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Three of Canada’s First Nations. Mi’kmaq Haudenosaunee Anishinabe. Chapter One. 1. Questions to Look At:. What were the different ways in which Mi’kmaq, Haudenosaunee and Anishinabe societies structured? How do environment and geography affect culture and identity?
Three of Canada’s First Nations • Mi’kmaq • Haudenosaunee • Anishinabe Chapter One 1
Questions to Look At: • What were the different ways in which Mi’kmaq, Haudenosaunee and Anishinabe societies structured? • How do environment and geography affect culture and identity? • How can connections to the past be important to identity? 2
Why these groups? • These were some of the first groups to have contact with the European colonists; they were very affected by them! 3
Mi’kmaq Society • A look into how their tribe is set up! 5
Seven Districts • Each district has local leaders (Saqamaws) who are chosen/advised by elders • There are district council meetings • Each district sends a rep to a Grand Council • The Grand Council meets once a year • Advises where to hunt, fish, set up camps • Manage relations with other First Nations 6
Seasonal Movement • Lived close to coast in summer, in the forest in the winter • Made best use of resources of the land • Fit their way of life to suit the land 7
How different do you think your life would be if you moved for the seasons? • How do you think this has changed their worldview? 8
Mi’kmaq Society • Get respect in the tribe through accomplishments • Hunting is very important • Have respect for elders and for the different districts • Used foot, canoe, and toboggan to travel and transport goods • Lived in wigwams 9
Mi’kmaq Cont’d • Used all the resources around them (using evergreen branches to make mattresses) • Had mass amounts of respect for each district and would help each other out • Were religious – prayed and believe in the Creator • Men and women had different roles • All roles were viewed as important because it contributed to the whole • Sharing and support were extremely important 10
Questions • How did they make decisions? • What is the role of women? • How did geography/environment affect them? 11
Anishinabe • A look into their society! 13
Dodems (clans) • Society made up of clans who each had different responsibilities • Clans worked together and provided balance • Joined the clan of your father • People in your clan were considered your brothers and sisters 14
Clans/Duties 15
Midewin Society • Men AND women who had special spiritual/healing gifts • People respected them • Had eight levels of secret training • Believed in having a good life, healed people, interpreted dreams/visions, and passed on sacred teachings/songs 17
Anishinabe Society • Believe in respect for all living things • Used different camps between Summer and Winter • Gather together to meet/make friends, exchange goods and food, do sports/ceremonies, and arrange marriages with different tribes • Men hunt, women would garden and cook • Ogimauh is the leader of the Anishnabe 18
Anishinabe Cont’d • Decisions were made by being voted on • Would make alliances by arranged marriages • Have councils which discuss and make decisions • Respect creation because thought that the Creator was present in everything • Do not accumulate wealth, they take what they need • Had special buildings for meetings; men and women were at them, sat in a circle 19
Questions • How did they make decisions? • What is the role of women? • How did geography/environment affect them? 20
Anishinabe Oral Tradition • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_9s6Shmtyg 21
The Great Law of Peace • Created a confederacy of six nations; the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora • Spoke different languages/lived in different areas and had own clans/councils • Set rules of government, each member nation had an equal voice/status 23
Commitment to Peace • Represents the Great Law of Peace • The branches represent the nations • Roots represent peace and strength • The weapons is buried so there is no hostility among the nations 24
Grand Council • Made confederacy decisions • Were a council of 50 chiefs • Were called the Hoyaneh • Were chosen by the clan mothers • Made decisions like whether to go to war, enter into trade, sign treaties, etc. 25
Clan Mothers • Family tree is traced through mothers • Unites the nations as relatives • Were very powerful • Could also remove Hoyaneh from power if they were failing 26
Haudenosaunee Society • Lived in year round settlements in long houses • Several families would live together • Were an agricultural community • Would only move when the land would not produce food 27
Longhouse 28
Haudenosaunee Cont’d • The Peacemaker (brought the Great Law of Peace) was deeply respected (taught to respect all things) • Use dreams to help make decisions • Clan mothers bring decisions to the Hoyaneh who then make the final decision • Looked to the tribe to approve big decisions 29
Questions • How did they make decisions? • What is the role of women? • How did geography/environment affect them? 30
Haudenosaunee Society • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5mma0j17tQ 31