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Issues and Prospects in ICT in Education in Continuing Teacher Professional Education

Issues and Prospects in ICT in Education in Continuing Teacher Professional Education. Yvonne Garcia Flores Intel Technology Philippines. Objectives of the Presentation. Share “ground reality” issues on implementing ICT in Education and link them to the “ICT Framework”

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Issues and Prospects in ICT in Education in Continuing Teacher Professional Education

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  1. Issues and Prospects in ICT in Education in Continuing Teacher Professional Education Yvonne Garcia Flores Intel Technology Philippines

  2. Objectives of the Presentation • Share “ground reality” issues on implementing ICT in Education and link them to the “ICT Framework” • Discuss prospects on ICT in Education in Continuing Teacher Professional Development

  3. Agenda • Impact Evaluation Results of Intel Teach to the Future • Prospects of ICT in Education in Continuing Teacher Professional Education

  4. Intel Teach Impact Survey - Philippines


  6. Respondents • 1,271 Intel –trained teachers

  7. Gender • Female – 67.2% • Male – 31.3%

  8. Age

  9. Educational Attainment

  10. Years in Teaching

  11. Confidence in using technology (computer literacy) • Confidence in integrating technology

  12. Use of Computers and Technology Integration Prior to Training

  13. Have you had access to a computer prior to attending the training? • Yes – 75.1% • No – 22.8%

  14. How often do you use a computer? (for those who had access to a computer prior to training)

  15. How prepared do you think you were in integrating technology into the grade or subject you were teaching? (prior to the training)

  16. What type of technology-integrated outputs have you been using in your class? (prior to the training)

  17. How would you rate your competencies on the following prior to the training? Scale used: 5 – Excellent (can confidently demonstrate the skill) 4 – Very Good (can demonstrate the skill) 3 – Good (can demonstrate the skill but with a little difficulty) 2 – Fair (can demonstrate some aspects of the skill) 1 – Poor (cannot demonstrate the skill)

  18. How would you rate your competencies on the following prior to the training?

  19. Application of Skills Learned From the Training

  20. 1. THE UNIT PLAN* * A unit plan is a teacher’s lesson plan for a particular topic where technology will be used. The unit plan includes a unit overview, learning goals for students, instructional procedures, materials and resources required and assessments to be used for students’ outputs.

  21. Have you implemented the unit plan which you created during the training?

  22. Please indicate the reasons why you did not implement or implemented just part of your unit plan.

  23. Please indicate the reasons why you did not implement or implemented just part of your unit plan. (continued)

  24. If you did implement, how satisfied were you with the experience?


  26. To what extent has your competence increased because of the training?

  27. How prepared do you think you are in integrating technology into the grade or subject you are teaching? (after the training)

  28. Comparison on how prepared teachers think they are in integrating technology into the grade or subject taught BEFORE and AFTER the training

  29. How would you rate your competencies on the following after the training?

  30. Comparison on percentage of teachers who perceive their computer skills as “Excellent”

  31. Comparison on percentage of teachers who perceive their computer skills as “Poor”


  33. How many students are in your class?

  34. What year level is this class?

  35. In your school, do you have access to a computer lab?

  36. How often do you bring your students to the computer lab?

  37. Is there Internet access in the computer lab?

  38. In your opinion, is the Internet access reliable and fast enough for students to use productively? (for those with Internet access in the computer lab)

  39. What kind of (technology) outputs have you prepared?

  40. Comparison on production of technology-related outputs for classroom instruction BEFORE and AFTER the training


  42. Has there been a change in how frequently you do the following in your classroom?

  43. Has there been a change in how frequently you do the following in your classroom?

  44. Has there been a change in how frequently you do the following in your classroom?

  45. Has there been a change in how frequently you do the following in your classroom?

  46. How did your students respond to the technology integration?

  47. How did your students respond to the technology integration?

  48. How did your students respond to the technology integration?


  50. What challenges have you encountered in implementing what you learned from the program?

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