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Teach Parent program empowers parents of pre-K to 8th graders to enhance children's educational success. Addressing disparities in test scores, it provides classes, materials, and funding for educational trips.
Final Project-Teach Parent By: Gabrielle Testani Teach Parent is a program that works with parents and caregivers of children enrolled in pre-Kindergarten to 8th grade. Teach Parent offers educational classes to parents to help them to better understand the importance of education outside of the classroom. Teach Parent provides school materials and funding so that parents are able to provide educational trips for their children.
Community Need Within the New York City School Districts there is a great difference in test scores. Many Black and Latino students are scoring significantly lower than White and Asian students on the NYS Common Core Standardized Tests. Lower test scores can affect a child’s well being for the rest of their life.
Community Need Data NYC Department of Education Common Core ELA Test Results 2013 http://schools.nyc.gov/accountability/data/testresults/elaandmathtestresults
Community Need This first chart represents the percentage of students scoring within Level 1, the lowest level of the Common Core state exam. There is a significantly higher number of Black and Latino students scoring in this range. This second chart represents the percentage of students who scored within Level 4, the highest level of the Common Core state exam. There is a significantly higher number of Asian and White students scoring in this range.
Literature Review Parental involvement directly affects school performance. • A family’s background and socio-economic status play a very large role in a child’s educational success. Achievement gaps begin at an early age and by age nine Black students are typically .9 standard deviations below White students. This corresponds directly with parental involvement inside and outside of school. (Bali, Valentina and R. M. Alvarez.) • Latinos have relatively low academic achievements, with fewer years of school and higher drop out rates than other races. The schools generally attended by Blacks and Latinos have a number of characteristics that reduce student achievement as well. Along with many school problems, the author stated that parental educationis believed to explain a large portion of the racial-ethnic gap in educational achievement between whites and minority races. (Goldsmith, Pat A.) • Many scholars try to explain the differences in racial test scores through the poverty rate and limited English spoken by some families. (Stiefel, Leanna, Amy E. Schwartz and Ingrid G. Ellen.) • School resources are a major problem within many urban school districts. (Kim, Dae Y., Jeffrey E. Zabel and Leanna Stiefel.) Educating parents can help to reduce educational gaps.
Works Cited • Bali, Valentina and R. M. Alvarez. 2004. "The Race Gap in Student Achievement Scores: Longitudinal Evidence from a Racially Diverse School District " Policy Studies Journal Vol. 32(Issue 3):393-415. • Goldsmith, Pat A. Spring 2003. "All Segregation is Not Equal: The Impact of Latino and Black School Composition." Sociological Perspectives Vol. 46(Issue 1):83-105. • Kim, Dae Y., Jeffrey E. Zabel and Leanna Stiefel. 2006. "School Efficiency and Student Subgroups: Is a Good School Good for Everyone?" Peabody Journal of Education Vol. 81(Issue 4):95-117. • Stiefel, Leanna, Amy E. Schwartz and Ingrid G. Ellen. Winter 2007. "Disentangling the Racial Test Score Gap: Probing the Evidence in a Large Urban School District." Journal of Policy Analysis & Management Vol. 26(Issue 1):7-30.
Data Analysis For my project I choose to use a binary outcome. This means that I ran a chi-squared and a logistic regression.
I focused on whether or not a student was less disinterested and frustrated after being enrolled in the programcompared to students not enrolled in the program. Data Analysis
Data Analysis • Evaluation Plan: -Question: Are students less disinterested and frustrated with school after being enrolled in the program compared to students who are not enrolled in the program? -Evaluation Design: After Only with Control Test XO O -Evaluation Statistics: Chi-Square and Logistic Regression
Data Analysis 51% I found that students in the program were less disinterested and frustrated in school than those not in the program.
Crosstab and Chi-Square Disinterest Interest Not in Program 200 50.6% In Program
Data Analysis • After running a cross-tab and chi-square in SPSS I found that my program seemed successful. • My data though was not significant at the .005 level which makes my program not statistically significant though. • Then I ran a logistic regression which proved even further that my program is still not statistically significant even when other variables were included.