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Year 4 Parent Information Evening

Get insights on homework, spelling, reading, enrichment activities, assessments, and more for Year 4 students. Stay informed about school events, rewards, PE kits, swimming, snacks, and general guidelines.

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Year 4 Parent Information Evening

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Year 4 Parent Information Evening Charlton Primary School

  2. Teachers/Teaching Assistants Maple • Mrs Dunn (Mon – Wed) • Mrs Rose (Thurs – Fri) • Mrs Lopes (Mon – Fri) Oak • Mrs Goodman (Mon-Thurs) • Mrs Evans (Thurs- Frid) • Katy Bateman (mornings) • Emma Amos (afternoons)

  3. Topic overview • Term 1 – Ancient Greeks • Term 2 – Europe • Term 3 – Rivers • Term 4 – Poverty • Term 5 – The Romans • Term 6 – Living Things and the Rainforest

  4. Homework • Every pupil will be given a Home Learning Book. Inside the book are the topic web, home learning tasks and spelling patterns for the term. • It is expected that every pupil will complete a piece of home learning each week. • Home Learning is a mixture of Literacy and Topic-based homework. • Weekly maths homework will also be set each week – alternating My Maths with a paper task. • TT Rock Stars available to use at home.

  5. Homework • We anticipate that Home Learning and Maths homework should take approximately 30 minutes each. • The remaining time allocation can be used to support your child with their reading, arithmetic, spellings and out-of-school activities such as dancing, music, sports, drama etc. • Each child will be given a Reading Record that should be filled in at least 2 times a week, preferably by the child themselves. This will be checked fortnightly by the class teacher.

  6. Spellings • Focusing on spelling rules and patterns • Enabling exploration and discussion surrounding letter patterns, etymology and word families • Weekly spelling rule will be launched in our weekly Grammar lesson • Spelling rule will be revisited everyday throughout the week • Overview of spelling rules will be sent home via Home Learning Books How can you help? • Discuss the rule with your children and identify any words that fit the pattern • Draw attention to these words when reading with or to your child • Discuss the meaning of words when reading or when out and about

  7. Reading • Most readers will be heard when reading the class reader. Other provision will be made for those who need it e.g. Guided reading group, 1:1 reading. Please still read with your child at home! • School Library – all children in year 4 have access to the School Library. This system will be explained to the children by Junior Librarians and Library assistants. • WantageLibrary

  8. Enrichment This may take various forms. For example: The Greeks – Wantagemusuem Europe – French café Rivers– The Sewage Farm The Romans – Chedworth Roman villa The Rainforest – Cotswold Wildlife Park Inter-class competitions e.g. netball

  9. Rewards • Children are given merits for good behaviour, good work, showing values etc. These go towards personal goals on the success ladder – Bronze, Silver and Gold awards from Mr Rose. • Merits also go towards a school total where all the children get a reward once a certain total is reached, set by Mr Rose. • In each class a Star of the Day is awarded every day. This leads to a treat chosen by the children from a pre set list to be enjoyed the following day.

  10. Assessing Pupils’ Progress • EYES – End of Year Expectations • PUMA/PIRA assessments for Maths and Reading used in Terms 2, 4, 6.

  11. PE Kits and Uniform Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school every day in case of impromptu PE lessons. Timetabled PE: Oak – Thursdays and Fridays Maple – Tuesdays and Fridays Children with long hair should have it tied back and no earrings are permitted during PE. If you prefer your child’s stud earrings to be covered, please provide your child with appropriate tape. All children should have appropriate footwear, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and a white round neck T-shirt. Please ensure all uniform is labelled!

  12. Swimming Y4 Swimming Term 3 and term 6 Specific dates are yet to be confirmed, but will be available on the website.

  13. Snacks and Lunch • Children should only have a healthy snack provided for them at break time - fruit and vegetables only. • As we have several children with severe nut allergies in school, we ask all parents/carers to avoid any nut products in lunchboxes. This includes Nutella and Peanut Butter. Please speak to Mrs Batten if you are unsure about this.

  14. Miscellaneous • Medication-Parents should hand these to the office, together with a Medical Instruction form which can be downloaded from the website or collected from the office. Children should not bring in medication in their school bags. • Inhalers- Please ensure that your child has their inhaler with them at all times and that they have a spare at home. Pupils may not be able to attend visits out of school without an ‘in-date’ inhaler. • Update contact numbers – please ensure any changes to your contact details are given to the school office. • Making appointments with teachers- if you need to speak with your child’s teacher please make an appointment for before or after school via the office or via your child’s teacher. • Black, fibre tips pens only. Pencil cases must fit into drawers.

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