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Textiles!!!!. BY: Connor Lawler, Kanella Eby , Isabella Gladestone , Tyler Maggi, Patrick McAndrews , Sarah Weiss . Famous People john kay. John Kay- invented the flying shuttle James Hargreaves- invented the spinning Jenny
Textiles!!!! BY: Connor Lawler, KanellaEby, Isabella Gladestone, Tyler Maggi, Patrick McAndrews, Sarah Weiss
Famous People john kay • John Kay- invented the flying shuttle • James Hargreaves- invented the spinning Jenny • Richard Arkwright- made further improvements to the spinning Jenny and called it a water frame • Samuel Crompton-the spinning mule combined spinning Jenny with the water frame • Edmund Cartwright- loom powered by water • Eli Whitney- invented the cotton gin • Thomas Newcomen- produced the first successful steam engine • James Watt- studied the Newcomen engine
Advancements (technology) • loom for weaving cloth is set up with a series of threads, called the warp, strung from top to bottom. The loom operator pushes a shuttle containing the woof, or the thread running crosswise to the warp. • flying shuttle, invented by John Kay. It’s a cord mechanism that moved the woof thread more rapidly across the loom. • spinning jenny was made by james Hargreaves who was a poor English worker won a prize for his machine. This machine could produce 8 times as much thread as a single spinning wheel • cotton gin became cheaper to produce. Most of the raw cotton imported from southern US. One person could clean only one pound. It was a machine that could do the work of 50 people.
Labor Source • People who worked from home couldn’t afford a water frame so Arkwright created a mill • This mill is where machines and workers could come together and make wool products • Employees worked a set number of hours for a set amount
What Inventions do we use today? How are they the same? How have they Change • Cotton gin • Loom • Spinning mule • How are they the same? • The only thing that is the same is the main function for each invention, otherwise they have all been improved on • How have they changed? • Cotton gin- Improved to work much faster • Loom- made to be powered mechanically or electronically • Spinning mule- made automatic
Why is your topic the Most important factor in the advancements? • The textile industry was important because it was the first industry to use machinery to increase production and paved the way for modern factory systems with the spinning mill. • Without the textile industry there would be a shortage of cotton clothing and people would still be making cloths by hand. • -Also some inventions that came from the textile industry are still used today.
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