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Medical librarians in Italy face various challenges due to the lack of recognition and specific education for the profession. However, there are opportunities for collaboration and coordination through networks and associations.
ITALY: Medical Librarian isn’t a legally recognized profession in Italian National Health Service. • Hundreds of biomedical libraries in NHS, most are little libraries. Only 7.71% out of 506 library personnel (as resulting from the census) has librarian’s curriculum. No specific education for medical librarian in the schools and in the universities. No National Network (Sources: Questionnaire: G. Cognetti; Data/BDS Census : R. Aprea ) SBBL In Lombardia: local network SBBL (Regional Law, 1994). SBBL co-ordinates 16 important medical libraries. More than 100 medical libraries use the SBBL’s services (Union Catalogue etc) • BDS (Health Librarians Documentalists - NHS) • GIDIF RBM (Group of Documentalists in Industry, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research Institutes / Union Catalogue
USA : A SUPER LIBRARIAN Pyramidal organizationsimilar to that of Russia. The National Library of Medicine co-ordinates thousands of medical libraries (National Network of Libraries of Medicine) NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA SERHOLD/DOCLINE: ca.3000 medical libraries (USA/CANADA) exchange, free of charge, ca. 2,5 million documentsper year. They also partecipate in OCLC. USA: MLA Medical Library Association (1890) and many other associationsin the field NLM NN/LM • Questionnaires: 12 • Bolivia, Brazil, Canada(3), Cuba, Mexico (2), Puerto Rico,USA(3) • Respondents: none • Source of information: Professional literature Bull Med Libr Assoc 87(3) 1999; 88(3)2000; WEST INDIES: Medical Science Library - Trinitad “is a small, new library...: 3000 mq, seat 800…” Bull. MLA88(3)2000:255
RUSSIA: A SUPER LIBRARIAN (source Bull MLA 88::2000) Pyramidal organization, similar to that of USA: The Russian State Central Scientific Medical Library co-ordinates the network of other medical libraries. Soyuzmedinform consortium produces the database Russian Medicine (over 150 russian medical journal indexed) Russia::40 Schools in Library Science and a Special School for Medical Librarianship in Leningrad. (Bull MLA 79(3)1991) RSCSML SOYUZMEDINFORM JAPAN:Medical Librarian isn’t a legally recognized profession. No specific education. Medical Libraries only in some hospitals Japan Medical Library Association.Only local networks • INDIA : A SUPER LIBRARIAN: Ranganathan and English influence? • Different professional roles legally recognized • Different courses of study • Medical Libraries in most hospitals • Medical Library Association of India and many others library associations • Government finances networks A S I A • Questionnaires: 8 • China, India (2) Israel, Japan(2) Pakistan+Russia.Respondents:2 • India: O.P. Verma - Central Council for Research in Homoepathy, • Japan: Noriko Taira - Health Sciences Univerity of Hokkaido Library
EUROPE: “There are librarians working within the Public Health Service System, but they are not specialized/accredited/trained as health care information specialists, and the profession itself is not on the list of specialization stipulated by law “I. Robu. Questionnaire/ROMANIA Nordic Association for Medical and Health Information bringing together the five national associations (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland). Health Libr Rev 1998 15(1):29- LITNOR : (ca. 40 medical libraries (Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark) exchange articles. Sourc: Internet UK is well organized: register, Library Association/ Health Libraries Group (2000 members), co-operation and networks. E A H I L Spain: Coordinatora de documentaciò biomedica (since 1983)/Union catalogue Bollettino AIB 2000 40:295-308
AFRICA:A poor continent with few medical libraries well-organized? AHILA : African Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa Source: Questionnaire : Questionnaires : 7Ghana, Kenya (2) Namibia, Uganda, Zimbabwe (2) Respondents:1 Zimbabwe Helga Patrikios. -University ofZimbabwe Medical Library ( 7 professional staff :4 degrees, 3 diplomas in library science) Zimbabwe: only two medical libraries .Qualification required: degree (bachelor level) or postgraduate diploma, or MA or MSc in library science
OCEANIA Sent questionnaires: 4: Australia(3), New Zealand. Resondents: none ...In the ocean of health information the solitar navigator needs to be helped by a professional librarian…. OCEANIA Questionnaires 4: Australia(3), New Zealand. Respondents: none Gaetana Cognetti