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SGMP CHAPTER OPERATIONS 2014. SGMP CHAPTER OPERATIONS 2014 Communications. Here is what we will review:. 1) What does communication mean 2) Types of communication methods 3) Best Practices 4) COY. Communication. Communication [k uh -myoo-ni- key -sh uh n] noun
Here is what we will review: 1) What does communication mean 2) Types of communication methods 3) Best Practices 4) COY
Communication Communication [kuh-myoo-ni-key-shuhn] noun 1.the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated. 2.the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs. 3.something imparted, interchanged, or transmitted. 4.a document or message imparting news, views, information, etc. 5.passage, or an opportunity or means of passage, between places.
Chapter and Society Communications E-mail: • Please limit the number of email blasts sent to chapter members • Regular anticipated emails, such as meeting announcements or newsletter delivery are expected by chapter members – don’t abuse this – we want them reading our materials and to be engaged
Chapter and Society Communications Social Networking: Are you using these vehicles? You should be… • Facebook • LinkedIn • Twitter • Instagram • Others Who is responsible for updating your sites? Are they current?
Chapter and Society Communications General Chapter Communications Communicate with your members! • Do you have members that just come to meetings and don’t participate otherwise? • Find out what they do well, what they’re interested in • Ask them to be a part of a committee/chair a committee • Ask them to speak at meetings • Some members who need to be asked or they won’t participate
Chapter and Society Communications Personal Notes (sent from different individuals depending on subject) • Welcome and thank you for joining • Thank you for renewing your membership • Thank you for specific item individual has done (worked with registration, brought in new members, etc.) • Missed you at meeting(s) • Thank you for speaking at our luncheon • Thank you to host hotel • Dropped membership – sorry to see you go – why? • SGMP has started doing exit survey when members drop
Communications Best Practices • Stay on message and be consistent • Same message in person, in newsletters, and on social media sites concerning ANY particular topic • Ensure chapter information is accessible • Make chapter information and news accessible to current and prospective members • Presentation and look should be consistent • All media outlets should have similar look and feel • Be concise and to the point – Brevity is your friend
Communications Best Practices • Source: http://www.statisticbrain.com/attention-span-statistics/
Communications of the Year Award • COY has a formal application that is due prior to NEC yearly • Application and scoring criteria are available at http://www.sgmp.org/chapterboard/nec.cfm • Winners announced at NEC
Communications Contact Info: HQ and Government Connections: Kim Kowal kimberly.kowal@sgmp.org National Communication Committee Co-Chairs Tecumseh Deloney tdeloney@zerotothree.org Maggie McGowan mmcgowan@ou.edu
ROLE OF LEADERSHIP Anna Marie Stewart – Staff Accountant Reporting Questions on Bookkeeping Keeps Chapter Treasuries Brett Sterenson – National Treasurer Budgeting Questions on Treasurer Duties Chapter Conference Calls
TREASURER TRANSITIONING Become intimately familiar with the Chapter Finances Policies Hold in person meeting with outgoing Treasurer Work with outgoing President and Treasurer on transitioning bank card Work with outgoing President and Treasurer on access to banking Become intimately familiar with current budget Prepare for guiding discussion on next year budget at board retreat
FINANCE POLICY HIGHLIGHTS Chapter Finances in Policy Manual – pages 54-78 CF-1: All Chapters are required to produce an annual budget CF-2 / CF-4: All Chapters are required to use standardized budget and standardized Chart of Accounts CF-5: What Chapters may and may not use Chapter funds for CF-11: Chapter Treasurer Responsibilities CF-17: Chapter Audit Requirements CF-21: Chapter Savings Accounts CF-22: Chapter Revenue Sharing
BANK CARDS Policy CF-7 in the Policy Manual All chapters are required to maintain a current and accurate signature card at the bank where chapter funds are held. The bank signature card must always be current and up to date with the proper authorized signatures. All bank signature card changes must be completed no later than 30 days after any change has occurred with the Chapter Board, so that the most current banking information is on file. SGMP Headquarters must be notified in writing of all changes to the banking signature card and/or records, and the written notice must be accompanied by a copy of the new bank signature card.
THE BUDGET Policy CF-1 in the Policy Manual All Chapters are required to produce an annual budget. The budget will be based upon a 12 month fiscal year, starting July 1 and ending June 30 of the following year. Prior to each fiscal year beginning July 1, the Chapter Treasurer and Chapter President should lead the entire Chapter Board in the development of the fiscal year budget. The chapter is required to use and submit its budget on one the standard Excel accounting form provided by SGMP. All chapter budgets must be approved by the Chapter Board. The yearly due date for submission is July 31. Chapter Treasurers are required to have their approved chapter budgets to SGMP Headquarters by this date. SGMP Headquarters and the National Treasurer will review each chapter’s budget for final approval to ensure all IRS mandated non-profit organization guidelines are being properly followed.
BEST PRACTICES & NOTES Approved Chapter Budgets are due to HQ on July 31st each year. By the 10th of each month, chapters must send to HQ copy of bank statement from previous month and current month’s budget template. When Budgeting, begin with Income, then Expenses, then balance. When Record Keeping, more Backup is better than less Backup. HQ is responsible for Auditing Chapter Records each year. Be wary of items labeled as Miscellaneous – do not overuse. Refunds are not Income; record as credit against Expense. Returned checks are not Expenses; record as reduction against Income. Backup for prior year is due to HQ on August 15th each year.
CONFERENCE CALLS Treasurer’s Conference Calls - will be held twice a year and the next scheduled call will be in early June to help prepare for next year’s budgeting. Ad Hoc Conference Calls - with chapter presidents and treasurers, one chapter at a time are scheduled on a case-by-case, as needed basis, in August and in January to ensure budgets are properly established and to ensure chapters are on pace to meet them
ROLE OF LEADERSHIP Anna Marie Stewart – Staff Accountant Reporting Questions on Bookkeeping Keeps Chapter Treasuries Brett Sterenson – National Treasurer Budgeting Questions on Treasurer Duties Chapter Conference Calls
Secretary -The Chapter Secretary is responsible for creating and distributing the Minutes. -Meeting Minutes are a summary of decisions made and actions to be taken. -Minutes should mainly contain a record of what was done at the meeting, not a play-by-play account of what was said by each member. -A transcription of what was said at a meeting is called “proceedings” and is quite different from minutes.
Secretary -Names should never be included with motions or votes. -Decisions are made as board decisions and need not have individual names attributed to them. The Board speaks as one voice. -Vote counts should never be included with motions or votes. -Abstentions should not be noted unless specifically requested by that member.
Secretary -Distribute Minutes while the iron is hot (and while the memory is strong). -Draft Minutes should be distributed first to the presiding officer for their review before they are distributed to the entire board. The first draft of Minutes should occur within one week of the meeting.
Secretary -Suggested revisions to the Minutes should occur within one week of the distribution of the minutes. -Approval of the draft Minutes can be done prior to the next meeting, or at the very latest, at the start of the next meeting. -Minutes are approved by majority vote. -Draft Minutes can generally be considered operational after a revised version is distributed following the one week review period.
Secretary -The heading of the draft Minutes should be updated every time a revision has been made (with Draft 1” becoming “Draft 2” for example). -Upon formal approval of the Minutes, the heading of the final Minutes should be updated as either “Approved as Submitted” or “Approved as Corrected”. -The date and location of the meeting should always be shown
Secretary Additional Heading Information – • Each member present should be listed and state if a quorum was present. • If any member is absent it should be shown and it should also say whether the absence is excused or unexcused. • If any others are present at the meeting it should be noted under “Others Present”. -The time the meeting is called to order should be shown after the roll and the time the meeting adjourns.
Secretary -Consent Agenda -Time-saving tool whereby agenda items that are routine and/or noncontroversial, but do merit inclusion, but not necessarily discussion, may be handled appropriately and expeditiously. -For example, Membership Report, Treasurer’s Report, and Communications Report -Consent Agenda is placed after the Call to Order and confirmation of quorum.
Secretary -Underneath the “Consent Agenda” heading, each item included should be listed and described individually. -At the time that the Consent Agenda is addressed, the presiding officer should ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda. -without any objection by any voting member, all items listed there are to be considered in gross and without debate or amendment.
Secretary -with any objection on any item by any voting member, any item(s) within the Consent Agenda may be removed and restored as an agenda item(s) where appropriate under Reports, Unfinished Business or New Business. -no second is required for such an objection -no discussion should occur on the removed item at that time.
Secretary -as many objections may be made by as many voting members who wish to make them. -a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, as it has now been revised, should then be accepted and addressed. -the meeting then proceeds to Reports. -It is a good practice to have whoever is submitting an agenda item request that the presiding officer place that item within the Consent Agenda, if they wish.
Secretary -An “FYI” report or update with no recommendation(s) for action may be included in the Consent Agenda. -A report that includes a recommendation(s) for approval by vote may be included in the Consent Agenda (without objection, that report is accepted and approved as it was presented).
Secretary Example of Consent Agenda from National Board Meeting Agenda 1 - Call to Order A Read the mission statement B Read the member bill of rightsC Confirm quorum 2 - Consent Agenda *VOTE* AGilmer Institute of Learning Report (Coffman/Preddy) BExecutive Director Report (Bergeron) CTreasurer Report (Sterenson) DMembership Report (Kilpatrick & Lynton) ECommunications Report (McGowan & Deloney) F2014 NEC Task Force Report (Blanding)
Secretary Executive Session -Note what time you went into Executive Session and what time you came out of Executive Session -No mention of what was discussed in Executive Session*
Secretary -The Action item/Delegated Tasks section serves as the follow-up action list. -For every decision made, there is normally at least one task and all tasks should include the who, the what, and by when. It is helpful if the name(s) of the person(s) responsible is shown. -Items should be listed in chronological order by each item’s deadline.
Secretary -The Action Items section may be maintained and monitored separately from the meeting minutes. -Task/Action -Champion(s) -Due Date
Secretary -Reports/Announcements/Discussion -This section notes other items from the meeting that did not result in a decision or task. -There is more flexibility in this section than the others. -You may use “[specific name] noted” or “it was noted” here.
Secretary -The name and subject of a guest speaker should be included here, but no effort should be made to summarize those remarks. -This section is not to be used as a chronological and attributed account of all discussions.
Secretary -Sample Minutes can be found on the SGMP website on the Chapter Board section under Chapter Board Member Tools.
For Further Support… National Secretary Debra Kilpatrick dkilpatrick@oag.state.va.us 804-371-0959
Education/Programming • Kathleen Ryan, CGMP – Education & Programming, Gilmer TrusteeThe Boeing Company kathleen.d.ryan2@boeing.com • Garland Preddy, CGMP SGMP Staff garland.preddy@sgmp.org
Education/Programming • Conference Calls with Education Chairs • Next one – June 11, 2014 at 2:30 pm EST Future Calls, exact date to be determined: • August • September • December • February/March • May – meet at conference
Recording Monthly Programs • Template has been provided at www.sgmp.org/chapterboard under programs • Use Program Bank • Use National Webinars • Final yearly schedule due Sept 15 to Garland
Receiving Contact Hours • Program Bank and National Webinars – already has approval • Use form for anything outside of this • Due 45 days before program offering • http://sgmp.org/chapterboard/programs.cfm
Best Practices • Use template for offering core competencies • Education/Programming • Ethics • Facilities and Services • Federal, State & Local Travel • Financial and Contract Management • Leadership • Logistics • Protocol • Technology • http://sgmp.org/chapterboard/programs.cfm
Best Practices • Fill in all the programs you know • Silent Auction • Golf, Bowl, etc. • Holiday event • Then add programs based on core competency