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In pursuit of Interoperability

In pursuit of Interoperability. Philippe COUSIN Interoperability Service Manager Milan ZORIC ETSI PTCC (Protocol and Testing Competence Centre). RFID and Telecommunications Workshop 25 May 2004. About ETSI. European Telecommunications Standards Institute Sophia Antipolis, France

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In pursuit of Interoperability

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  1. In pursuit of Interoperability Philippe COUSIN Interoperability Service Manager Milan ZORIC ETSI PTCC (Protocol and Testing Competence Centre) RFID and Telecommunications Workshop 25 May 2004

  2. About ETSI • European Telecommunications Standards Institute • Sophia Antipolis, France • Develops a wide range of specifications as Europe’s contribution to world-wide standardization of telecommunications and associated domains • Approx. 800 Members, 5000 experts • Successful ETSI technologies include • GSM, 3G UMTS, TIPHON (VoIP), DECT, TETRA, IN, ISDN (and B-ISDN), OSA etc. • Visit our website: http://www.etsi.org • Or portal: http://portal.etsi.org RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  3. Aim of Standardisation • Ultimate aim of standardisation is (global) interoperability • Likelihood of interoperability is increased with • Well-defined, accurate and unambiguous standards • Standards that are validated • Systematic testing of products based on those standards • Means standards of high technical quality • Through the pragmatic use of modern techniques • … for specification (UML, SDL, ASN.1) • … and testing (TTCN) RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  4. Ensuring interoperability? • Traditionally, conformance testing has been the domain of telecommunications industry while interoperability testing has mainly been limited to the Internet world • Many see these as either/or solutions • Recent experience shows that both approaches have their strengths when used wisely. • Value to combine conformance testing with interoperability testing • Quality of specifications also contribute to interoperability RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  5. Unique ETSI Resources • TC MTS (Methods for Testing and Specification) • Development of methodologies, techniques and languages • http://portal.etsi.org • ETSI PTCC (Protocol and Testing Competence Centre) • Supports ETSI TBs on the application of formal techniques in standards on a daily basis • Development of test specifications (conformance and interop) • http://www.etsi.org/ptcc • ETSI Plugtests Service • Validation of standards and prototypes through interoperability events (bake-offs) • http://www.etsi.org/plugtests • All three entities are highly complementary RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  6. ETSI Plugtests Overview Philippe COUSIN ETSI Interoperability Service Manager philippe.cousin@etsi.org www.etsi.org/plugtests/

  7. Plugtests is a professional ETSI service • Created in 1999, specialized in the organization of interoperability events • Neutral and open to all organisations • Skilled ETSI Staff managing test events • uses Experts from ETSI and other technical communities RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  8. Known also as bake-off, plugfests and interop Plugtests : Provides useful feedback to the standardization process A unique opportunity to meet partners and competitors Improves both quality and interoperability of implementations Helps debugging fast all together Technical event only. No sales, no marketing No certification, not a lab During a Plugtests event, engineers can “Come & Test” ! RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  9. We make it easy for you ! • Come &Test, We’ll do the rest ! • You will meet your technical community gathered in the same place over a week, working on the same issues • Efficient and quick debugging COST & TIME SAVING ! RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  10. What does a Plugtests look like??? RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  11. We dedicate our time to your satisfaction! • 42 events in 4 years, 2500 engineers, 890 Companies • Usefulness ranked at 4.3/5 by 1600 surveyors • Service satisfaction ranked at 4.35/5 • IPv6 Plugtests in October 2004 : RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  12. Plugtests Areas: broad and open range! • Services and applications: J2ME, OSA/PARLAY, video over DSL, OMA IMPS, SyncML, … • Telecom: Hiperlan2, DSL, SMS/MMS, NGN, Speech Quality, powerline, smart card, … • Active in IP world: IPv6 and MIP6, SCTP, MPLS, SIGTRAN, SIP,.. • New topics: GRID, WLAN/WMAN, LBS and ITS, Security, RFID, … • Synergy Conformance & Interoperability in close cooperation with ETSI Committees and PTCC • Valorisation on ETSI testing experience in testing matters (test spec., methodologies, input to certification/logo programmes) RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  13. OSA/Parlay #2 SiPit #14 SQTE #3 Security (PKI , XadES) ebXML SIGTRAN DSL #3 ENUM Plugtests technical workshop XadES IPv6#5 F-MMS J2ME Powerline Smart Card NGN :eEurope WLAN-WMAN ENUM Plugtests Q1 2005 Hot technologies in the pipe for 2004 Watch out ! www.etsi.org/plugtests/calendar.htm RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  14. Plugtests Finances • Cost-neutral • Sources of income • Participant fees < 1000 € • Sponsors (Annual or event basis) • EU projects & programme( e.g. FP6, eEurope ) • Sponsoring programme and sponsoring opportunities defined: www.etsi.org/plugtests/sponsorus.htm RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  15. WHAT ABOUT AN RFID INTEROPERABILITY EVENT ALREADY IN 1Q 2005 ? Thank you! Keep looking at www.etsi.org/plugtests

  16. ETSI PTCC Protocol & Testing Competence Centre Overview Milan Zoric ETSI PTCC expert milan.zoric@etsi.org www.etsi.org/ptcc/

  17. PTCC mandate • Provide expert support to ETSI Technical Bodies • State-of-the art techniques for developing protocol specifications • Expertise and management assistance for test specification development • In both cases we provide • Language expertise • Tools expertise • Pragmatic methodology expertise • The emphasis is on protocol aspects • less involved with radio parameter specifications or testing RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  18. Product ETSI Standard Requirements Simulation (Conformance) Testing Prototyping Plugtests MTS PTCC STFs Plugtests Key Activities in the Evolution of an ETSI Standard Text (ASN.1 MSC SDL ECN TTCN) RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  19. PTCC Expertise • Technical competence • GSM/3G, DECT, INAP, VoIP, WirelessLan, B-ISDN etc. • Protocol Specification and Validation • UML (Universal Modelling Language), • MSC (Message Sequence Charts), • SDL (Specification and Description Language), • ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One), • Production of Test Specifications • World recognised testing expertise • TTCN (Tree and Tabular Combined Notation) • Modern tool support RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  20. PTCC ServicesSpecification Techniques • Hands-on assistance • protocol modelling with UML, SDL, MSC • application of well-proven methodology (e.g., MTS Descriptive SDL) • data definition and encoding (ASN.1, ECN) • maintenance • Validation techniques • MTS validation handbook • Proof-check services (ASN.1 and SDL) • Registration of Object Identifiers • Improving quality of standards while speeding-up completion RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  21. PTCC ServicesTesting • Hands-on assistance • assistance in the planning and production of test specifications • use of TTCN and ISO testing methodology • PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement) • TSS & TP (Test Purposes) • production of detailed test suites (TTCN) • Computer-Aided Test Case Generation (CATG) • TTCN proof-check and analysis services • Technical management of testing STFs • Development of TTCN-3 • Assuring productive and timely development of high quality test specifications RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004

  22. ETSI and Testing • ETSI produces test specifications • Developed by Specialist Task Forces (STFs) under PTCC • Does not do actual testing or certification • Is a strong demand for test suites • Radio and other physical aspects are regulatory • Increased self-testing done by ETSI members • Test Suites are integral to development processes • Mainly conformance testing specifications • But also interoperability test specifications • MTS IPT (IP Testing group) • Scoping phase (Jan-March 2003) • Concentrate on IPv6 (QoS, security, mobility aspects) RFID and Telecommunication Services Workshop 25/05/2004


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