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THE PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAMME. IBO mission statement. “ The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
IBO mission statement “The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caringyoung people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the IBO works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.” (c) IBO 2003
Inquirers Thinkers Communicators Risk-takers Knowledgeable Principled Caring Open-minded Well-balanced Reflective Student profile PYP schools develop students who are: (c) IBO 2003
Components of the curriculum Written curriculum Learners Constructing Meaning Taught curriculum Assessed curriculum (c) IBO 2003
Overview of the programme 3.Who we are Knowledge Where we are in place and time Sharing the planet 4.Attitudes Skills 2.Concepts Action How we express ourselves How we organize ourselves 1.Six subject domains How the world works (c) IBO 2003
Organization of the planner Title: Subject focus: Stage 1: What is our purpose? Central idea An inquiry into . . . Stage 2: What resources will we use? Stage 3: What do we want to learn? Key questions (concepts) that drive the inquiry Teacher questions Student questions Stage 4: How best will we learn? Stage 5: How will we know what we have learned? Assessment strategies including self-assessment Stage 6: To what extent did we achieve our purpose? Stage 7: How will we take action? (c) IBO 2003
Taught curriculum Written curriculum Learned curriculum Scope and sequence documents (c) IBO 2003
Subject domains The PYP seeks to identify a body of significant knowledge for all students in all cultures in six principal domains: • Language • Mathematics • Science and technology • Personal, social and physical education • Social studies • Arts (c) IBO 2003
Form What is it like? Function How does it work? Causation Why is it like it is? Change How is it changing? Connection How is it connected to other things? Perspective What are the points of view? Responsibility What is our responsibility? Reflection How do we know? Concepts At the core of the PYP curriculum is a series of concepts which have relevance within and across the subject disciplines. (c) IBO 2003
Transdisciplinary themes Who we are Sharing the planet Where we are in place and time Six organizing themes structure the transdisciplinary inquiry How we express ourselves How we organize ourselves (c) IBO 2003 How the world works
Attitudes, transdisciplinary skills and action • appreciation • commitment • confidence • cooperation • creativity • curiosity • empathy • enthusiasm • independence • integrity • respect • tolerance • social • research • communication • thinking • self-management ATTITUDES SKILLS ACTION Reflect à Choose à Act • to enhance learning • to provide service (c) IBO 2003
An inquiry into: Who we are An exploration of: • the nature of the self • our beliefs and values • personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health • our families, friends, communities and cultures • our rights and responsibilities • what it means to be human. (c) IBO 2003
An inquiry into: Where we are in place and time An exploration of: • our orientation in place and time • our personal histories • history and geography from local and global perspectives • our homes and journeys • the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind • the contributions of individuals and civilizations. (c) IBO 2003
An inquiry into: How we express ourselves An exploration of: • the ways in which we discover and express our nature, ideas, feelings, beliefs and values through language and the arts. (c) IBO 2003
An inquiry into: How the world works An exploration of: • the physical and material world • natural and human-made phenomena • the world of science and technology. (c) IBO 2003
An inquiry into: How we organize ourselves An exploration of: • human systems and communities • the world of work, its nature and its value • employment and unemployment and their impact on us and the world around us. (c) IBO 2003
An inquiry into: Sharing the planet An exploration of: • our rights and responsibilities as we strive to share finite resources with other people, and with other living things • communities and of the relationships within and between them. (c) IBO 2003