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THE TERTIARY SECTOR. Why are services important?. The terciary or service sector consists of all the activities that do not directly produce tangible goods. They provide services to satisfy people´s wants and needs.
Why are services important? • The terciary or service sector consists of all the activities that do not directly produce tangible goods. • They provide services to satisfy people´s wants and needs. • Developed countries have experienced a tertiatization which has increased the importance of this sector.Services provide about 70%of wealth and employment.
What are transport services? • Transport is made possible due to a combination of many human and material elements. • Mode of transport. • Infraestructure:whether roads, railways or pipelines.
The importance of transport:functions • Technology, political and economical requirements have made possible greater speed, capacity and safety with lower coss. • In today´s world , transport has three main functions:economic, political and social.
Functions • Economic :It allows the normal chain of distribution and consumption. It contributes to the development of other activities such as tourism. • Political: it reinforces the integration of the different regions and areas in a territory. • Social: it facilitates human relations ,specially leisure.
Transport network • Transport network is the infraestructure necessary for vehicles to circulate. It consists of a series of nodes, axes or lines. • The level of development is measured by the degree of conectivity • The layout of networks is conditioned by several factors:historical,political, socioeconomic and natural.
Transport systems • ROAD TRANSPORT • It is mostly used for personal travel, particularly over short distances.
Rail transport • It is used to carry passengers for short distances and medium-range distances.It is also used for carrying large and heavy loads.
Water transport • Sea and river transport, the latter on large navigable rivers, such as Missisipi. • Water transport is mainly used to transport freight over long distances
Air transport • It is mainly used for long distance transport of passengers and goods of limited volume. • The demand for air transport has increased due the emergence of low cost airlines http://www.juanjoromero.es/blog/category/httpwwwjuanjoromeroesesocurso2batgeohtm/
Whatistrade? • Tradeistheexchange of goodsand services. • Itdepends in threefactors. • Transport and infraestructure. • Marketsize • Purchasingpowe.
Domestictrade • Ittakes places within a country´sborders. We can makethedifferencebetween. • Wholesaler. • Retailer.
ForeignTrade • Ittakes place withothercountries. Imports are thepurchases of goods , exports are the sales of goods.
Whatistourism? • Itconsists of theactivitiespeople do duringtravel.Theymustsatisfytourist´sneedsfortravel, accommodation, food , leisure and so on .
Thegrowth of tourism • Thereasonsfortherapidgrowth of tourism in developedcountries . • Higherincomelevels. Peoplehave more moneytospend. • Improvedtransport. • More leisure time • Diversification.
Positive effects of tourism • Increase in wealth of receivingcountries. • Activation of theeconomy and labourmarket. • Construction of infraestructures.
Thenegativeeffects of tourism • Regional economicimbalances. • Seasonal and precariousemployment. • Environmentalimpact.
Tertiary sector in the EU • Themostsignificantactivities in theservice sector are publicservices, trade and businessservices • Thereis a certainspecializationamongcountries.
EU policies in thetertiary sector • Wemust line up theachievements of thecustomunion, as a result of itgoods and capital circulatefreelywithin EU territory. • Thecommontradetariffisapplied. • However , barrierstothe free movement of services and freedom of establishmentstillexist.
Majorchallengesfacingthe EU • There are fourmajorchallenges. • Loss of jobcausedbyoutsorcing. • Increaseproductivity. • Correcttechnologicaldifferences of new EU members.