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Creative Classroom

Creative Classroom. NTU AL&T Conference 2014 “Teaching Differently” Ken Marsden 1 April 2014. Intro. Experimental Session with potential for unknown /unintended outcomes Catalyst for unlocking creative potential Part of on-going research Facilitate learning…….

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Creative Classroom

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  1. CreativeClassroom NTU AL&T Conference 2014 “Teaching Differently” Ken Marsden 1 April 2014

  2. Intro • Experimental Session with potential for unknown /unintended outcomes • Catalyst for unlocking creative potential • Part of on-going research • Facilitate learning…….

  3. “A person cannot teach….. …….another person directly….. a person can only facilitate another's learning” (Carl Rogers, 1951)

  4. Structure • Part 1demonstrate your mental flexibility – importance of shifting in and out of different roles - engage in some visual / practical problem-solving activities • Part 2world café style activity designed to formulate ideas for “teaching differently” and generate solutions for turning these ideas into action • Part 3 display and further discuss your ideas and actions with each other.

  5. Touching the warmth of light

  6. “Vision is the art of seeing the invisible” Jonathan Swift

  7. Vision Is about being able to see beyond what at first may seem impossible …. ….and that leads us nicely into your first task…

  8. When Looking is not Seeing 1 minute task • Find a partner (the person next to you) • Stand on a large sheet of paper with your partner • Face each other with your eyes open • How can you look at the person directly in front of you but not see the person?

  9. Personal Examples of‘Teaching Differently’ Student-led beach seminars (summer term only!) Student-Tutor role shift Being out of comfort zone helped to liven the discussion

  10. What do you see first?

  11. And this?

  12. And this?

  13. “In the absence of guidance or orders………… ….do what?

  14. “In the absence of guidance or orders………… figure out what they should have been” Part of a sign on a command-post door in Baghdad, commandeered by General Petraeus

  15. Personal Examples of‘Teaching Differently’ ‘The Code of the Custom Cult’ – invited 2 top London designers to an event day that involved presentations, tasking students with a short brief which was then displayed and assessed by the designers

  16. Vision is about seeing the world…………..

  17. ………from a different viewpoint w

  18. Les Meninas, Velazquez,1656 • The viewer is the sitter, i.e. the King, and you/he is being painted • So mighty he must only be portrayed indirectly, in a mirror • Only one person looks openly back at the King (his true friend, courageous and honest) • Do kings and queens exist only in the eyes of others?

  19. …………. in a different light

  20. ………in a different form

  21. Add a single line and turn it into a 6 IX

  22. Answers SIX or IX6

  23. Select the one that is different from all the others

  24. Answer…………. • A – only one with no points • B – has only straight lines • C – only one that is asymmetrical • D – only one that has a straight line and a curved line • E – only one that looks like projection of a non-Euclidean triangle into Euclidean space

  25. There is no Right Answer……. • Too much emphasis is on learning to find the right answer • Too little emphasis is on looking for more than one right answer

  26. The Need to Adapt: why success always starts with failure “In a complex, changeable world, the process of trial and error is essential…[and] a tremendously powerful process for solving problems” 3 essential steps for successful adapting….. 1 Try new things in the expectation that some will fail 2 Make failure survivable 3 Make sure you know when you’ve failed

  27. Personal Examples of‘Teaching Differently’ • Peer Review – • students discuss each other’s work rather than just their own • led to peer assessment forming 10% in module

  28. 9 dot exercise Connect up the dots with 4 consecutive lines – without taking your pen off the paper

  29. “Think outside the box”John Adair

  30. How do you get a good idea? “The best way to get a good idea is to …………….

  31. ……………get a lot of ideas” Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Winning Chemist, 1954)

  32. Four Roles of the Creative Process Hallmark of creative people is their mental flexibility (shifting in and out of roles) • Explorer – search for new info and resources • Artist – turn the resources into new ideas • Judge – evaluate the merits of an idea and decide what to do • Warrior – carry out your idea into action Roger von Oech (President of Creative Think, USA)

  33. Using your Explorer Role • Identify a range resources to build your idea • Venture off the beaten track • Use different senses • Pay attention to unusual patterns • Seek out different information sources

  34. Using your Artist Role • Be spontaneous • Think outside the box • Re-arrange things • Look at things backwards/upside down • Break the rules • Create your own rules • Ask “what if” questions

  35. Using your Warrior Role • Create a support system around you • Make your idea more attractive to others • Overcome negative reactions • Be persistent! • Get rid of your excuses

  36. WarriorRole(continued) • Spanish explorer Cortes landed at Veracruz (1519) • Burned all of his ships • Told his men “you can either fight or die” • This removed a 3rd alternative - return to Spain! • Moral: sometimes it takes more creativity to get rid of excuses than it does to come up with the idea itself

  37. Part 2:World Café Task – ‘Teaching Differently’ Change one thing about your current practice that you haven’t triedbefore……… e.g. introduce or further develop a different approach to: • content or delivery of a module • assessment (e-assessment / peer assessment) • types of feedback • flipped learning • ……………?

  38. Process 1 Move to another table (from the one that you’re sitting at) 2 Adopt the role as indicated on the table (artist / warrior / explorer) 3 Spend up to 5 minutes thinking (talking to others) and 4 Writing as many different ideas / solutions on that table – adopting that role - as you can (using the pens provided) 5 After 5 minutes (listen out for the bell) move to another table and repeat 2, 3 and 4 Any questions?

  39. now get started!

  40. Part 3 • Display all the A1 sheets on walls (using blutack) • Spend 5 mins looking at the ideas from the 3 roles / tables • Return to tables - select 1 or 2 examples from each role / expand on the selected examples / discuss in whole group……

  41. Know your Creative Roles • Shift back and forth – not always a linear progression • Use it or lose it – keep all your roles in good shape by using them • When to use them – timing is paramount don’t get stuck in a role • Don’t just generate ideas – activate your Warrior to get your ideas into action!

  42. People are more creative when….. “they have a little bit of time to explore a problem, reflect on what they're doing, gather new information, and talk to people who might have different perspectives…..” Daniel Goldman

  43. Supporting Creativity in Organizations • Autonomy • Individuals need autonomy and clear sense of what they need to accomplish • Resources • Information, funding and materials to do the work • Time • For exploring, reflecting, identifying and communicating with others Daniel Goldman

  44. Remember If you want to be more creative start by mentally visualizing yourself as being creative!

  45. References Adapt: Why Success always Starts with Failure, Tim Harford Where Good Ideas Come From: The 7 Patterns of Innovation, Steven Johnson Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, Daniel Goldman A Whack on the Side of the Head, Roger von Oech Stimulated! Habits to Spark Your Creative Genius at Work, Andrew Pek & Jeannine McGlade The Art of Creative Thinking, John Adair

  46. Thank You Any questions………….?

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