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Dr. Suzanne Freeman, Superintendent. Working within the Guidelines November 17 from 9:45 - 10:45 Link to Presentation: https:// www.trussvillecityschools.com/Staff/Suzanne.Freeman/Presentations/Forms/AllItems.aspx Select “Working within the Guidelines (for new superintendents)”.
Dr. Suzanne Freeman, Superintendent Working within the GuidelinesNovember 17 from 9:45 - 10:45Link to Presentation: https://www.trussvillecityschools.com/Staff/Suzanne.Freeman/Presentations/Forms/AllItems.aspxSelect “Working within the Guidelines (for new superintendents)”
Board Policy • Know your board policy and FOLLOW IT! • Keep it up to date and keep (in another notebook or in electronic file) old policies when they are amended. • Not everything thing should be board policy. (Some things are just administrative procedures.) • Site Federal law, Code of Alabama (state law) or Administrative Code when pertinent at the bottom of each page. • Include Board Approved date at the end of each policy. • Use School Board coding system or some logical system; arrange by sections/chapters with table of contents for each.
Board Policy • Writing new policies and/or revising policies.-Research law and consult attorney-Consult board, CO staff, principals, etc.-Place on the table for board consideration-Send to AEA for their input. -Approve policy the following month. • Be sure you have a board policy on how to create and revise board policy and follow it.
Board Policy • Put board policy online for easy access for parents, students, faculty, etc. • Update hard copies in school and public libraries, but always have a reference to online version (in case these copies are not up-to-date or missing pages). • Twice a year, remind faculty/staff in writing that Board Policy is online for their reference. • Trussville City Schools’ Board Policy: https://www.trussvillecityschools.com/boe/Board%20Policy/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Alabama Administrative Code • State Department of Education regulations as approved by the State Board of Education. • Familiarize yourself with these regulations. • Have someone responsible for keeping your notebook up to date. • Link to Alabama Administrative Code: http://www.alabamaadministrativecode.state.al.us/docs/ed/index.html
Student and Faculty Handbooks • Principals (and their team) write/compile for their school, but make sure consistent with Board Policy and Code of Conduct. • Make sure principals know what can be school specific (Example: Dress code is a school decision at TCS.) • Have a copy for superintendent's office and/or put on school web page for easy access for parents, students, and faculty.
Code of Conduct • Be sure you have various levels for disciplinary infractions. • Give latitude to administrators when possible with a “catch all” phrase such as “Any other violation which the principal may reasonably deem appropriate falls in this class.” • Include pertinent laws for easy reference. • Have parents and students sign each year.
Code of Conduct • Keep a copy, in which you (or designated person) make notes for revisions for the next school year. • Meet with principals each spring to make changes. • Board approve each year. • TCS Code of Conduct: https://www.trussvillecityschools.com/Documents/2011-2012%20Code%20of%20Conduct%20Approved%20May%202%202011.pdf
If you follow the law, administrative code, board policy, code of conduct, and school handbooks, you will have … COMPLIANCE
If you want to make a difference in the lives of students, you will need to spend your time on what really matters . . . ENGAGING STUDENTS in IMPORTANT CONTENT . . . so they will LEARN at HIGH LEVELS!
Develop a culture . . . • In which rules and regulations are automatic (a responsive system), so you can spend your time on the things that really matter. • That is the difference between management and LEADERSHIP.