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IBM Emptoris Supplier Lifecycle Management Training Material - Qualification

IBM Emptoris Supplier Lifecycle Management Training Material - Qualification. Stefanie Schori – August 2013. Table of Content. Question Pool Questionnaires Template Registration Template Assessment Requirements Notifications Types Languages Answer Types. Version Control.

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IBM Emptoris Supplier Lifecycle Management Training Material - Qualification

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  1. IBM Emptoris Supplier Lifecycle Management Training Material - Qualification Stefanie Schori– August 2013

  2. Table of Content • Question Pool • Questionnaires • Template Registration • Template Assessment • Requirements • Notifications • Types • Languages • Answer Types

  3. Version Control

  4. Qualification Configuration Elements • Notifications • Type: • Workflow • Notifications • Scope Single Qualifcation Single Qualifcation Single Qualifcation Single Qualifcation Single Qualifcation Single Qualifcation Single Qualifcation • Template • Postfunctions • Participants Answer Types • Question Pool • Chapters • Questions • Questionnaire • Chapters • Questions • Auto Release • Dependencies Qualification Series

  5. 1. Question Pool – Overview 1 All configuration items are located under the configuration menu within each module

  6. 1. Question Pool – Create a Chapter 1 Chapters are used for 2 different purposes: As structure element in the question pool and as structure element in questionnaires. Click the „New“- Button and choose „New chapter“

  7. 1. Question Pool – Create a Chapter 2 1 3 4 „Title“ is the actual chapter name A chapter structure can be set up for a multiple level hierarchy. Connect a sub-chapter to its parent by typing in the name of the parent or search it over the selection button. If this chapter is only applicable for a specific category or organization it can be scoped in this section. Click „Save“ when all information have been filled in.

  8. 1. Question Pool – Create a Chapter 1 Click „Release“-Button to make chapter available for questionnaires.

  9. 1. Question Pool – Create a Chapter 1 After releasing the button changes to „Create new version“. To be able to edit this chapter again, click this button. From the moment when editing is finished and released all changes are active in all future questionnaires where the this chapter is used. This „Versioning-Methodology“ applies to almost all configuration items in our software.

  10. 1. Question Pool – Create a Question 1 Every question needs to be added first to the question pool before it can be added to a questionnaire. Click „New“- Button to create a new question.

  11. 1. Question Pool – Answer Types 2 1 3 „Title“ reflects the actual question which will be visible in a questionnaire later Type in the chapter name or use search function for assigning this question to a specific chapter. This helps to keep the question pool structured and organized. (The chapter structure has no effect on a questionnaire later) „Answer type“ defines which layout the question has (Character field, number field, radio buttons...), choose from the dropdown list your applicable type and move on. Answer types in the red box are default answer types and will be explained on the following slides. All answer types below are configured answer types which will be explained in Chapter 9. Answer Types

  12. 1. Question Pool – Create Character Question 1 2 3 „Text after question“ can be used for questions after a number value in percentage or a specific currency. For example question „Please state you turnover from last year“, text after question could be „Dollar“ or „Euro“. „Description“- field can be used for additional information regarding this particular question. This text is visible underneath the question and answer field.

  13. 1. Question Pool - Create Character Question 1 2 Within „Answer consequenses“scores can be assigned to specific answers (to be able to create approvals or auto-releases on questionnaires) or a „critical mark“ can be assigned to highlight critical answers for a reviewer. Click on „Add“ to create a new answer consequence for an answer.

  14. 1. Question Pool - Create Character Question 1 2 “Questions dependencies“ triggers the branching logic between different questions. That means a question (mother) can make a second question (child) visible based on an answer of the first question. Click on “Add“ to create a new dependency. See “Dependencies“ on the next slide.

  15. Question Pool – Dependencies 1 Type in the question title or search for the question which triggers the dependency (Mother) by using the selection button. Select the answer which should trigger the child question Click “Save & Close” If more then one dependencies need to be set up, the „Dependency rule“ defines the logic if all or at least one needs to be true to show the hidden question. After saving all dependencies are visible in the table 2 3 4 5

  16. 1. Question Pool 1 After saving, the question configuration needs to be released to be able to assign it to a questionnaire. The next slides explain all different standard answer types. The first screenshot is always reflectshow the answer type looks like in a questionnaire and the second screenshot shows the answer type-specific configuration settings.

  17. 1. Question Pool • Single line text field 1 3 2 4 Limit the number of maximum characters with this field. If there are multiple answers possible to this single question, the checkbox can be activated. By using a “Regular Expression” additional logic can be added to a character field, e.g. check if an email address contains an “@” symbol. Regular Expressions following the wiki-style concept. With „Field length“ the size of a text field can be visually shortend. Per default a text field fits across the entire width of the questionnaire, to make the field shorter e.g. For a ZIP- Code a „Field length“ of 25% (as example) can be applied.

  18. 1. Question Pool • Multi line text field 1 The difference between an single line text field and a multi line field is defined by the “Presentment style” setting.

  19. 1. Question Pool • Number field 1 2 3 Define min and max values for a number field, per default a field allows every number no matter how long. Define how many decimals are requested See next slide

  20. 1. Question Pool • Number field with roll over 1 The “Roll over” sets a generic logic how many past or future answers are requested for a specific question. Example “Please state your past growth rates and the a forecast for next year”.

  21. 1. Question Pool • Set of possible answer – Radio Buttons 1 2 All answer types with different answer choices are covered under the type “Set of possible answers”. The detailed configuration defines the actual answer type. Define all answer choices by clicking “Add” in the “Answer choices”- table Choose “Radio buttons” as “Presentment style”

  22. 1. Question Pool • Set of possible answers – Drop Down List 1 2 Define all answer choices by clicking “Add” in the “Answer choices”- table Choose “Dropdown” as “Presentment style”

  23. 1. Question Pool • Set of possible answers – Checkbox 1 3 2 4 • Define all answer choices by clicking “Add” in the “Answer choices”- table • Check box “Allow multiple answers” • Define minium number of answers (0 = non mandatory, >1 = mandatory) and maximum number of answers. IMPORTANTthis setting can not be changed later. The question needs to be replaced if a change needs to be applied. (Use copy question setting) • Choose “Check boxes” as “Presentment style”

  24. 1. Question Pool • Set of possible answers - Listbox 1 3 2 4 • Define all answer choices by clicking “Add” in the “Answer choices”- table • Check box “Allow multiple answers” • Define minium number of answers (0 = non mandatory, >1 = mandatory) and maximum number of answers. IMPORTANTthis setting can not be changed later anymore. The question needs to be replaced if a change needs to be applied. (Use copy question setting) • Choose “List box” as “Presentment style”

  25. 1. Question Pool • Date 1 2 Check box if future dates are allowed (e.g. For question after expiration dates of certificates), otherwise it allows per default only past dates. Define if the field length should be shorter. First Screenshots reflects default setting.

  26. 1. Question Pool • Entity – Single Selection 1 2 • Master Data tables can be configured as so called “Entity” answer types to let recall these table entries as selection for the questionnaire respondent. • Select your Entity in the drop down list “Object type” • Define if the field length should be shorter. First Screenshots reflects default setting.

  27. 1. Question Pool • Entity Selection: Multi Selection 1 3 2 • Define which Entity in “Object type” • Check box “Allow multiple answers” • Define minium number of answers (0 = non mandatory, >1 = mandatory) and maximum number of answers. IMPORTANTthis setting can not be changed later anymore. The question needs to be replaced if a change needs to be applied. (Use copy question setting)

  28. 1. Question Pool • Attachment 2 1 • Check box “Allow multiple answers” if multiple answers are allowed • Define minium number of answers (0 = non mandatory, >1 = mandatory) and maximum number of answers. IMPORTANTthis setting can not be changed later anymore. The question needs to be replaced if a change needs to be applied. (Use copy question setting)

  29. 2. Questionnaires 1 After all questions are configured, a questionnaire can be created. 1. Click on “New” button to create a new questionnaire.

  30. 2. Questionnaires 2 1 3 Define questionnaire name in “Title” field. “ID” is prepopulated by the application but can be changed manually if needed. Recommendation: do not connect a type to a questionaire. Only makes sense when a high number of types and questionnaires exists in the application, to avoid wrong questionnaire – types combinations in templates Scope a questionnaire if it is only designed for a specific category or organization.

  31. 2. Questionnaires 1 2 3 4 Depending on the later workflow, define “Internal and external usage” An automatic release can be activated by checking the box “Use auto release” and providing the score range of a questionnaire. Prerequisite: Scores defined in question answers (see Answer consequences) Choose preferred “Layout“ Save all settings and move on to next section “Questionnaire Layout”

  32. 2. Questionnaires 1 Set up the “Chapter” Structure first by clicking “Add chapter”

  33. 2. Questionnaires 1 2 Type in “Chapter” Field to search for chapters or use the selection button. Define Visibility for this Chapter. Important: Chapter do not overwrite questionnaire or question settings. All settings need to fit to the overall usage of the questionnaire, otherwise a questionnaire can not be saved. Move on until chapter structure is completed.

  34. 2. Questionnaires 1 Expand the chapter view and click on “Add question” to assign question to this specific chapter.

  35. 2. Questionnaires 1 2 3 4 Type in the question name or use selection button to search for the question Check box to make a question “Mandatory” Important: This does not overrule settings from question pool if in a question was already stated that minimum one answer need to be provided (e.g. for a “check box” type of question) Field ownership with “Editable for” The preconfigured layout of a question could be changed here. Recommendation: To keep maintenance easy, use question pool layout. Add all questions for this chapter and save.

  36. 2. Questionnaires 1 2 After saving the question will be visible in assigned chapter. Question order can be changed by dragging & dropping. For editing click on the “Wrench” symbol. If more structure is needed in a chapter click on “Add style element”

  37. 2. Questionnaires 1 A style element can be a Divider, a headline, an empty line or questionnaire specific text. Choose applicable “Style element” and define visibility. Add all required style element for this chapter and save.

  38. 2. Questionnaires 1 Inserted style elements are highlighted with a green background color. Change order via dragging & dropping. Edit style element by clicking on the “wrench” symbol Save „Questionnaire Layout“ section when all chapters, questions and style elements are inserted.

  39. 2. Questionnaires 1 To make a questionnaire active for usage, click on “Release”. For all edit after the first release click on “Create new version” button to be able to edit again.

  40. 3. Template Registrations 1 Click on „New“ to create a new registration template.

  41. 3. Template Registrations 1 2 The registration template name is defined by “Title”, associate applicable “Type” to this template and define which “Questionnaire” should be used for that template. Check “Active” to make this template available.

  42. 3. Template Registrations 1 Under the section “Redirect Pages” messages can be defined or redirections for different registration workflow stages.

  43. 3. Template Registrations 1 • For all cases it can be either a text be defined or an URL to forward the user in case of • Finished a task • Canceled a task • An error occurs

  44. 3. Template Registrations 1 “Post functions” are actions which can be triggered based on the answers of a questionnaire to trigger e.g. Additional questionnaires.

  45. 3. Template Registrations 1 Click on “Add” to create a new post function.

  46. 3. Template Registrations 1 2 3 4 Triggers can be workflow events like “on finish internal” which means that a defined post function starts after that workflow step. Post functions can be triggered based on conditions like specific answers of questions. In case of using more then one condition please define a “Dependency rule” if all conditions need to be true or at least one. Multiple “Action types” are possible. See next slide for an example and table of possible actions. Based on selected action, applicable action options will be available in drop down.

  47. 3. Template Registrations 1 This is an example of a post function, which creates after clearing a series of the “Self Assessment” template in every case. See on next slide all possible options for registration template post functions.

  48. Post Functions – Registration Templates

  49. 3. Template Registrations 1 Next section is “Participants” which will prepopulate users within all workflows where this template is used.

  50. 3. Template Registrations 1 2 In this section all assigned users are listed with their process roles. Each column reflects a different process role. This list of participants defines the default users which are included every time Click on “Add” to assign more participants

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