-arndt-middle-school/3350-34th-street-dr-ne.htm City-data.com. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.city-data.com/county/religion/Catawba-County-NC.html