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Biological Literacy: Course Objectives and Relevance in Society

Explore the significance of biological literacy in liberal arts colleges, emphasizing the importance of understanding biological concepts for ethical decision-making and problem-solving. Delve into the relevance of biology in various aspects of life. Gain insights into the relationship between biology, ethics, and societal challenges. Discover the interconnectedness of biology with personal, societal, and professional realms.

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Biological Literacy: Course Objectives and Relevance in Society

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  1. Good Morning! BIO 100 Principles of Biology John E.Silvius Professor of Biology Cedarville College Your Syllabus may be obtained at the front or rear of the room

  2. Focus for Today: Course Objectives -- How to achieve them Significance of Biology in Liberal Arts College

  3. Biology, of all the sciences, has the greatest potential for making major advances in aid of humanity; at the same time, most problems facing society today are either biological or have large biological components.Amer. Institute of Biological Sciences Biological Literacy: The quality of being able to understand biological concepts; and, make moral / ethical judgements and solve real-world problems involving biological issues IF THIS STATEMENT IS TRUE, BIOLOGICAL LITERACY IS IMPORTANT.

  4. Biological Literacy -- four learning domains: KNOWLEDGE -- major principles, concepts of biology Developing biological literacy: “moving upward” through a series of levels of understanding

  5. KNOWLEDGE -- major principles, concepts of biology

  6. Biological Literacy -- four learning domains: KNOWLEDGE -- major principles, concepts of biology SKILLS -- observing, listening, communicating, etc. ATTITUDES -- toward biology, professor, peers,God... VALUES -- regard for life, my body, God’s creation

  7. BIOLOGY IS RELEVANT -- IN FOUR AREAS: 1. Knowing Yourself -- “Why I am the way I am”

  8. BIOLOGY IS RELEVANT -- IN FOUR AREAS: 1. Knowing Yourself -- “Why I am the way I am” Three Dimensions: Body Soul Spirit Natural Sciences (e.g. biology) Human Sciences (Humanities) Theological Sciences (e.g. syst. Theol.)

  9. BIOLOGY IS RELEVANT -- IN FOUR AREAS: 1. Knowing Yourself -- three dimensionsin one person Body Spirit Soul BIOLOGY

  10. BIOLOGY IS RELEVANT 2. Knowing your World Awareness ofRhythm, Balance, Beauty

  11. 3. Knowing God • Biology expands our view of the Creator-- Reverence “power and attributes of God can be seen through what He has made.” (Rom 1:20) • Responsibility -- Stewardship of our bodies, and creation

  12. BIOLOGY IS RELEVANT Depression: Biochemical Abnormality or Spiritual Backsliding Saving Tropical Forests 4. Knowing your Profession:Current issues go beyond BIOLOGY Creating a ‘Living Computer’ Genetic Screening Raises Questions for Employers and Insurers

  13. BIOLOGY IS RELEVANT 4. Knowing your Profession:> we are all “science majors” Body Soul Spirit Natural Sciences (e.g. biology) Human Sciences (Humanities) Theological Sciences (e.g. syst. Theol.)

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