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Learn about Biology Mix Bag topics including inorganic compounds, homeostasis, enzymes, macromolecules, organelles, and cellular processes explained in an easily understandable format.
Which object is the smallest?2.34x10-4 2.34x10-2 2.34x10-1 Mix Bag 1
Inorganic means that it does NOT contain Carbon (C) or Hydrogen (H). Name two Inorganics. Mix Bag 2
Water and Minerals. Think they go in water bottles together.MB2
Homeostasis is how organisms regulate their bodies. Give one example of Homeostasis. Mix Bag 3
Amylase functions in an environment 7.0 -7.5 pH. You drink and swish Orange Juice. What will happen temporally to Amylase function Mix Bag 4
Decrease because some of it has become denatured due to increase of acid.MB4
A cell is roughly 5.00x10-6 micrometers across. How big is it in millimeters? Mix Bag 5
Cellulose is a polysaccharide found in what organelle? Mac & Cheese 1
Mess up Mac & Cheese 2
Mess up Mac & Cheese 2
Long Term Energy, Transportation, Protection describes what macromolecule? Mac & Cheese 3
An Enzyme function is to speed up chemical reactions. What macromolecule is it? Mac & Cheese 4
Name the 4 macromolecules. Mac & Cheese 4
Name the 4 building blocks Mac & Cheese 5
In order to capture sunlight plants contain this organelle. Lil’ Bits 1
What organelle takes in glucose and turns it into ATP? Lil’ Bits 2
Eukaryotes have this organelle to protect its DNA. Lil’ Bits 3
Lipids Protect and Proteins Transport to help this organelle to function. Lil’ Bits 4
Name the 5 important organelles Lil’ Bits 5
Nucleus, Mitochondria, Cell membrane, Chloroplast, RibosomeLil’ bits 5
Diffusion is the net movement of_______. Osmosis is the net movement of __________. Innie & Outie 1
A salt water critter swims into fresh water. What will happen to his cells? Innie & Outie 2
Dialysis tubing is selectively permeable. Inside of it is iodine outside of it is starch. What is going to turn blue? Innie & Outie 3
Outside because iodine will go out but starch can’t get in.Innie &Outie 3
Which choice requires energy?A. Diffusion B. Osmosis C. Facilitated Diffusion D. Active Transport Innie & Outie 4
Beach sand is extremely salty. Yet plants survive. How do they do this. Draw a picture. Innie & Outie 5
The plants have to create a higher concentration of solute inside of the cells. This way water will still go into the roots.Innie &Outie 5
Amoebas are unicellular but they have a nucleus. They hunt their own food. They must be a ____ Mighty Minis 1
Amoebas are unicellular, nucleus possessing organisms but lack chloroplast. They must be. Mighty Minis 2
Long Thin Tail =Many small hairs = Mighty Minis 2
Endocytosis is how Amoebas and Parameciums feed. They do this by forming Pseudopodia or ___ Mighty Minis 3