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One Day Symposium on Academic Excellence: Challenges & Opportunities on 11th June 2011. Organized by Directorate of Technical Education In association with G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur. Expectations of DTE from Engineering Institutes in Maharashtra. Dr S.K.Mahajan
One Day Symposium on Academic Excellence: Challenges & Opportunitieson 11th June 2011 Organized by Directorate of Technical Education In association with G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur
Expectations of DTE from Engineering Institutes in Maharashtra Dr S.K.Mahajan Director, Technical Education, Maharashtra State
Outlineof theTalk • Introduction • Maharashtra State: Present Scenario of Intake • State Initiatives for Gap Analysis • SWOT Analysis • Pathway towards excellence • National Mission in Education through ICT • Human Resource Development • Internal Revenue Generation through Services to Industry • Services to Informal sector and Community • Industry-Institute Interaction
Outlineof theTalk.. • Research Culture • Library • Interaction with Professional Bodies • Entrepreneurship Development Cell • Centre of excellence • Infrastructure Development • Autonomous Institutes • Strategic Partnerships • Benchmarking • Educational Management Information System (EMIS) • Alumni Association • Conclusion
Introduction • Linkage between sustainable economic progress of country & Quality of Technical Education. • Rapid changes in technical education system in foreign countries. • Need of periodic review of technical education system in view of advent of Information Technology, increasing expectations of stakeholders, entry of foreign universities, etc In view of above aspects DTE expects efforts from institutes on following:
State Initiatives for Gap Analysis • Promotion of Autonomy • Quality Assurance through NBA • Participation in World Bank Assisted Projects like Tech-Ed-I, Canada India Linkage Project, TEQIP etc. • OrganizedOne day Workshop: How to make Engineering Institutes World Class - Some lessons from TEQIP & Autonomy Experiment at Sydenham Institute of Management & Research Mumbai on 07.09.2009 • Organized One day Workshop on “How to transform Engineering Institutes in Maharashtra into World Class Level Institutions” at VIT Pune on 07.11.2009 • Organized One day Workshop on “How to Transform Polytechnic Institutes in Maharashtra into World-Class Level Institutes” at Government Polytechnic Aurangabad on 13.11.2009
State Initiatives for Gap Analysis.. • Special weightage for NBA status of institute while deciding fee structure. • MoUs with CII and other similar Organizations / Associations • Skill Development: MES and VTP Scheme. • Participation in National Mission on Education through Information, Communication and Technology • Implementation of Merit cum means scholarship • Implementation of State Govt. Scholarship for Minorities.
SWOT Analysis • Carry out SWOT Analysis with the active participation of all the stakeholders. • Exploit strengths to improve performance. • Convert opportunities into strengths. • Make efforts to reduce weaknesses. • Convert threats into opportunities by using proactive decision making process.
Pathway towards excellence • All the Institutes must strictly follow AICTE guidelines towards infrastructure requirement and recruitment of employees. • Unaided institutes must follow PNS, SSS guidelines • ISO Certification • TQM Implementation • NBA Accreditation
National Mission in Education through ICT • Centrally sponsored scheme to leverage the potential of ICT in teaching and learning process for the benefit of all the learners in Higher Education Institutions in any time any where mode. • Major Components: Content generation, Connectivity. • National Programme of Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL). • Expected to be a major intervention in enhancing the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher Education by 5 percentage points during the XI Five Year Plan period.
Human Resource Development • Develop a HR policy which should attract qualified individuals towards the institute and motivate the employees to work efficiently and effectively. • Allocate at least 10-15 % of their income as corpus fund for training and development of staff and faculty, Research & Development. • Encourage the staff and faculty to upgrade their qualification and skills from time to time.
Internal Revenue Generation through Services to Industry • Organize Continuing education programmes for industry personnel. • Designing training softwares for industry. • Production centre for outsourced components. • Testing and calibration services. • Consultancy services on industrial problems. • Training customers of industry. • Designing or substituting training centers of industry. • Research and Development activities.
Services to Informal sector and Community • For a balanced development of a country, quality of technical manpower for all sectors, organized as well as unorganized, needs to be improved by the technical education system. • Transfer of appropriate technologies to rural areas and provide support services to them. • Knowledge and skill upgradation of persons working in informal sector. • Promote advanced management techniques amongst informal sector. • Continuing education for community/informal sector that may lead to wage employment/self-employment and income generation.
Services to Informal sector and Community.. • Infusion of useful technologies to enhance productivity of informal sector/community, and for a better quality of life. • Providing technical support services, advice and guidance to the community as and when required. • Reward/give recognition to the students/faculty for doing community services and carrying out projects based on community problems.
Industry-Institute Interaction • Underemployment of pass-outs from some of the engineering institutes in the state. • Institutes should develop strong interaction with various Associations of industries like CII. • Organize career guidance initiatives through guest lectures from industry personnel. • Help the students for Competitive Examinations like UPSC, MPSC, GATE, GRE by organizing guest lectures from successful personnel and keeping relevant literature in library.
Contributions from industry to institutes • Participation in curriculum design, curriculum implementation, student assessment, training of students, exposing students to new technologies, and providing experts for certain courses of instruction. • Providing opportunities for individual student/group of students to undertake project on live problems in industry. • Participation in BOG, Academic Council, Board of Studies, Faculty Recruitment Committees, etc. • Assisting engineering institutes in establishing new laboratories, providing literature on new technologies, and offering their shop-floors as substitutes for laboratories.
Contributions from industry to institutes. • Training existing Faculty/Technical Staff in new technologies and processes. • Providing periodic skill improvement training to Faculty/Technical staff. • Providing industrial training to students. • Providing training to new faculty/technical staff. • Involving engineering institutes on sole or collaborative basis in R & D activities.
Research Culture • Need to develop Research Expertise and Research infrastructure. • Faculty members should be encouraged to do research and present/publish research papers in Conferences/Journals/apply for patents. • Faculty members should also be encouraged to do fundamental research, interdisciplinary research and apply for patents. • Those Students/Faculty members which contributes substantially to research should be given due recognition/rewards. • The final year students of UG/PG should be encouraged to do research and present/publish research papers in Conferences/Journals. • The faculty members should be motivated and encouraged to acquire higher qualifications (i.e. M.Tech., Ph.D., Post-Doc, etc). • Each eligible Ph.D. Guide should be motivated to guide the research students.
Library • Extended hours of working. • Digital Library. • Subscription to National/International magazines/journals in engineering/technology/management. • Availability of standard books on engineering/technology. • Availability of books on GATE, GRE, UPSC, MPSC, etc Competitive examinations. • Subscription to magazines related to MPSC, UPSC, etc Competitive examinations
Interaction with Professional Bodies • Faculty members of engineering institutions should be encouraged to become life members of various professional bodies (e.g. IEEE, IIIE, ASME, ISTE, IIPE, CSI, SOM, TSI, ISME, etc) • Student chapters of professional bodies should be started at institute level. • Students should be motivated to participate in professional body activities.
Entrepreneurship Development Cell • Innovation and Creativity Cell. • Incubation cell. • Offer an interdisciplinary elective for final year students on Entrepreneurship Development. • Arrange Lectures on entrepreneurship by successful entrepreneurs from time to time. • Provide financial help to needy students for potential projects related to entrepreneurship.
Centres of excellence • There are only the barest minimum laboratory facilities available in many of the engineering institutes and consequently very little research activity/Consultancy is undertaken. • The engineering institutes are expected to build the centre of excellence in thrust areas of engineering/technology as per demographic needs. • These Centre of Excellence should be developed as per industry standards.
Infrastructure Development • Encourage faculty towards applying for research project grants from AICTE, BRNS, DST, DRDO, CSIR, etc for infrastructure development and upgradation. • Develop models/templates in laboratories through final year students project work. • Develop laboratories through the help of industry.
Autonomous Institutes • Need to promote doctoral programmes and advanced research in the fields of engineering and technology. • Promote autonomy amongst the engineering institutes. • Enable faculty and students to try innovations, utilize creative talent, improve upon standards of education and research and to quickly respond to academic and social needs. • Expected to expand the base of research amongst technical institutes to effectively tackle the industrial problems related to product, process and technology development and also the manpower need.
Autonomous Institutes… • The autonomy is intended to be a means for the institutes to achieve higher standards of teaching, flexible curriculum, updated syllabus, and research and greater creativity rather than a reward for good performance during the past. • Autonomous institutes are expected to attract best students and scholars in large numbers from abroad on the basis of reputation of providing quality education at reasonable costs.
Autonomous Institutes… • Adopt other technical institutes in the vicinity and mentor them to improve the quality of education offered by them. • Help the society by offering projects to final year students based on practical problems in that locality/industry. • Develop research centers of industry inside Engineering Institute campus at par with foreign universities.
Strategic Partnerships • Explore the possibility of cooperative research through signing MoUs with premier educational institutes in India (viz. IITs, IIMs, NITIE, NITs, etc), Research institutes like BARC, DRDO, ISRO, etc, and reputed industries in the vicinity. • Make efforts for student exchange, faculty exchange, etc
Benchmarking • All the technical education institutes should benchmark themselves with best in class i.e. NITs, IITs, IIMs, Foreign Universities. • Institute should make efforts to emulate best practices like syllabus, teaching-learning process, laboratory infrastructure, etc from other best in class institutes. • These institutes must make efforts to sign MoUs with other institutes so that student exchange, faculty exchange, infrastructure sharing can be adopted.
Educational Management Information System (EMIS) All the technical institutes should develop Educational MIS system. This system should comprise of following: • Student records from entry to exit • Faculty records • Staff records • Library information • Placement records • Professional output records, etc
Alumni Association • Alumni as Brand Ambassador. • All the institutes are expected to prepare and maintain the updated list of Alumni along with their addresses and contact numbers. • They are also expected to develop educational infrastructure in the institute with the help from Alumni.
Conclusion • Promote autonomy for improving quality of technical education. • Emphasis on change of mindset through training. • Develop strong research culture. • Develop Centre of Excellence in thrust areas. • Develop Corpus fund. • Networking of institutes. • Strengthen industry-institute interaction. • Virtual Classrooms. • Active Alumni Associations. • Corporate Social responsibilities.
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