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Group Questions

Group Questions. What do you know about Islam? See how many facts, beliefs, or practices you can list about this major world religion. How many Muslims do you think there are in the World? In the USA? What areas of the world have the largest Muslim populations?. ISLAM in The World.

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Group Questions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Group Questions What do you know about Islam? See how many facts, beliefs, or practices you can list about this major world religion. How many Muslims do you think there are in the World? In the USA? What areas of the world have the largest Muslim populations?

  2. ISLAM in The World ~ 1.5 Billion Worldwide ~ 1.5 Million USA (frequently claimed to be 7 million)

  3. ISLAM

  4. ISLAM • FOUNDER • Muhammad(570?-632) • Main sects: Sunni, Shi’ite

  5. ISLAM • FOUNDER • Muhammad(570?-632) • Main sects: Sunni, Shi’ite DATE • About AD 610, in MECCA and MEDINA LOCATION • Centered in Mecca, Saudi Arabia Muhammad (left) and the angel Gabriel

  6. ISLAM • FOUNDER • Muhammad(570?-632) • Born -> A.D. 570 • First Vision -> A.D. 610 • Main Message • There is only one God • Human beings are obligated to submit to God’s will • There will be a day of judgement & people will be judged on whether or not they obeyed God.

  7. Kaaba

  8. ISLAM “Submission to God”

  9. ISLAM • FOUNDER • Muhammad(570?-632) • Born -> A.D. 570 • First Vision -> A.D. 610 • Hijrah-> A.D. 622

  10. Muslim Calendar Year 1436 A.H. will begin Oct. 25, 2014 Year 1437 A.H. will begin Oct. 15, 2015

  11. ISLAM • FOUNDER • Muhammad(570?-632) • Born -> A.D. 570 • First Vision -> A.D. 610 • Hijrah-> A.D. 622 • Died -> A.D. 632

  12. Qur’an (Koran) was revealed to Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel. ISLAM KEY WRITINGS • In principle, no translation is regarded as conveying the exact meaning of the original; although a few translations are considered acceptable, non-Arabic speaking Muslims are encouraged to learn Arabic.

  13. HADITH(Muhammad’s words and deeds) ISLAM KEY WRITINGS • Biblical Law of Moses, Psalms, and Gospel of Jesus (the Injil) are accepted by Qur’an, but Muslim scholars teach the Jews and Christians have corrupted these original revelations.

  14. ISLAM • 5 Pillars of Islam: • Confessingthat Allah is the one true God and that Muhammad is his prophet. • Prayingfive times daily facing Mecca. • Givingalms (money).

  15. ISLAM • 5 Pillars of Islam: • Fastingduring the month of Ramadan. • Making Pilgrimageto Mecca (once in a lifetime).

  16. Jacob Neusner Falling into the hands of someone who has never seen this document before, the Mishna must cause puzzlement. From the first line to the last, discourse takes up questions internal to a system that is never introduced. The Mishna provides information without establishing context…

  17. Jacob Neusner Falling into the hands of someone who has never seen this document before, the Mishna must cause puzzlement. From the first line to the last, discourse takes up questions internal to a system that is never introduced. The Mishna provides information without establishing context…

  18. Kba Consists largely of detailed and strenuously argued disagreements on the meaning and validity of both Mishnaic and biblical laws.

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