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Rheoli Ymddygiad am Athrawon Behaviour Management for Teachers

Rheoli Ymddygiad am Athrawon Behaviour Management for Teachers. Karon Oliver Uwch Seicolegydd Addysg (Ymddygiad) Senior Educational Psychologist (Behaviour). Amcan Heddiw - Aim for Today. Rheolaeth Dosbarth Effeithiol/ Effective classroom management Gosod ffiniau / Setting boundaries

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Rheoli Ymddygiad am Athrawon Behaviour Management for Teachers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rheoli Ymddygiad am AthrawonBehaviour Management for Teachers Karon Oliver Uwch Seicolegydd Addysg (Ymddygiad) Senior Educational Psychologist (Behaviour)

  2. Amcan Heddiw - Aim for Today • Rheolaeth Dosbarth Effeithiol/ Effective classroom management • Gosod ffiniau/ Setting boundaries • Ymateb effeithiol im blant trafferthus/ Making effective responses to troubled children

  3. Rheolaeth Dosbarth EffeithiolEffective Classroom Management

  4. Beth sy’n gwneud am Rheolaeth Dosbarth Effeithiol?What makes for Effective Classroom Management?

  5. 1. Perthynasau/ Relationships (Cyfathrebu/ Communication)

  6. Defnydd o iaithUse of language Ni yn erbyn Chi Us vs You

  7. Disgwyliadau UchelHigh Expectations Rosenthal a Jacobson (1968) astudiaeth “Pygmalion in the Classroom” Rosenthal and Jacobson’s (1968) study “Pygmalion in the Classroom”

  8. 3. Ymddygiadau sydd angen – gwybod beth yr ydych eisiau!/ Required behaviours – knowing what you want!


  10. Croeso cadarnhaolA positive welcome • Croeoso cadarnhaol sy’n gosod naws y wers • A positive welcome or greeting can set the tone for the lesson

  11. Gosod disgyblion o fewn y dosbarthSeating pupils in class

  12. Rheolaeth ArgraffolImpression Management

  13. Y ffordd rydym ni’n ni bihafioThe way we behave (Prawf Albert Bandura Albert Bandura’s Experiment)

  14. Lleoliadu a Ennill SylwPositioning and Gaining Attention

  15. 6. Cynllunio gwers Planning a lesson

  16. Mae dechrau y wers holl bwysigLesson beginnings are critical

  17. Gweithgareddau dechreuolStarter activities Fel athrawon, rydych yn ymwybodol pa mor ddefnyddiol yr ydyw i ddefnyddio adnoddau i ddenu sylw dosbarth neu dal ei chwylfrydedd: As teachers, you know how helpful it is to use resources to intrigue a class or capture their curiosity:

  18. A oedd eich esboniad y effeithiol?Was your explanation effective?

  19. Cyflymdra, cyflwyniad a momentwmPace, delivery and momentum

  20. Rheolaeth PontioManaging Transitions Yr allwedd yw cynllunio Planning is the key

  21. Crynhoi effeithiolEffective Closing/Plenary

  22. Symud o gwmpas y dosbarthMovement around the classroom

  23. Scannio a disgwyliadScanning and anticipation

  24. Ymateb yn hyderus i ymddygiad disgyblResponding confidently to pupil behaviour

  25. Defnyddio symbyliaday…Use of prompts…

  26. Beth sydd o’I le?What’s wrong with this? • PEIDIWCH MEDDWL AM ELIFFANT.. • DON’T THINK OF AN ELEPHANT….

  27. Defnyddiwch Iaith cadarnhauUse positive language

  28. Defnydd o cwestiynnauUse of questions

  29. Gallwn gofyn cwestiynnau sy’n ymwneud ar trasg We can ask a task-related questions

  30. Gallwn defnyddio cwestiynnau gohiriedig We can use deferred questions

  31. Mae’r rhaid ffocysu ar yr ymddygiad sydd angen yn hytrach na’r camymddygiad We must focus on the required behaviour rather than the misdemeanour

  32. Ail-gyfeirio i dasgRedirecting to task

  33. Ail-ffocysuRefocussing

  34. Canmol ac adnabyddiaethPraise and recognition


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