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At the Bell

At the Bell. Write statements speculating on reasons why abolitionists fought against the institution of slavery. Chapter 17 Reform. Section Three: The Crusade for Abolition. I. Early Opponents of Slavery. Abolitionists started a campaign that called for an end to slavery

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At the Bell

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  1. At the Bell • Write statements speculating on reasons why abolitionists fought against the institution of slavery.

  2. Chapter 17 Reform Section Three: The Crusade for Abolition

  3. I. Early Opponents of Slavery • Abolitionists started a campaign that called for an end to slavery 1. Against Constitution • Northern states abolished by early 1800’s • Colonization- American Colonization Society- abolitionist who wanted to send freed slaves back to Africa to set up colonies 1. freed slaves opposed the ACS

  4. Assignment • With a partner write a skit in which one person is a proponent of colonization and the other is an opponent of colonization.

  5. II. Abolitionists Call for Action • Overtime abolitionist call for an immediate end to slavery • David Walker- Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World- call to take action • William Lloyd Garrison- abolitionist newspaper- Liberator

  6. III. Voices of the American Anti-Slavery Society • First national antislavery organization • Frederick Douglass- fugitive slave 1. Spoke and wrote against slavery- very moving • Sojourner Truth- former slave speaks on behalf of abolitionists • The Grimke sisters- Quaker women • Moved to Philly to protest slavery • Wrote on behalf of Abolitionists

  7. Assignment • With a partner create a bulleted list of methods used by the American Anti-Slavery Society to spread its message. • Then brainstorm for other ways in which abolitionists might have peacefully spread their message.

  8. IV. Problems for Abolitionists • Violent resistance • Violence was used in South • Fear and prejudice in the North of African Americans • The Movement splinters 1. Moderates and radicals

  9. Questions • Why was it not until the late eighteenth century that large numbers of individuals considered slavery to be morally wrong? • Why did abolitionists consider slavery to be wrong? • Are agitation and denunciation an effective way of opposing a social evil or do such methods simply breed resistance?

  10. Fun Facts • When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months. • The most money ever paid for a cow in an auction was $1.3 million. • On the new hundred dollar bill the time on the clock tower of Independence Hall is 4:10. • The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.

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