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Engineering Enhancements

Explore new methods and improved functionality for water users, reservoirs, control points, and hydrology forecasting. Enhancements include pump back return flows, convergence algorithms, reach methods, and forecast hydrology techniques. Gain efficiency and control over water resources with these advancements.

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Engineering Enhancements

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  1. EngineeringEnhancements New Methods and Improved Functionality Steve Setzer

  2. Engineering Enhancements • Water User • Reservoirs • Reach • Control Point • Forecast Hydrology Methods

  3. Water User Methods • Input Diversion/Depletion Requests • When Diversion Request input, Depletion Request calculated as Diversion Request * Efficiency • When Depletion Request input, Diversion Request calculated as Depletion Request / Efficiency

  4. Water User Methods (cont.) • Pump Back Return Flows • Only available if Impulse Response Routing is selected in Return Flow Routing category • Return Flow calculated as function of Diversion, Consumptive Use Requirement, Irrigated Area and Incidental Depletions • If there are pump back flows, this water is added to Return Flow (after a depletion is applied) and removed from Routed Return Flow

  5. Reservoir Enhancements • New convergence algorithms • Change to Min Power Elevation • Prior to 4.3, Turbine Release is zero when average pool elevation is below Min Power Elevation – causes a “jump” in outflow curve • In 4.3, the previous pool elevation is used • If previous pool elevation < Min Power Elevation, Turbine Release is zero regardless of current Pool Elevation (and vise versa) • Need method/data for describing the transition period between the Min Power Elevation and the elevation at which the turbine Q tables become applicable

  6. Reservoir Enhancements (cont.) • Storage convergence going negative • Iterative routine to solve storage may need to go negative at very low storage values • User can add negative storage row to Elevation Volume table • In 4.3, RiverWare detects the problem and resets a negative storage to 0.0 to continue iterating

  7. Reach Methods • Downstream Only Time Lag Dispatching • In Local Inflow Solution Direction category, method called Local Inflow Downstream Only • Solves dispatching problems in rules models with complicated priorities • Also decreases the amount of re-solving • Impulse Response Routing for Seepage • Calculated seepage stored in Pre-Routed Seepage slot • Routed values are computed and stored in the Seepage slot • Also exists on Distribution Canal Object

  8. New Control Point Object • Used for U.S. Corps of Engineers flood control methods (under development)

  9. Forecast Hydrology Methods • Exist on Reservoir, Reach, and Control Point objects • Used to compute an inflow forecast based on a period of perfect knowledge and a recession equation • User specifies the known inflows (Deterministic Local Inflow slot), period of perfect knowledge, forecast period, and recession data • Method executes at the beginning of each timestep and solves all forecasted Local Inflows

  10. Forecast Hydrology Methods • Geometric Recession • Within period of perfect knowledge, Local Inflow = Deterministic Local Inflow • For remainder of forecast period, Local Inflow = previous Local Inflow * recession factor • Exponential Recession • Within period of perfect knowledge, Local Inflow = Deterministic Local Inflow • For remainder of forecast period, the Local Inflow is recessed based on the first-order, exponential decay equation

  11. Forecast Hydrology Methods • Coefficient and Exponent Method • Assumes a one timestep period of perfect knowledge • Remaining timesteps in the forecast period are computed by:

  12. Additional Information • Online help documents • Describes the use of all engineering methods and rule functions • Release notes • Describes new functionality added since last release

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