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Reconfiguration and Hardware Agents in Testing and Repair of Distributed Systems

Reconfiguration and Hardware Agents in Testing and Repair of Distributed Systems. George Moi ş, Iulia Ştefan , Szilárd Enyedi , Liviu Miclea Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania). EWDTS 2009. Purpose.

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Reconfiguration and Hardware Agents in Testing and Repair of Distributed Systems

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  1. Reconfiguration and Hardware Agents in Testing and Repair of Distributed Systems

    George Moiş, Iulia Ştefan, SzilárdEnyedi, LiviuMiclea Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) EWDTS 2009
  2. Purpose Show the real challenges and potential benefits of using mobile hardware agents and reconfiguration for testing and repairing of distributed systems Reduce the test and repair complexity of large, heterogeneous distributed systems Allow automated testing and repairing of the system Slide 2 of 29
  3. Plan of Presentation Present the problem Agents Reconfigurable systems Experimental setup Conclusions and future work Slide 3 of 29
  4. Heterogeneous distributed systems We call heterogeneousdistributedsystem a network of independent systems - with possibly different architectures - that work together to achieve a goal, each solving a part of the problem Slide 4 of 29
  5. The Problem How can I implement, manage, and organize the test and repairing actions of a heterogeneous distributed system? Slide 5 of 29
  6. Testing and Repairing Heterogeneous Distributed Systems Classic and local testing and repair do not produce the wished for results A distributed, decentralized solution is much easier to Design Implement Maintain Utilize The proposed solution uses two relatively new technologies: Mobile Data Agents Real-Time Reconfigurable Systems Slide 6 of 29
  7. Plan of Presentation Present the problem Agents Reconfigurable systems Experimental setup Conclusions and future work Slide 7 of 29
  8. What is an Agent – our view Agent An agent is a piece of software capable of independent existence within an environment provided for it, it is able to communicate with other entities, to unaidedly accomplish the work assigned to it and also to travel between geographically separate locations in its environment. Slide 8 of 29
  9. Why Agents? The choice is the most: Innovative Powerful Less expensive Flexible Scalable Slide 9 of 29
  10. Mobile Hardware Agents We want the testing and repairing actions to be brought to the hardware level by using the Mobile Hardware Agent paradigm Mobile Hardware Agents - software agents which can move together with their program executable code, data, and hardware components Slide 10 of 29
  11. Agents’ Duties Test the devices the system is made of Try to detect and repair errors Slide 11 of 29
  12. Plan of Presentation Present the problem Agents Reconfigurable systems Experimental setup Conclusions and future work Slide 12 of 29
  13. Hardware Self-maintenance Implies that the defective device or the device that is about to be out of order “take notice” and recovers from this state Usually realized through: A surplus or a duplication of the present functions, in hardware The use of local software or the use of decision electronics for testing and/or deactivating the defective part and reallocating the tasks to the spare part of the device Slide 13 of 29
  14. Reconfigurable systems Key feature - the ability to perform computations in hardware Have increased performance Retain much of the flexibility of a software solution Slide 14 of 29
  15. Reconfiguration and FPGAs System reconfiguration was achieved by full rewrite of an FPGA Slide 15 of 29
  16. Plan of Presentation Present the problem Agents Reconfigurable systems Experimental setup Conclusions and future work Slide 16 of 29
  17. Experimental Setup A simple reconfigurable system Incorporates the reconfiguration and mobile data agents’ technologies Networked infrastructure Architectural pattern based on a centralized agent host and two low-end peripheral nodes with reconfigurable capabilities Slide 17 of 29
  18. Mobile Agent System Split into two components A common software layer included in the central host Some low-level local routines installed on each peripheral node Slide 18 of 29
  19. The Nodes Resource constrained embedded systems provided with reprogrammable hardware Communicate with each other and with the central host through wireless interface using Wi-Fi Modules Two XUP V2P Xilinx FPGA boards Slide 19 of 29
  20. Experimental Setup One of the FPGAs is programmed as a microprocessor in charge of controlling a process High importance If it is defective, the entire system is unable to correctly execute its tasks The other FPGA is programmed as a video board The part we can give up Can be used as a programmable spare Slide 20 of 29
  21. Experimental Setup Slide 21 of 29
  22. Experimental Setup The agent Runs test routines Sends a notice message to the supervisor if part is defective The supervisor Sends the required bitstream through the wireless modules to reprogram the FPGAs (SlaveSerial or SelectMAP Mode) if needed This embedded processor-based configuration solution reduces board real estate requirements in a distributed system Slide 22 of 29
  23. Agent running tests Slide 23 of 29
  24. Experimental Setup If the video board is not working properly The entire system can execute its tasks without any immediate intervention If the microprocessor is damaged The process is endangered The entire system is reconfigured by reprogramming the video board to act as an identical backup microprocessor It is no longer used and the new microprocessor which the supervisor has just programmed, takes its role Slide 24 of 29
  25. Reconfigured system structure Slide 25 of 29
  26. Plan of Presentation Present the problem Agents Reconfigurable systems Experimental setup Conclusions and future work Slide 26 of 29
  27. Conclusions The reconfiguration and agent approach is natural to the distributed testing and repairing problem, thus leading to certain advantages: Increased flexibility and scalability of both the testing system and the system-under-test The testing and repairing software is able to reach deep into the lower levels of the SUT Reduce costs and test/repair time due to parallelism and tasks distribution Maximize the reuse of the test procedures Low resource requirements Slide 27 of 29
  28. Future Work Usingpartial reconfiguration of the FPGA boards The use of another FPGA to act as a central host Expand the testing/repair and communication capabilities Communicate over longer distances between the FPGA boards using 3G/HSPA modules Increase communication security Slide 28 of 29
  29. Thank you

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