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RESPECT THE IDEAS OF OTHERS. Even if we all breathe the same air and say hello to a new day with the same rising sun, we all have different points of view . These different points of view can be held together with tolerance and respect .
Evenifweallbreathethesameairand say helloto a newdaywiththesamerising sun, weallhavedifferentpoints of view. • Thesedifferentpoints of view can be heldtogetherwithtoleranceandrespect. • Aboutthesevirtues, therearemanysayings of philosophers.
“I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” Albert Einstein
“I do not agreewithwhatyou say, but I’lldefendtothedeathyourrightto say it.”Voltaire
“Respect yourself and others will respect you.” (Confucius)
“Wemustlearntolivetogether as brothersorperishtogether as fools.” (Martin LutherKingJr.)
“It is the understanding that sees and hears; it is the understanding that improves everything, that orders everything, and that acts, rules and reigns.” (Epicharmus)
Mevlana had a widevisionaboutnature of humanbeingandtheworld. • 2007wasannounced as theyear of Mevlana by UNESCO. • Allthepeople in theworldknow Mevlana as a symbol of tolerance. • He has nice sayingsandthoughtsabouttolerance.
“Whoeveractswithrespectwillgetrespect.” Mevlana (1207 - 1273) “
“Yoursoul is socloseto mine thateverythingyouthink of is passingthroughmymind.” Mevlana Rumi (1207 - 1273)
Feelinglonelyandignobleindicatesthatyouhaven'tbeenpatient. • O tongueyouare an endlesstreasure.O tongue, youarealso an endlessdisease. • Many of thefaultsyousee in others, dearreader, areyourownnaturereflected in them. Mevlana Rumi (1207 - 1273)
Come, come, whoeveryouare. Wonderer, worshipper, lover of leaving. Itdoesn'tmatter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, evenifyouhavebrokenyourvow a thousandtimes. Come, yet again, come, come. Mevlana
Whilebythissaying,Mevlana pointsoutthateachindividualshould be accepted in spite of differencesand his/her mistakes, a traditionaldessert is like a nice exampleforthisinference.
Thedessert is called“Aşure”. • Thisdessertincludes a lot of differenttastes: chickpea, haricotbean, wheat, sugar, grape, hazelnut, walnut, sesame, water, pomegranate etc.
Youmaythinkthattheseingredientsare not deliciousalltogether.
But theyaddzesttoeachother’staste. Finally a reallydeliciousdessertcomesout.
Just as differentingredientscometogetherandmake a deliciousdessert, differentthoughtscometogetherandmake a nice citizenship.
Allourwish is tolivetogetherhavingrespectwithoutdiscrimination of religion, language, sexandrace.