Study Skills
2. Why Study? Planned learning can enrich your life and can help achieve the GOALS you have.
3. Test Your Attitude Toward Studying
Be Alert
5. How to Take Good Notes Use Note Cards
6. Read (or listen) with a purpose.
Make sure you understand the words.
Summarize the main points.
Uses resources (Internet).
Constantly review your notes.
7. REPORT Check final draft for mechanics
-Sentence Structure
-Sentence Rhythm
-Sound Pattern
8. The Golden Study Rules Rule #1
Set a regular time period to study each weekday and on the weekend and stick to it. Don’t make it later at night or you’ll be too tired to work well.
9. The Golden Study Rules Rule #2
Study every night even if you don’t have assigned homework. You can read books or magazines, review and practice subjects where your skills are weak, or study ahead.
10. The Golden Study Rules Rule #3
Get enough sleep. Students your age should sleep 8-10 hours each night.
11. The Golden Study Rules Rule #4
Cut down on the number of hours you watch TV and movies. Ten hours a week should be the most time you spend on these activities.
12. Tips on Concentration
13. Get OrganizedUse forms to keep track! Homework Assignment Sheet
Schoolwork Planner
Organizing Your Workplace at Home
My Workplace Plan
14. Study Skills Study Setting:
Good lighting/ventilation
Large enough work station
Good chair
No loud music
15. Study Skills (cont.) Tips:
Study in the same place everyday
Gather all the equipment you will need beforehand
Concentrate on one task at a time
Alternate activities
16. Study Skills (cont.) Study sequences:
Hardest to easiest
Most important to least important
Take short breaks
17. Study Skills (cont) STUDY!!
Section 2
19. Purpose of Tests
20. Types of Tests Objective
True - False
Multiple Choice
Completion (Fill-in-the-blank)
21. Relieving Test Anxiety Get enough sleep
Eat a nutritious meal
Take a shower
Allow enough time to arrive early
Relax & compose yourself
Review with friends
22. Relieving Test Anxiety Thumb through books & notes
Make sure you can see clock
Choose seat carefully
Begin by filling in answers you know
23. Relieving Test Anxiety Don’t panic if others are busy writing
Don’t panic if you forget an answer
Don’t worry if others finish before you
Don’t panic if you run out of time
Bring all materials
Listen carefully to instructions
Budget your time
Write down key facts
Look for qualifying words
25. TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES Answer easy questions first
Answer objective questions before essay questions
26. TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES If you don’t know the answer, try later
Guess if you don’t know the answer
27. TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES Change answers only if you’re sure they’re wrong
Reword the question
Check numbers
28. TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES Use all the time allowed
Go back and check work
29. Test-Taking Tricks True-False
Be aware of qualifying words
A partially true statement is false
Look at the length of the statement
Be aware of false logic
Patterns are rare
If you don’t know the answer - Guess!
30. Test-Taking Tricks Multiple Choice
Eliminate obvious incorrect answers first
Read the question carefully
Read all the choices
Pay attention to “all of the above” questions
Look for the longest answer
If you don’t have a clue - Guess!
31. Always GUESS if you do not know the answer.
32. Test-Taking Tricks Matching
Read the list on the right first
Match the ones you know first
If you are unsure of an answer, mark it and return to it later
Use logical association of words and their match
33. Test-Taking Tricks Completion
Reread the question several times
Look for context clues
Look for clue words - A, An
Look at the verb in the sentence
34. Test-Taking Strategies Essay Tests
Plan your time carefully
Know your facts
Organize or outline your answers
Understand the test terminology
35. Essay Tests Identify the major points
Relate specific information in the body
Use transition words
Include a conclusion or summary
Keep you answer simple and concise
37. Calculating G.P.A. DPT 190 C 3 x2 =6
SET 111 A 3 x4 =12
MAH 116 B 3 x3=9
Hours Attempted 9
Quality Points 27
Semester G.P.A. 3.00
38. Calculating G.P.A. COM 101 B 3
PSY 200 B 3
MAH 117 C 3
Hours Attempted 9
Quality Points 24
Semester G.P.A. 2.66
Cumulative G.P.A. 2.83
39. Calculating Your G.P.A.
Semester G.P.A. = QP/ Hours Attempted
3.00 = 27/9
Cumulative G.P.A. = Total QP/ Total Hours Attempted
2.83 = 51/18
40. SSS SERVICES Tutorial Assistance
Cultural Enrichment Activities
Math & English Instruction
Services are FREE
41. Student Support Services Thank you for your participation in this workshop. We hope you found it helpful. Do not forget to complete an Academic Enrichment Summary. If you are viewing this workshop via the internet please come by the Student Support Services office to complete an Academic Enrichment Summary or you may click on the link in the instruction box on the Workshops page and print one out or e-mail it to rcrews@wallace.edu so that we may document your participation. Handouts available upon request.