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Transport in the Cell

Learn about how molecules move through cells via passive & active transport, maintaining homeostasis. Explore diffusion, osmosis, and transport processes with real-world examples and visuals.

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Transport in the Cell

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Transport in the Cell Active and Passive Transport -You and your partner will take notes on the note guide about transport. You will also watch videos to help you understand the information.

  2. How can molecules move through cells? • Semi-permeable membrane: allows certain molecules to move in or out depending on their properties • Ex: if they are too big, they can’t go in easily • Membrane is made of (composition): • Bi-lipid layer • 2 layers of lipids • Proteins that transport materials across • Carbohydrates that act as identifiers

  3. Before we begin you must understand…. • Concentration-how much solute is in a solvent • Why must molecules move? • To maintain homeostasis • Homeostasis-state of balance in which the internal body remains in a normal range • Molecules must move to maintain this

  4. Fill out your noteguide for passive and active transport.

  5. 2 types of transport in the cell • Passive transport • Molecules move down the concentration gradient • Area where there is a lot of molecules to where there is very little • Energy involved: NO • Active transport • Molecules move up the concentration gradient • Area where there is a few molecules to where there is a lot • Energy involved: YES

  6. Go to the following website and log in. Then return to the next slide of the power point for the specific URL • Go to www.brainpop.com • Log in using: • Username: cvbrainpop • Password: cheetah1

  7. Movie time: copy and paste this URL in the brain pop tab. • http://www.brainpop.com/science/cellularlifeandgenetics/passivetransport/ Username: cvbrainpop Password: cheetah1

  8. Next up is the types of passive transport. Take notes on diffusion and osmosis on your worksheet. -Make sure to include if it is active or passive transport.

  9. Type of Passive Transport Diffusion-movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until equilibrium is reached • Equilibrium-equal distribution • Molecules will move equally after this is reached. • Simple molecules can move • Carbon dioxide, oxygen

  10. Passive transport

  11. Osmosis-Type of passive transport • Water moves from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration • No energy involved • AKA: diffusion of water

  12. Movie TimeCopy and paste the URL into the brain pop website.http://www.brainpop.com/science/matterandchemistry/diffusion/Username: cvbrainpopPassword: cheetah1

  13. Solutions • Cells can be placed in different solutions. • These solutions can change the cell in different ways. • As you read, make note of what happens to the cell in each solution and why. • Take notes in the Types of solutions

  14. Hypertonic and Hypotonic • Hypotonic-More water outside the cell than inside • Distilled water • Water comes into the cell • Why? To balance out the concentration of solutes • Hypertonic-More water inside the cell than outside • Salt water • Water leaves the cell • Why? to balance out the concentration of solutes

  15. Isotonic • Molecules are equal inside and outside the cell • Molecules move evenly across the membrane

  16. Take a look at the notes for turgor pressure and plants. • Put these notes on the back of the wkst • Draw a picture to show what is going on.

  17. Turgor Pressure and Plants • Water fills the vacuole and the contents of the cell are pushed against the cell wall • Produces turgor pressure • Gives the plant rigidity and the ability to stand erect

  18. Next take notes on facilitate diffusion.

  19. Facilitated Diffusion-3rd type of passive transport • Molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration with the help of a carrier protein • Molecules attach to a specific protein • The protein allows it to move through the membrane • Needed when molecules are too big or have an electrical charge (ions!!) • Glucose (large molecules), Na+, Ca+, K+, Cl-

  20. Add extra notes toActive Transport if needed • Requires energy from the cell • Move molecules from an area of low concentration to high • The next slides are about the types of active transport

  21. Endocytosis • Process for bringing things into the cell • Used for large particles (bigger than molecules, still microscopic) • Requires energy

  22. “Cell Eating” Very large particles taken in by cell (engulfed) “Cell Drinking” Small bits of liquid or other substances taken in Pinocytosis Phagocytosis

  23. Exocytosis • Process for moving large amount of material out a cell

  24. Check out this brain pop Movie.http://www.brainpop.com/science/cellularlifeandgenetics/activetransport/Username: cvbrainpopPassword: cheetah1

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