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Communication. There are three methods of communication:. Verbal Written Body language. Communication at work will be with many different people:. Verbal communication. This is what you say so it must be: Clear To the point

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  1. Communication

  2. There are three methods of communication: • Verbal • Written • Body language

  3. Communication at work will be with many different people:

  4. Verbal communication • This is what you say so it must be: • Clear • To the point • Easily understood, using everyday language – technical terms should be put into easy terms where possible • Spoken in a friendly manner

  5. Non-verbal communication • This is another term for body language. Your body conveys messages through: • Posture • Facial expressions • Gestures

  6. Positive body language • Smiling • Nodding in agreement • Lots of eye contact • Open gestures - such as arms uncrossed

  7. Negative body language • Frowning • Tension • No eye contact • Closed gestures – such as arms crossed

  8. Written communication • Communication that is written down must be: • Clear and easy to understand • Concise – only information that is required should be given • Legible and easy to understand • Well presented – handwritten or word processed • Correct – all the information shouldbe included

  9. What we are judged upon What you do 7% (Actions) The way you say it 38% 55% What you say (Words) Working with others

  10. Let’s recap!Can you answer the following questions? • What are the three methods of communication? • Name two of the people you will communicate with in a salon. • List one important point to remember when communicating verbally. • List one important point to remember when communicating in written form. • State one example of positive body language. • State one example of negative body language. • What are we judged on most; what we do, the way we say something or what we say?

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