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USA. Soviet Union. Roosevelt until 1945. The Cold War 1943-56 1943 Tehran Conference. 1945 Yalta Conference 1945 Potsdam Conference 1947 The Truman doctrine 1947 Marshall Plan 1947 Com inform 1949 Com econ 1947 Bizonia 1948-49 The Berlin Blockade 1948-49 The Berlin Airlift
USA Soviet Union Roosevelt until 1945 The Cold War 1943-56 1943 Tehran Conference. 1945 Yalta Conference 1945 Potsdam Conference 1947 The Truman doctrine 1947 Marshall Plan 1947 Cominform 1949 Comecon 1947 Bizonia 1948-49 The Berlin Blockade 1948-49 The Berlin Airlift 1949 NATO formed 1955 The Warsaw Pact formed 1956 Soviet invasion of Hungary Throughout The Arms Race Stalin until 1953 Truman 1945-53 Malenkov 1953-55 Eisenhower 1953-61 Khrushchev 1955-64 The three Cold War Crisis 1956-69 1961 Berlin Crisis- the divided city 1961 The Bay of Pigs invasion 1963 Cuba- 13 days towards nuclear war. 1968 Czechoslovakia- The Prague Spring JFK 1961-63 Johnson 1963-69 The end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union 1970 Détente 1972 SALT I 1975 The Helsinki Conference (The 3 baskets) 1979 SALT II 1981-89 Reagan and his policy towards the Cold war 1983 Reagan’s SDI 1980 and 84 The Olympic Games Nixon 1969-74 Brezhnev 1964-82 Ford 1974-77 Carter 1977-81 Andropov 1982-84 Reagan 1981-89 Chernenko 1984-85
The end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union 1985 Gorbachev comes to power 1985 Perestroika and glasnost 1985 The Geneva Conference 1986 Reykjavik Conference 1987 INF Washington 1989 CFE treaty 1989 The end of the cold war 1989 Berlin wall broken down 1990 East and West Germany become oneunited country again 1990 onwards. Gradual break up of the Soviet Union states. Gorbachev 1985-91 Reagan 1981-89 O:\AAADepartments\History\unit 2 cold war\LJG Cold War bhshistory.edublogs.org
The Cold War 1943-56 1943 Tehran Conference. 1945 Yalta Conference 1945 Potsdam Conference 1947 The Truman doctrine 1947 Marshall Plan 1947 Cominform 1949 Comecon 1947 Bizonia 1948-49 The Berlin Blockade 1948-49 The Berlin Airlift 1949 NATO formed 1955 The Warsaw Pact formed 1956 Soviet invasion of Hungary Throughout The Arms Race June 2010 section 4 (a) Describe one decision made by the Allies about the war against Germany at the Teheran Conference, 1943. (2) (b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of the Berlin Blockade, 1948–49. (6) (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of Cominform (1947) and Comecon (1949). (6) (c) Explain why there was an uprising in Hungary in 1956. 12) • Jan 2011 section 4 • Describe one reason why the Allies met at Yalta in February 1945. (2) • (b) (i) Briefly explain what the Allies decided about Germany at the Potsdam • Conference (1945). (6) • (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of the events of the Hungarian Uprising (1956). (6) • (c) Explain why relations between the USA and USSR worsened in the years 1949–55. (12) • June 2011 section 4 • Describe one cause of the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956. (2) • (b) (i) Briefly explain the main decisions made about Germany at the Yalta • Conference in February 1945. (6) • (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of the Warsaw Pact, 1955. (6) • (c) Explain why relations between the USA and USSR worsened in the years 1947–49. (12)
Jan 2012 section 4 • Describe one reason why the Marshall Plan was drawn up in 1947. (2) • (b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of the Teheran Conference, 1943. (6) • (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of Soviet rule over Hungary in the years • 1945–55. (6) • (c) Explain why relations between the USA and USSR changed in the years 1948–53. (12) • June 2012 section 4 • Describe one reason why there was tensions between Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill at the Teheran Conference, 1943. (2) • (b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) (6) • (b) (ii) Briefly explain the role of Nagy in the Hungarian Uprising , 1956. (6) • (c) Explain why there was growing involvement of the USA in Europe in the years 1945-48. (12)
The three Cold War Crisis 1956-69 • Berlin Crisis- the divided city • 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion • 1963 Cuba- 13 days towards nuclear war. • 1968 Czechoslovakia- The Prague Spring June 2010 section 5 (a) Describe one reason why the ‘hot line’ between the USA and the Soviet Union was set up. (2) (b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of the Bay of Pigs invasion, 1961. (6) (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, 1968. (6) (c) Explain why Berlin was a Cold War flashpoint in the years 1957–63. (12) Jan 2011 section 5 (a) Describe one reason why the summit conference between Eisenhower and Khrushchev in May 1960 collapsed. (2) (b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of the events of the crisis about Berlin in 1961. (6) (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of the events of the Cuban Missiles Crisis in October 1962. (6) (c) Explain why Soviet and Warsaw Pact forces invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968. (12) • June 2011 section 5 • (a) Describe one international reaction to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in • (2) • (b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of the opposition to Soviet control in • Czechoslovakia in the spring of 1968. (6) • (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of the refugee problem in Berlin in the years • 1957–61. (6) • (c) Explain why there was a crisis over Cuba in 1962. (12)
Jan 2012 section 5 • Describe one reason why President Kennedy visited West Berlin in 1963. (2) • (b) (i) Briefly explain the impact of the building of the Berlin Wall in the years • 1961–63. (6) • (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of the Prague Spring reforms, 1968. (6) • (c) Explain why relations between Cuba and the USA worsened in the years 195961. (12) • June 2012 section 5 • Describe one way in which the Soviet Union Established control in Czechoslovakia in1968 (2) • (b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of Khrushchev's challenge to the USA over Berlin in the years 1957-60 (6) • (b) (ii) Briefly explain the role of Alexander Dubcek in the events in Czechoslovakia during 1968 (6) • (c) Explain why relations between the USA and the Soviet Union changed in the years 1961-63 (12)
The end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union 1970 Détente 1972 SALT I 1975 The Helsinki Conference (The 3 baskets) 1979 SALT II 1981-89 Reagan and his policy towards the Cold war 1983 Reagan’s SDI 1980 and 84 The Olympic Games The end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union 1985 Gorbachev comes to power 1985 Perestroika and glasnost 1985 The Geneva Conference 1986 Reykjavik Conference 1987 INF Washington 1989 CFE treaty 1989 The end of the cold war 1989 Berlin wall broken down 1990 East and West Germany become oneunited country again 1990 onwards. Gradual break up of the Soviet Union states. • June 2010 section 6 • Describe one reason why the USA boycotted the Moscow Olympic Games, 1980. (2) • (b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, • (6) • (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of the collapse of the Warsaw Pact in 1991. (6) • (c) Explain why relations between the USA and the Soviet Union changed in the years • 1981–85. (12) Jan 2011 section 6 (a) Describe one decision made about human rights in the Helsinki Agreements (1975). (2) (b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of the summit conferences between the Superpowers in the years 1985–88. (6) (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of the collapse of the Soviet Union in the years 1989–91. (6) (c) Explain why relations between the USA and Soviet Union changed in the years 1979–83. (12)
June 2011 section 6 • (a) Describe one reaction of the USA to the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan in • (2) • (b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of détente in the years 1972–75. (6) • (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of the loosening Soviet grip on eastern Europe • in 1989. (6) • (c) Explain why relations between the USA and Soviet Union changed in the years • 1983–87. (12) Jan 2012 section 6 (a) Describe one decision made about nuclear weapons in the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT), 1972. (2) (b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of the changing attitudes of Reagan and Gorbachev at the summit conferences in the years 1985–87. (6) (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of the fall of the Berlin Wall, 1989. (6) (c) Explain why détente collapsed in the years 1979–84. (12) • June 2012 section 6 • Describe one reason why the Warsaw Pact ended in 1991 (2) • (b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) between the USA and the Soviet Union in the 1970’s (6) • (b) (ii) Briefly explain the key features of the relations between the USA and the Soviet Union in the years 1979-84. (6) • (c) Explain why the Soviet Union loosened its grip on Eastern Europe in the years 1985-1990 (12)