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Scrutiny Review of Long Term Empty and Abandoned Properties

Scrutiny Review of Long Term Empty and Abandoned Properties. Introduction. Introduction to the problems caused by empty properties How the Council deals with empty properties How much do empty properties cost the Council

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Scrutiny Review of Long Term Empty and Abandoned Properties

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Scrutiny Review of Long Term Empty and Abandoned Properties

  2. Introduction • Introduction to the problems caused by empty properties • How the Council deals with empty properties • How much do empty properties cost the Council • How can reviewing the way the Council deals with empty properties lead to efficiencies and improvements • DCLG Business Plan 2011 – 2015 • Council Plan and the Housing Strategy

  3. Current Position • Number of empty properties (April 2012) - 2781 total number empty- 1382 empty for more than 6 months - 1399 empty for less than 6 months Problems associated with empty properties - Anti social behaviour, arson risk, fly tipping, dilapidated and run down properties • Priority List Database 162 (June 2012)

  4. The process for dealing with reported empty properties New Empty Property Report Visit within 5 working days Visit within 24 hours (working days) Yes No Is there a statutory nuisance at the property, or is it open to unauthorised access Carry out a priority risk assessment Carry out an inspection and assessment. Property not effectively secured Statutory nuisance identified Add to priority list Secure using the powers of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act Begin process to deal with request * Carry out checks to determine ownership Begin informal communications with owner (s) Add to priority list and continue with process to return to use * If the Private Sector Housing Division do not have the delegated powers to deal with the issue, then the request will be forwarded to the relevant Division, however the property will still be added to the priority list Write to owner (s) every 6 months unless otherwise brought to attention of the Division.

  5. Priority Risk Assessment

  6. Costs of Dealing with Empty Properties • Loss of Council Tax income • Costs to Council Services • Works in Default costs • Debt Recovery costs • Formal Enforcement Action • Loss of New Homes Bonus

  7. Involvement of SBC Services and External Agencies • Planning • Technical Services • Environmental Health • Enforcement • Council Tax • Legal • Fire Brigade • Police • Members of the public and members

  8. Obstacles – Empty Properties • Ownership – response, resistance, tracing • Property turnover • Costs of Works In Default • Council Tax – read only access • Prosecutions and costs • Debt Recovery

  9. Current Actions • Informal • Formal Toolkit - Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 - Environmental Protection Act 1990 - Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949 - Building Act 1984 - Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - Housing Acts 1985 and 2004 - Empty Dwelling Management Order - Compulsory Purchase Order

  10. Current Actions • Financial Assistance HCA • Enforced Sales Procedure

  11. Corporate Empty Homes Group • Planning • Council Tax • Technical Services • Environmental Health • Enforcement • Anti Social Behaviour • Fire Brigade

  12. Benefits of Returning Empty Properties back to use • Improved neighbourhoods • Fewer requests for service for the Council and partner agencies • New Homes Bonus • Council Tax Income • Provision of affordable housing for homeless people • Reduction to the homelessness list

  13. Any Questions? Contact Details Melanie Howard melanie.howard@stockton.gov.uk Telephone 01642 526551 Gary Knight gary.knight@stockton.gov.uk Telephone 01642 526621 Vicky Jackson vicky.jackson@stockton.gov.uk Telephone 01642 526577 General emptyproperty@stockton.gov.uk Telephone 01642 527797

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