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ITALY: Medical Librarian isn’t a legally recognized profession in Italian National Health Service .
ITALY: Medical Librarian isn’t a legally recognized profession in Italian National Health Service. • Hundreds of biomedical libraries in NHS, most are little libraries. Only 7.71% out of 506 library personnel (as resulting from the census) has librarian’s curriculum. No specific education for medical librarian in the schools and in the universities. No National Network (Sources: Questionnaire: G. Cognetti; Data/BDS Census : R. Aprea ) SBBL In Lombardia: local network SBBL (Regional Law, 1994). SBBL co-ordinates 16 important medical libraries. More than 100 medical libraries use the SBBL’s services (Union Catalogue etc) • BDS (Health Librarians Documentalists - NHS) • GIDIF RBM (Group of Documentalists in Industry, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research Institutes / Union Catalogue
USA : A SUPER LIBRARIAN Pyramidal organizationsimilar to that of Russia. The National Library of Medicine co-ordinates thousands of medical libraries (National Network of Libraries of Medicine) NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA SERHOLD/DOCLINE: ca.3000 medical libraries (USA/CANADA) exchange, free of charge, ca. 2,5 million documentsper year. They also partecipate in OCLC. USA: MLA Medical Library Association (1890) and many other associationsin the field NLM NN/LM • Questionnaires: 12 • Bolivia, Brazil, Canada(3), Cuba, Mexico (2), Puerto Rico,USA(3) • Respondents: none • Source of information: Professional literature Bull Med Libr Assoc 87(3) 1999; 88(3)2000; WEST INDIES: Medical Science Library - Trinitad “is a small, new library...: 3000 mq, seat 800…” Bull. MLA88(3)2000:255
RUSSIA: A SUPER LIBRARIAN (source Bull MLA 88::2000) Pyramidal organization, similar to that of USA: The Russian State Central Scientific Medical Library co-ordinates the network of other medical libraries. Soyuzmedinform consortium produces the database Russian Medicine (over 150 russian medical journal indexed) Russia::40 Schools in Library Science and a Special School for Medical Librarianship in Leningrad. (Bull MLA 79(3)1991) RSCSML SOYUZMEDINFORM JAPAN:Medical Librarian isn’t a legally recognized profession. No specific education. Medical Libraries only in some hospitals Japan Medical Library Association.Only local networks • INDIA : A SUPER LIBRARIAN: Ranganathan and English influence? • Different professional roles legally recognized • Different courses of study • Medical Libraries in most hospitals • Medical Library Association of India and many others library associations • Government finances networks A S I A • Questionnaires: 8 • China, India (2) Israel, Japan(2) Pakistan+Russia.Respondents:2 • India: O.P. Verma - Central Council for Research in Homoepathy, • Japan: Noriko Taira - Health Sciences Univerity of Hokkaido Library
EUROPE: “There are librarians working within the Public Health Service System, but they are not specialized/accredited/trained as health care information specialists, and the profession itself is not on the list of specialization stipulated by law “I. Robu. Questionnaire/ROMANIA Nordic Association for Medical and Health Information bringing together the five national associations (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland). Health Libr Rev 1998 15(1):29- LITNOR : (ca. 40 medical libraries (Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark) exchange articles. Sourc: Internet UK is well organized: register, Library Association/ Health Libraries Group (2000 members), co-operation and networks. E A H I L Spain: Coordinatora de documentaciò biomedica (since 1983)/Union catalogue Bollettino AIB 2000 40:295-308
AFRICA:A poor continent with few medical libraries well-organized? AHILA : African Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa Source: Questionnaire : Questionnaires : 7Ghana, Kenya (2) Namibia, Uganda, Zimbabwe (2) Respondents:1 Zimbabwe Helga Patrikios. -University ofZimbabwe Medical Library ( 7 professional staff :4 degrees, 3 diplomas in library science) Zimbabwe: only two medical libraries .Qualification required: degree (bachelor level) or postgraduate diploma, or MA or MSc in library science
OCEANIA Sent questionnaires: 4: Australia(3), New Zealand. Resondents: none ...In the ocean of health information the solitar navigator needs to be helped by a professional librarian…. OCEANIA Questionnaires 4: Australia(3), New Zealand. Respondents: none Gaetana Cognetti