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Pleural Effusions. Mechanisms of accumulation:1-Increase in entry rate normal entry rate(0.01mL/kg/hr;around 16.8mL/day for a 70kg patient).2-Decrease in exit rate exit rate can increase to 0.28mL/kg/hr. Pleural Effusions Increased Fluid Entry. 1-Increase in microvascular pressure.2-Decr
1. Diseases of the pleura J. Tavares,MD,FACP,FCCP,FAASM
2. Pleural Effusions Mechanisms of accumulation:
1-Increase in entry rate
normal entry rate(0.01mL/kg/hr;around 16.8mL/day for a 70kg patient).
2-Decrease in exit rate
exit rate can increase to 0.28mL/kg/hr
3. Pleural EffusionsIncreased Fluid Entry 1-Increase in microvascular pressure.
2-Decrease in pleural pressure(atelectasis)
3-Decrease in plasma oncotic pressure
4-Increase in permeability
5. Pleural EffusionsDecreased Fluid Exit 1-Interference with the ability of the lymphatics to contract
2-Inhibition of lymphatic function
a)-phrenic nerve paralysis,atelectasis,granulomas,etc
6. Pleural EffusionsEvaluation 1-History:
Typically asymptomatic:
Nephrotic syndrome
Rheumatoid effusion
Yellow nail syndrome
Trapped lung
7. Pleural effusionsEvaluation 1-History
Typically symptomatic
Bacterial pneumonia
carcinomatous effusion
Lupus pleuritis
Pulmonary embolism
8. Pleural EffusionEvaluation 2-Physical examination
normal if fluid volume is less than 250mL
Around 500mL: dullness to percussion, decreased fremitus and decreased intensity of the sounds.
>1000mL:egophony(E to A change) at the upper level of the effusion.
9. Pleural EffusionEvaluation 3-Radiology
Isolated pleural effusion:
a)TB,Lupus,Metastatic cancer
b)Massive effusion with contralateral shift(carcinoma,usually a nonlung primary)
c)Massive without contralateral shift(lung cancer of the ipsilateral main stem or mesothelioma)
13. Pleural EffusionEvaluation 4-Pleural fluid analysis
Virtually all patients with newly discovered pleural effusions should have thoracenthesis.
Exception: typical CHF patient(but,if fever,pleuritic chest pain,unilateral effusion or left effusion greater than right:TAP)
14. Pleural EffusionEvaluation 4-Pleural fluid analysis( ? How useful)
a-definitive diagnosis: 25% patients
b-presumptive diagnosis:additional 50% pts
c-excludes other causes:15% of patients.
19. Pleural EffusionEvaluation 4-Pleural fluid analysis
black(aspergillus niger)
brown(amoebic liver)
20. Pleural EffusionEvaluation 4-Pleural fluid analysis
b)Total protein and LDH
fluid prot/serum prot>0.5
fluid LDH/serum LDH>0.67
Sensitivity of 98% and specificity of 74%
Total protein>7.0:waldenstrom macrogl,MM
21. Pleural Effusion Evaluation 4-Pleural fluid analysis
c)pH<7.30: empyema,rheumatoid pleurisy
d)-glucose fluid/serum<0.5
TG>110mg/dL: likely chylothorax
f)Adenosine deaminase:>50U/L in TB
22. Pleural EffusionManagement Malignant pleural effusions
median survival after recognition: 4 months
A-repeated thoracenthesis
B-Long term pleural catheter
25. Pleural EffusionManagement Trapped Lung
b)Thoracenthesis if symptomatic
28. PneumothoraxManagement A-Primary spontaneous pneumothorax
7.4/100,000/yr in men in the US(37UK)
1.2 /100,000/yr in women in the US(15.4UK
Risk factors:smoking,Marfan,Family Hx,homocystinuria,thoracic endometriosis.
Smoking:in 505 patients with PSP,91% were smokers.
29. PneumothoraxManagement A-Primary spontaneous pneumothorax
<2 to 3 cm(20%):02 supplement/observation
>3cm or symptomatic:needle aspiration.
failed aspiration: chest tube and consider thoracoscopy.
Unstable patients:Chest tube insertion.
30. PneumothoraxManagement Supplemental oxygen:
Normal resorption is 1.25%/hr
100% oxygen: 12.5%/hr
VATS pleurodesis
31. PneumothoraxManagement B-Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax
All patients shoul be hospitalized
<2cm and stable: observe
>2cm or unstable:chest tube
32. Pneumothorax Management C-Air travel
Boyle’s law:volume inversely proportional to pressure.
1-No fly if current pneumothorax or congenital pulmonary cysts
2-avoid flying during COPD exacerbations
3-iatrogenic pneumothorax in normal lungs:ok to fly 4 to 6 weeks after resolution of PTX
4-may be contraindicated: spont.PTX,bullous emphysema.