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Examples of SBE training and curriculum in EU an Italian experience Mumbai October 16th 2004 Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città. EDUCATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL: Sustainable Development TOOL: Education
Examples of SBE training and curriculum in EU an Italian experience Mumbai October 16th 2004 Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
EDUCATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL: Sustainable Development TOOL: Education The role of education is to improve peoples’ lives and knowledge is a key factor for sustainable development. It is important to current and future societies to rethink and revise education from nursery school through university to include a clear focus on the development of the knowledge, skills, perspectives and values related to sustainability. This implies a review of existing curricula in terms of their objectives and content to develop transdisciplinary understandings of social, economic and environmental sustainability. Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
A UNITED NATIONS INITIATIVE: DESD Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) DESD aims to strengthen international cooperation toward the development of innovative policies, programs and practice of education for sustainable development. Education has come to be seen as a process of learning how to make decisions that consider the long-term future of the economy, ecology and equity of all communities. http://portal.unesco.org/education/en Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
UNIVERSITY LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Actions • Universities, as important centres of research and learning, form a link between knowledge generation and transfer of knowledge to society and prepare the future decision-makers of society for their entry into the labour market. • Universities’ graduates should be responsible citizens capable of responding to the challenges of sustainable development. • Network of Universities • Multidisciplinary approach • Exchanges programmes Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
UNIVERSITY LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Action 1 Network of Universities in the world Universities have to promote interdisciplinary networks of environmental experts among them and at the local, national, regional and international levels, with the aim of collaborating on common environmental projects in both research and education. The COPERNICUS (COoperation Programme in Europe for Research on Nature and Industry through Coordinated University Studies) http://www.copernicus-campus.org/index.html ULSF (University Leaders for a Sustainable Future) http://www.ulsf.org/ IAU (International Association of Universities) http://www.unesco.org/iau/ Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
UNIVERSITY LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Action 2 Multidisciplinary approach in European curricula Universities need to promote an interdisciplinary perspective conducive to addressing sustainable development issues in both teaching and research. An Italian example of Architecture student curriculum University of Venice, Faculty of Architecture The programme is divided into 5 fields of specialisation: architecture and sustainability architecture and conservation architecture and city architecture and construction and landscape architecture Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
UNIVERSITY LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Action 3 Exchanges programmes in Europe Universities have to encourage the students’ mobilitythrough scholarships and exchanges programmes. http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/ Socrates: it is the European programme for education. Its aim is to promote the European dimension and to improve the quality of education by encouraging cooperation between the participating countries. (Erasmus, Minerva, Lingua,….) Leonardo da Vinci: it is the action programme for implementing the European Community's vocational training policy, supporting and supplementing action taken by the Member States. Its aim is to use transnational cooperation to enhance quality, promote innovation and support the European dimension of vocational training systems and practices. Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL • Highereducation plays a central role in the development of both human beings and modern societies as it enhances social, cultural and economic development, active citizenship and ethical values. • Environment sustainability has to become one of the main important subjects in higher educational. • Master • PhD • Course Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL: Master University of Edinburgh (Great Britain) Masters “Environmental Sustainability” http://www.cecs.ed.ac.uk/msc/index.html University of Westminster (Great Britain) Master “Sustainable Development” http://www.wmin.ac.uk/cfsd/ma.htm University of Eindhoven (The Netherlands) Master “Sustainable Energy Technology” http://w3.tue.nl/en/ Polytechnic of Turin (Italy) Master “Techniques for Environmental Design and Evaluation” http://www.formazione.corep.it Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL: Master University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Master “Bio-ecological Architecture and Sustainable Technology for the Environment” http://w3.uniroma1.it/mabtsa/home.html University of Florence (Italy) Master “Bio-ecological Architecture and Technological Innovation for the Environment” http://web.taed.unifi.it/abitaweb/master/master2.htm University of Bologna (Italy) Master “Eco-Sustainable Architecture” http://www.dapt.ing.unibo.it/mastereco/home3.html University of Reggio Calabria (Italy) Master “Environmental Management – Environmental Building” Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL: PhD Polytechnic of Milan (Italy) School of Doctoral Studiesin Technology and Design for Environmental Quality in Building and Urban Context http://pcsiwa.rett.polimi.it/%7Etpqa/indexeng.htm University of Trento (Italy) School of Doctoral Studies in Environmental Engineering Curricula: Environmental Engineering Building Engineering-Architecture and Sustainable Development Planninghttp://www.ing.unitn.it/dica/eng/environmental_engineering.php University of Roma “Torvergata” (Italy) School of Doctoral Studies in Engeneering of Energy and Environmental http://www.uniroma2.it/dottorato/amb.htm Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL: Course London Metropolitan University Course in Architecture, Energy and Sustainability http://www.londonmet.ac.uk ANAB (Associazione Nazionale Architettura Bioecologica)Course in Bio-ecological Architecture http://www.anab.it/corsi/anabibnsib.php INBAR (Istituto Nazionale di BioARchitettura) Course in Bio-Architecture http://www.bioarchitettura.it ISES (International Solar Energy Society) Course in Photovoltaic Systems: technical and architectonic design Course in Thermal Solar Plants: from design to realization http://www.isesitalia.it/ Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
IMPORTANT AND EMERGING ECO-CAREERS • skills • Alternatives to heavy natural resource use such as energy and materials efficiency, renewable energy, and recycling offer substantial employment opportunities. • Pollution prevention/waste reduction specialist • Conservation biologist/ecosystems manager • Environmental information technology/GIS • “Dual track” environmental manager • Global climate change researcher • Renewable energy and energy management • Urban planner • Policy integration specialist • Community organizer • Fundraiser, “rainmaker”, dealmaker • Environmental economist • Environmental health specialist Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
CROSS DISCIPLINARY LEARNING For built environment professionals the generic skills, behaviour and knowledgeneed to sit alongside existing specialist or professional technical skills such as planning, architecture, design, and surveying. Skills such as the ability to create a vision, leadership to achieve buy-in to the vision, communication, team working, project management, process re-engineering, understanding sustainable development, effective financial management, understanding the economics of development and the processes of local democracy. i.e. Professionals as architects and town planners are on the way to integrate experience in local participation processes in their education so that they do not only graduate in the technical field more and more but they get increasing knowledge in dealing with people. Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
ENHANCING EDUCATION AND TRAINING Agenda 21 Chapter 8 Countries, in cooperation, where appropriate, with national, regional or international organizations, should ensure that essential human resources exist, or be developed, to undertake the integration of environment and development at various stages of the decision-making and implementation process. To do this, they should improve education and technical training, particularly for women and girls, by including interdisciplinary approaches, as appropriate, in technical, vocational, university and other curricula. They should also undertake systematic training of government personnel, planners and managers on a regular basis, giving priority to the requisite integrative approaches and planning and management techniques that are suited to country-specific conditions Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
COMPETENCIES FOR THE 21ST CENTURY • Communication skills • Collaboration abilities – team orientation • “Customer” orientation • Creativity, innovative thinking • Broad environmental sciences understanding • Analytical ability, critical thinking, problem-solving • Work orientation, professionalism, positive attitude • Occupation-specific skills and knowledge • Mastery of information technology, including GIS • Leadership ability • Source: USEPA Workforce Assessment Project, May 1999 Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
NEW PARADIGMS a wider vison Urban regeneration Sustainable Development in the troubled urban districts (EU Urban) Innovation Environment (EU ECJ, Environmentally Compatible Jobs) Preservation of cultural heritage [Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development (EU FP5 EESD)] Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
URBAN REGENERATION Urban II Urban II is the Community Initiative of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for sustainable development in the troubled urban districts of the European Union for the period 2000-06. As a follow-up to Urban I in 1994-99, the European Union decided to carry on the experience with Urban 2 (2000-2006) with 728.3 million Euro funds. Within the framework of Urban 2, member States proposed a choice of 70 cities and districts to be requalified, which were part of major urban centres and having a minimum population of 20,000 people, even those in particular cases this threshold could be reduced to 10,000. Urban 2 sites were selected on the basis of objective socio-economic indices (economic and social situation, unemployment, stagnating economy, poverty and social discrimination, high presence of immigrants and ethnic minorities, low level or schooling, high crime rate, unstable demographic trend, precarious environmental situation) and other factors, such as quality of the proposed program, a balanced distribution of the programmes within the member Country and consistency with national and EU actions. Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
URBAN • aims • Urban II aims more precisely to promote the design and implementation of innovative models of development for the economic and social regeneration of troubled urban areas. It will also strengthen information and experience-sharing on sustainable urban development in the European Union. • Urban II programmes propose innovative development models for the economic and social regeneration of the areas concerned by financing projects to: • improve living conditions, for example by renovating buildings and creating green areas; • create jobs, for example in environment, culture, and services to the population; • integrate the less-favoured social classes into the education and training systems; • develop environmentally friendly public transport systems; • create effective energy management systems and make greater use of renewable energy; • use information technologies • URBACT= a network of the URBAN II programmes, to exchange information and experience on sustainable urban development across the European Union. Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
URBAN II Mirafiori Nord. Turin - Italy Urban 2 is part of a broader campaign for the improvement of the peripheral districts of Turin, which the city has been implementing since 1998: to this end it set up a new municipal division, called Settore Periferie. Urban II covers the southern suburbs of Torino, with 24,843 inhabitants and a surface area of 2.135 km2, next to the FIAT industrial area "Mirafiori Nord". Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
URBAN II Mirafiori Nord. Turin - Italy The area is struggling with severe social and economic problems: unemployment, crime, poverty, low levels of education and training, decaying buildings and public spaces, a deteriorating high level of social housing and environmental damage. Main roads with a high level of air and noise pollution cross the area. On the other hand, there are significant green and open spaces. The area has a history of strong community involvement and an economy with significant growth potential. The programme provides for interventions worth over 40 million Euro: the funds will be used to trigger processes of social, physical and economic transformation in the area, to bring forth new, favourable growth opportunities for the local community. Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
URBAN II TURIN - ITALY Mirafiori Nord. Turin - Italy PHYSICAL RECOVERY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Requalifying the physical environment, by revamping the numerous green and sports areas that already exist so as to create public spaces and urban itineraries; promoting sustainable development as a distinctive characteristic of the district, to make the area pleasant to live in. INFRASTRUCTURES AND KNOW-HOW FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH Supporting existing businesses and helping new ones to grow and provide employment opportunities, so as to convert a peripheral area into a veritable productive and vital centre that is able to supply modern, technological advanced services, enhance creativity, stimulate innovation, help weaker groups to have access to jobs (with initiatives to support small businesses, services to develop the potentials of the new economy, educational and hands-on training activities). SOCIAL INTEGRATION, CULTURAL GROWTH Strengthening social relations and the networks of contacts between the inhabitants, so as to minimise phenomena of isolation and social discrimination, extending the range of existing services and improving their quality and accessibility; creating opportunities for cultural and artistic expression, that might consolidate the identity and sense of belonging to a community. Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
URBAN networks of cities Eurocities http://www.eurocities.org/ The European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign http://www.iclei.org/europe/la21/sustainable-cities.htm The Urban Environmental Management Research Initiative UEMRI http://www.gdrc.org/uem/networks/index.html The German-Austrian Urban Networkhttp://www.deutscher-verband.org/seiten/urban-netzwerk/default.asp The French Urban Network http://www.urban-france.org URBACT http://www.urbact.org Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
ENVIPARK Torino, Italy Environment Park represents a unique experience among the European Technology and Science Parks thanks to the ability to combine technological innovation and eco-efficiency, hosting several companies and Research Institutes (public and private) operating both in the Environmental Protection field and the ICT field. It is located in the city of Turin (North - Western Italy), in the so called "Spina 3" area, the redevelopment of which issupported by the Turin City Council. The park was conceived as a vehicle for the integration of environmental measuresin production, consumer processes and requalification of the territory, through the advancement of research andtechnology transfer to SMEs. The Park offer services to SMEs both directly and by favouring collaboration between enterprises and the academicworld. The Environment Park represents the ideal location to foster technological innovation and scientific research thanks to its vicinity to higher education institutes and advanced research centres. The initiative aims at encouraging thecreation of innovative enterprises in the sector of environmental protection and sustainable development. Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
ENVIPARK ECJ (Environmentally Compatible Jobs) With the Municipality of Turin, the Collegio Costruttori Edili Province of Turin, the Agenzia Territoriale per la Casa ofTurin and with the financial contribution of the European Commission (DG V), Environment Park is the promoter ofthe project ECJ in the framework of the ESF Art. 6. The project intends to demonstrate how it is possible to create new stable sources of employment and, at the same time,obtain significant result in terms of environmental sustainability by means of a series of strategies and actions, puttogether by a partnership at local level that act both by encouraging demand for products and services (using regulatory,tax and information tools) and through active work policies. Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
ENVIPARK - ECJ • the project is based on the following considerations: • particularly as concerns the renovation of buildings and maintenance of dwellings, the building sector is one of17 potential development areas that the European Commission has remarked for the creation of new sources ofemployment; • collective sensitivity to environmental matters and the quality of living conditions is growing and, with it,requests that it is important to answer. • Society is ready to encourage changes to its economic fabric that, in thebuilding sector too, privilege products and processes that respect the environment. • all those involved in the project • training organisations, trade unions, employers,technical and scientific teaching and technology transfer centres and local networks for vocational training andemployment will establish with the local authorities what actions are to be carried out in terms of active work policyand in terms of technical support to be given to the local strategy. Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
ENVIPARK work programme The project consists of several activities developed with continual interaction. Research (supply-demand relationship) Analysis of the territory concerned. Research and systematic updatingof data concerning the beneficiary territory. Defining local strategies Defining precise policies and actions that can be put into practice to support the publicauthority. Job opportunities could be created both by the use of new types of professional skills in the companies involvedin the sector and through the rise of new, specialised artisan enterprises as well as by increasing the number of jobs intrades directly induced by the building industry. Observatory of professions (analysis and vocation guidance) An observation system able to distinguish the skills required and training needs for new professionalskills, with the task of providing guidance to people seeking employment who intend to qualify for these new employmentopportunities;guiding the training activities of professional training organisations. Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
ENVIPARK work programme Technical and scientific information, promotion and dissemination Policies that tend towards communications and that are intended tobe started up in order to make the local population aware of renewable energy sources and bio-building matters. Training/work laboratory The project intend to define professional training programs in the field of bio-building and bio-climatic architecture. Support for employment and enterprises The aim is to start up actions that, through local employment networks, work in parallel with the “virtual” company sothat they can later be applied directly to a real company. Dissemination of results Methods planned for transferring and disseminating results to beneficiaries, to all participating organisations and other territories (publications and seminars) Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE and sustainable development Traditional approaches of the protection of the environment were concentrated on limiting the impacts on the natural and to a certain degree social and cultural environment. The perspective was essentially repair and short-term oriented. In the longer (intergenerational) time frames of sustainable development, resource and diversity issues become predominant. The protection of environmental, economic, social and cultural resources is linked and can draw on common definitions of resources. The conservation of diversity in its different forms becomes a central long-term objective which must be based on a dynamic integration. Through their historic diversity, quality and continuity the building stock and the urban continuity constitute non-renewable resources. Urban culture is intrinsically sustainable and has a high stability. It is the result of the accumulated investments of generations in the urban environment. The better we understand how to administer and develop these investments, the stronger the urban environment will become. Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
UNIVERSITY RESEARCH The research programmes of the institutions of the University shall include, among other subjects, coexistence between peoples having different cultures, languages and social systems; peaceful relations between States and the maintenance of peace and security; human rights; economic and social change and development; the environment and the proper use of resources; basic scientific research and the application of the results of science and technology in the interests of development; and universal human values related to the improvement of the quality of life. [UNU Charter Article 1.3] Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY OF RESEARCHERS • MARIE CURIE ACTIONS-HUMAN RESOURCES AND MOBILITY • Marie Curie actions are a set of measures to support international mobility of researchers. Among them we have: • Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships • Objective: fellowships awarded to the best researchers of Third countries to offer them the opportunity to work and undertake research training in Europe • Duration of the fellowship: from 12 to 24 months • In the case of researchers coming from Developing countries it is possible to obtain an International Reintegration Grant of 12 months to assist them to return to their countries of origin • www.cordis.lu.fp6/mariecurie-actions/rtd-mariecurieactions@cec.eu.int • Marie Curie Outgoing Fellowships • Objective: awarded to European researchers to work in a Third country research centre - Duration of the fellowship: from 12 to 24 months + the International Reintegration Grant which is compulsory and which aims to assist them to return in Europe • http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/mariecurie-actions/indexhtm_en.html Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY OF RESEARCHERS Erasmus Mundus The Erasmus Mundus programme is a co-operation and mobility programme in the field of higher education. It aims to enhance quality in European higher education and to promote intercultural understanding through co-operation with third countries.The programme is intended to strengthen European co-operation and international links in higher education by supporting high-quality European Masters Courses, by enabling students and visiting scholars from around the world to engage in postgraduate study at European universities, as well as by encouraging the outgoing mobility of European students and scholars towards third countries. http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/mundus/index_en.html The Researcher’s Mobility Portal It was created by the European Commission to help researchers who are planning to work and undertake research training in one of the European countries. It provides information about research fellowships, job opprtunities and all matters related to their professional stay and daily lives. It includes the network of National Researcher’s Mobility Portals. http://europa.eu.int/eracareers/index_en.cfm Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
EU PROGRAMMES (EU-INDIA COOPERATION) Asia Invest II Obiective: to support economic co-operation and to build stronger economic links between Asia and the European Union is in the interest of both European and Asian companies. Participants: European Union Member States and: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambogia, Est Timor, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malesia, Maldive, Nepal, Pakistan, Filippine, Sri Lanka, Thailandia, Vietnam http://europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/projects/asia-invest/html2002/main.htm Asia Pro Eco Obiective: to improve environmental performance and technology partnerships in economic sectors and to promote sustainable responsible investment Participants: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam Brunei, Hong Kong, Macao and Singapore http://europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/projects/asia-pro-eco/index_en.htm Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città
EU PROGRAMMES (EU-INDIA COOPERATION) Asia IT & C Obiective: to improve the quality of Europe-Asia partnerships and to link the two regions in the search for innovative and compatible solutions and standards in IT&C Participants: European Union Member States and: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. http://europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/projects/asia-itc/cf/index.cfm Asia-Link Obiective: to promote sustainable partnerships between higher education institutions in Europe and Asia. Participants: European Union Member States and: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. http://europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/projects/asia-link/index_en.htm EU-India Programme Objective:to support the creation of links between Europe and India http://europa.eu.int/comm/external_relations/india/intro/index.htm Francesca De Filippi, Irene Caltabiano Polytechnic of Turin – Dipt. Casa - Città