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Teaching literacy and mathematics in Y3. Session 1: Introduction. External evaluations of the NLNS:. significant impact on standards and quality of teaching; clear structure to lessons; clear role for teaching assistants; positive impact on pupils’ confidence, enjoyment and involvement;
Teaching literacy and mathematics in Y3 Session 1: Introduction
External evaluations of the NLNS: • significant impact on standards and quality of teaching; • clear structure to lessons; • clear role for teaching assistants; • positive impact on pupils’ confidence, enjoyment and involvement; • more direct teaching across all subjects; • higher expectations. 1.1
Objectives • To identify key aspects of English and mathematics for teaching and learning in Y3. • To consider the entry levels of children in Y3 and expectations for the end of the year and beyond. • To set the context for the course overall. 1.2
Key areas of learning in Y3: Mathematics • ordering numbers; • counting on and back; • partitioning and recombining; • addition and subtraction facts for all numbers up to 20; • understanding the four operations; • problem solving. continues … 1.3
Key areas of learning in Y3: Literacy Word level: • applying phonic knowledge in reading and spelling; • using a range of strategies to tackle the spelling of unfamiliar words. Sentence level: • reading aloud with intonation and expression; • writing and punctuating simple and compound sentences; • using varied vocabulary for effect; • using tense consistently. continues … 1.3a
Key areas of learning in Y3: Literacy Text level: • sustaining silent reading; • identifying main themes and ideas and making reference to the text; • writing a range of narrative and non-fiction with appropriate use of language and structure; • making adaptations and corrections to improve own writing. 1.3b
Progress data KS1 – KS2 2002 KS2 English 2002 KS2 Mathematics 3 4 5 3 4 5 1 49% 48% 2C 30% 32% 2B 12% 70% 18% 16% 65% 18% 2A 2% 53% 44% 5% 54% 41% 3 1998 KS1 Av Level 1.4a
Progress data KS1 – KS2 2002 KS2 English 2002 KS2 Mathematics 3 4 5 3 4 5 1 49% 48% 2C 30% 32% 2B 12% 70% 18% 16% 65% 18% 2A 2% 53% 44% 5% 54% 41% 3 2% 37% 3% 35% 1998 KS1 Av Level 57% 61% 9% 7% 1% 0% 24% 28% 76% 69% 1.4b
Discussion points: • What do children need to know and do to tackle these objectives well? • What key areas of knowledge, skills and understanding need to be in place in Y3 in order to secure progression towards these end of KS2 expectations? 1.5
13. The writer uses words like prancing, plunging and galloping to describe the waves. What does this tell you about them? 1.6
grams Here is a scale which shows the weight of a letter. How much does the letter weigh? 1.7
The principles of learning and teaching • Ensure every child succeeds: provide an inclusive education within a culture of high expectations. • Build on what learners already know: structure and pace teaching so that children know what is to be learned and how. • Make learning vivid and real: develop understanding through enquiry, e-learning and group problem solving. continues … 1.8
The principles of learning and teaching • Make learning an enjoyable and challenging experience: stimulate learning through matching teaching techniques and strategies to a range of learning styles. • Enrich the learning experience: infuse learning skills across the curriculum. • Promote assessment for learning: make children partners in their learning. 1.8a
Key messages • Identify key areas of learning in English and mathematics. • Recognise and build on prior attainment in Y3. • Set clear expectations for progress in Y3. 1.9
Teaching literacy and mathematics in Y3 Session 2: Literacy – Planning for children’s learning through a unit of work in Year 3
Objectives • To examine the selection of objectives and the teaching sequence within a planned Y3 unit of work. • To consider how children’s understanding of narrative structures is developed and extended through the unit. • To consider how children’s understanding is extended through the use of questions and alternatives to questions. 2.1
Effective medium-term planning: • assembles text, sentence and word level objectives into a coherent unit; • includes all objectives from the NLS Framework, recognising that some word and sentence level objectives will be taught discretely and some will be integrated into the theme of the unit; • indicates texts to be studied and pupil outcomes; • indicates related speaking and listening emphases; • provides links into the rest of the curriculum; • assumes the teacher will be reading to the class on a regular basis. 2.2
Effective short-term planning: • is led by objectives; • represents teaching and learning on the basis of the two overarching concepts: analysis and application; • contains a teaching sequence that leads clearly from objectives to outcome; • includes all elements of the literacy hour, adjusted in order to teach the objectives most effectively; • indicates the role of additional adults; • includes differentiated tasks; • assumes that children will be reading and writing at other times of the day and at home. 2.3
Key aspects of whole-class teaching • engages children in active learning; • is organised to meet objectives; • builds on children’s existing skills; • uses a variety of teaching strategies; • makes appropriate use of ICT to enhance teaching and learning; • includes aspects of day to day assessment; • provides for different learning styles; • leads to independent learning. 2.4
Reading workshops The following activities are included in the workshops: • independent re-reading of familiar texts; • independent reading of texts of children’s own choice; • preparation for guided reading sessions; • independent reading, following on from a guided reading session; • individual, paired or group reading; • text, sentence or word level activities as follow-up tasks to guided reading; • a plenary session which focuses on independent work. These sessions are planned and a clear role for the teaching assistant is identified. 2.5
Key messages • Ensure that medium- and short-term plans meet the criteria for effective planning. • Provide a ‘broad and balanced’ reading curriculum. • Use a range of interactive strategies during shared reading. • Make teaching vivid and real. 2.6
Teaching literacy and mathematics in Y3 Session 3: Mathematics – Strengthening teaching and learning in key areas of mathematics in Year 3
Strengthening the teaching andlearning of key ideas in mathematics Objectives • To familiarise teachers with the key areas of mathematics that we have identified and where these are located in the Framework. • To highlight the importance of models and images in helping children to understand mathematics. 3.1
The key areas identified are: • ordering numbers; • counting on and back; • partitioning and recombining; • addition and subtraction facts within 20; • understanding the four operations; • problem solving. Materials include: • Models and images charts; • Interactive Teaching Programs (ITPs); • Selected Unit Plans; • Support sessions. 3.2
understand models with images remember do 3.3
Interactive teaching programs (ITPs) • These are designed to help teachers develop children’s understanding of key concepts in a way that would be difficult/inefficient to do without ICT. place valuefacts within 20 ordering numberscounting on and back groupingdifference 3.4
Models and images Discuss and then make a list of which models and images: • might be suitable for use with the whole class; • are suitable for children in your class who are struggling to understand the mathematics. 3.5
Potential difficulties Discuss: • which are most common in your experience and therefore important to prevent when first teaching this aspect of mathematics; • which images and models could help children to avoid or resolve these difficulties. 3.6
Key messages • Children need to have a sound understanding of the number system, the four operations and know addition and subtraction facts of numbers to 20. • Using models and images when teaching mathematics provides children with the understanding they need to do mathematics and remember it. • Giving children an understanding of models and images that relate to number lines means they can use this securely in their later learning. 3.7
Teaching literacy and mathematics in Y3 Session 4: Mathematics – Developing children’s reasoning and problem-solving skills
Developing children’s reasoning and problem solving skills Objectives • To look at how questions can be incorporated into ‘everyday’ teaching to develop children’s mathematical thinking and reasoning skills. • To consider a classification of problem solving skills to be taught. 4.1
Additional questions when adding any four single-digit numbers • What could be the biggest possible answer when adding any four single-digit numbers together? And the smallest? • If the four numbers include a pair of numbers with a total of 10, what would be the biggest possible answer? And the smallest? 4.2
Sorts of problems include: • word problems (single and multi-step); • finding all possibilities; • logic puzzles; • finding rules and describing patterns; • diagram problems and visual puzzles. Sources: • Mathematical challenges for able pupils in Key Stages in 1 and 2; • The Framework for teaching mathematics, particularly section 5 pages 62 – 71. 4.3
Finding all possibilities • Have a system for finding the possibilities, e.g. start with the smallest number. • Check for repeats. • Know when all possibilities have been found. • Organise the recording of possibilities, e.g. in an ordered list or table. 4.4
Logic problems • Identify the given facts and prioritise them. • Look for any relationships and patterns in the information given. • Use one piece of information in the problem and see what effect it has. • Choose and use a recording system to organise the given information. • Check that the answer meets all the criteria. 4.5
Diagram problems and visual problems • Identify the given information and represent it in another way. • Use a systematic approach to solve the problem and a way of recording if necessary. • Use drawings or annotations to help. • Visualise the problem using familiar shapes or patterns • Try other possibilities to check the solution. 4.6
Describing rules and finding patterns • Decide on the information you need to describe and continue the pattern. • Give examples that match a given statement and ones which don’t. • Describe a rule of a pattern or relationship in words or pictures. • Predict the next few terms in a sequence to test the rule. • Use a rule to decide whether a given number will be in the sequence or not. 4.7
Key messages • Planned questions can be incorporated into ‘everyday’ teaching to develop children’s mathematical thinking and reasoning skills. • A classification of types of problems can help teachers to identify the strategies which need to be taught. 4.8
Teaching literacy and mathematics in Y3 Session 6: Literacy – Teaching phonics and spelling in Year 3
Objectives • To establish the expectations for phonics and spelling in Y3. • To identify the key aspects of the spelling curriculum in Y3. • To consider strategies for the effective teaching and learning of phonics and spelling in Y3. 6.1
He gratedsome cheese over his omelette. 6.2
Children should hear six phonemes in the word. • They should know the word is past tense therefore the stem word is grate and it should have ‘ed’ on the end, even though the phonemes are /i/d/. • They should know the regular correspondences for /g/ and /r/. • They should know that the common possibilities for the /ae/ phoneme are ‘ai’ and ‘a-e’ but that the most common preceding /t/ is ‘ate’. • However, they may know the spelling for ‘great’ which could interfere with the correct spelling of ‘grated’. 6.3
They always enjoyed theirtrips to the seaside. A strange and beautiful bird hopped up to my door step. 6.4
their • know which form of the word is being used here (belonging to them); • know that ‘their’ is semantically related to ‘them’ and ‘they’ and shares the first three letters t-h-e. seaside • know that there are two syllables – the first syllable has two phonemes and the second has three; • know the possible digraphs for /ee/ phoneme and that this word is spelt differently from ‘see’; • know the different common spellings of /ie/ and that as it is not the last phoneme it is unlikely to be ‘y’ or ‘ie’. continues … 6.5
beautiful • know that the word ‘beau’ means beautiful in French and that ‘eau’ has been imported into English; • know that, when adding the suffix ’ful’ to a base word ending in consonant + ‘y’ , the ‘y’ will change to ‘i’. hopped • know that, when building on a single syllable word with a short vowel before the last consonant, you need to double the final consonant. 6.5a
The spelling curriculum in Year 3 –four key aspects: • learning spelling conventions; • learning spelling strategies; • practice; • application (including proofreading). 6.6
Conventions in Y3 • phonemic: • syllables (including compound words) • long vowel phonemes • unusual representations of consonant phonemes, e.g. silent letters; • morphemic: • the effect of adding prefixes and suffixes • inflections • compound words; • etymology: • the origin/history of words; • apostrophe for omission. 6.7
Key messages • Have high expectations for progress. • Ensure planned time for focused teaching, independent practice/application and assessment for learning. • Promote children’s independence. 6.8
Teaching literacy and mathematics in Y3 Session 7: Literacy – Writing in the literacy hour
Objectives • To track how the sequence of development from reading into writing is structured in the planning of the unit. • To identify how skills for writing are developed and applied within a unit of work. • To consider the place and purpose of guided writing. 7.1