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Eduqas GCE Geography: New Specifications for AS/A Level

Discover the updated WJEC Eduqas GCE Geography qualifications for both England and Wales, emphasizing independent investigation and contemporary geographic concepts.

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Eduqas GCE Geography: New Specifications for AS/A Level

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  1. GCE Geography from 2016 An introduction David Drake Geography Subject Officer (AS/A) Twitter: @_DavidDrake

  2. ENGLAND - DRAFT SPECIFICATION (v2) – DUE FOR RESUBMISSION TO OFQUAL WALES – DRAFT SPECIFICATION SUBMITTED TO QW – OCTOBER 2015 GCE Geography from 2016 An introduction David Drake Geography Subject Officer (AS/A) Twitter: @_DavidDrake

  3. Introducing Eduqas • Eduqas is the new brand from WJEC, offering Ofqual reformed GCSE, AS and A level qualifications for first teaching from 2016 • WJEC Eduqas Geography qualifications are available to teachers in England, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands • WJEC Geography qualifications are available to teachers in Wales • Eduqas enables teachers to distinguish between WJEC’s current specifications, new Wales qualifications and Ofqual reformed specifications in England

  4. Aims of WJEC Eduqas GCE in Geography • Encourages learners to ‘think like a geographer’ by engaging them with the enquiry process and supporting them in their move towards independent investigation • Provides opportunities for co-teachability with GCE AS Geography, both in terms of content and the required days of fieldwork • Complies with DfE Subject content and adopts the new thinking required by HE • Allows progression from GCSE yet does not preclude students who have not studied GCSE geography • Provides continuity from the existing specification and re-use of some teaching materials 4

  5. 4 Key Changes • Have linear assessments at the end of two years. • Contain four components, one of which is non-examined assessment (NEA). Five units in Wales. • Contain explicit reference to the assessment objectives • Contain explicit reference to specialist overarching geography concepts • Physical geography focus on process and landform rather than human interaction • HE has been influential in making human geography more contemporary

  6. Latest News This presentation is based on the second draft specification to be submitted to Ofqual. Changes shown in redare the charges from the original draft published on the Eduqas website. The content of the Qualifications Wales submission is very similar to the England resubmission (v2)

  7. Summary of Eduqas AS Geography (v1) Component 1 – CORE Changing Landscapes Coastal or Glaciated Tectonic Hazards Component 2 - CORE Changing Places Fieldwork Not submitted but examined in both Component 1 and 2 exam papers

  8. Summary of Eduqas AS Geography(v2) Component 1 – CORE Changing Landscapes Coastal or Glaciated Tectonic Hazards Challenges in the 21st Century Component 2 - CORE Changing Places Fieldwork Not submitted but examined in Component 2 exam paper only 8

  9. Eduqas AS Assessment Structure(v2)

  10. Summary of Eduqas GCE Geography (v1) • Component 1 - CORE • Changing Landscapes - Coasts or Glaciers • Changing Places Component 2 - CORE Global Systems and Global Governance Water and Carbon Migration and Oceans Component 3 – NON CORE Contemporary Themes in Geography Tectonic Hazards Choice of five themes – two to be selected Component 4 INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION 10

  11. Summary of Eduqas GCE Geography(v2) • Component 1 - CORE • Changing Landscapes - Coasts or Glaciers • Changing Places Component 2 - CORE Global Systems and Global Governance Water and Carbon Migration and Oceans 21st Century Challenges Component 3 – NON CORE Contemporary Themes in Geography Tectonic Hazards Choice of four themes – two to be selected Component 4 INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION 11

  12. Geography A Level Summary of assessment (v2) Component 1: Changing Landscapes and Changing Places Written examination: 1 hours 45 minutes 20.5% of qualification Section A either Coastal or Glaciated Landscapes Section B - Changing Places. Each section is assessed through compulsory structured data response questions and one extended response question.

  13. Geography A Level Summary of assessment (v2) Component 2: Global Systems and Global Governance Written examination: 2 hours 27.5% of qualification Section A - Global Systems, the Water and Carbon Cycles. Section B - Global Governance, learners are required to study processes and patterns of global migration and global governance of the Earth’s oceans. Sections A and B are assessed through compulsory structured questions and one extended response question. Section C - 21st Century Challenges – One compulsory extended response question with resource material drawing on both A Level Component 1 and A Level Component 2

  14. Summary of assessment A Level (v2) • Component 3: Contemporary Themes in Geography • Written examination: 2 hours 15 minutes • 32% of qualification • Section A Tectonic Hazards. Assessed through one compulsory extended response question. • Section B – Contemporary Themes in Geography • Chose two from four optional themes: • Ecosystems • Economic Growth and Challenge: India or China or Development in an African Context • Energy Challenges and Dilemmas • Weather and Climate • Assessed through two essay questions chosen from four optional themes

  15. Summary of assessment A Level (v2) Component 4: Non-exam assessment (3000 - 4000 words) 20% of qualification One written independent investigation based on the collection of both field and secondary data. Candidates and teachers will need compete the Geography Independent Investigation form (agreed by all Awarding bodies): Section A – Candidate declaration and Teacher declaration Section B – Proposal form Section C – Marking grid

  16. Co-teachability of Eduqas specification (possible delivery model)

  17. Summary of WJEC GCE Geography(Wales only) Unit 1 – CORE (AS) Changing Landscapes Ether: Coastal or Glaciated Unit 4 – NON CORE (A2) Contemporary Themes in Geography Tectonic Hazards Choice of four themes – two to be selected Unit 2 – CORE (AS) Changing Places Unit 3 – CORE (A2) Global Systems and Global Governance Water and Carbon Migration and Oceans 21st Century Challenges Unit 5 (A2) INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION 17

  18. WJEC AS Assessment Structure

  19. Summary of WJEC A2 Geography

  20. Teaching of WJEC specification (Wales only) Possible delivery structure 20

  21. CORE CONTENT for both AS and A Level (co-teachability) Changing Landscapes – Either Coastal or Glacial Focus on geomorphic processes and landforms Allows a range of scales to be studied Human influence links specifically to process and landform Allows opportunities for fieldwork in first year Changing Places Range of places from urban to rural Characteristics of places and how they are changing Processes that are driving change Issues that arise from change Allows opportunities for fieldwork in first year

  22. Changing Landscapes Either: Coastal Landscapes The operation of the coast as a system Landforms and landscape systems, their distinctive features and distribution Factors affecting coastal processes and landforms Processes of coastal weathering, mass movement, erosion, transportation and deposition and the characteristics and formation of associated landforms The impact of human activity on coastal landscape systems

  23. Changing Landscapes Or: Glaciated Landscapes The operation of the glacier as a system Climate change and the glacier budget over different time scales Processes of glacial weathering, erosion and the characteristics and formation of associated landforms Periglacial processes and the formation of associated features Glacial processes are a vital context for human activity

  24. Changing Places Changing place; changing places – relationships and connections Changes over time in the economiccharacteristics of places Economic change and social inequalities in de-industrialised urban places The 21st Century knowledge economy (quaternary) and its social and economic impacts Urban management and the challenges of continuity and change (inc rebranding) Rural management and the challenges of continuity and change (inc rebranding)

  25. Tectonic Hazards Tectonic processes and hazards Volcanoes - processes, hazards and their impacts Earthquakes - processes, hazards and their impacts Human factors affecting risk and vulnerability Responses to tectonic hazards

  26. Fieldwork AS students must complete two days of fieldwork (spec: ‘the equivalent of at least 2 days’) A level students must complete four days of fieldwork (spec: ‘the equivalent of at least four days’) Fieldwork must be carried out equally in relation to both physical and human geography topics Centres will be required to sign a fieldwork declaration form to verify that these requirements have been met

  27. Component 2 – A Level CORE CONTENT GLOBAL SYSTEMS Water and Carbon cycles GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Processes and patterns of global migration Global governance of the earth’s oceans

  28. Component 2 – A Level CORE CONTENT • Global Systems - Water and Carbon Cycles • Inputs, outputs, stores and flows in the water cycle • Catchment hydrology – the drainage basin as a system • Precipitation and excess runoff within the water cycle • Deficit within the water cycle • The global carbon cycle • Carbon stores in different biomes • Links between the water and carbon cycles 28

  29. Component 2 – A Level CORE CONTENT • Global Governance - Processes and patterns of • global migration • Globalisation, migration and a shrinking world • Causes of international economic migration • Consequences and management of international economic migration • Causes, consequences, and management of refugee movements • Causes, consequences, and management of rural-urban migration in developing countries 29

  30. Component 2 – A Level CORE CONTENT • Global Governance – Earth’s oceans • Global flows and governance - including people trafficking and piracy • Sovereignty of the ocean resources - including geopolitical tensions and contested ownership, such as Arctic Ocean resources • Managing marine environments – exploitation and sustainability • Causes and consequences of ocean pollution • Managing ocean pollution – including Arctic Ocean conservation, or a UNESCO marine heritage site 30

  31. Component 3 A Level (GCE) NON CORE CONTENT • Compulsory Tectonic Hazards • Processes • Vulnerability, risk and impact • Management OPTION – Any two from the following: Ecosystems Economic Growth and Challenge: India or China or Development in an African Context Energy Challenges and Dilemmas Weather and Climate • Many existing learning resources can be used • Different contexts • Enables study of regions

  32. Component 3 GCE Section A TECTONIC HAZARDS • Tectonic Processes • Volcanoes and their Impacts • Earthquakes and their Impacts • Vulnerability • Responses to Hazards

  33. Component 3 GCE Section BECOSYSTEMS The value and distribution of ecosystems The structure and functioning of ecosystems Biodiversity under threat Conserving biodiversity Ecosystems at a local scale The Arctic tundra biome Sustainable use of the Arctic tundra biome

  34. ECONOMIC GROWTH AND CHALLENGE INDIA OR CHINA Component 3 GCE Section B The physical background of India or China The demographic, social and cultural characteristics of India or China Opportunities and constraints of India’s or China’s physical background The economic and political background of India or China The global importance of India or China Threats to the environment associated with economic growth Sustainable development in India or China

  35. Component 3 GCE Section B DEVELOPMENT IN AN AFRICAN CONTEXT (of two or moreSub-Saharancountries) Definitions, measures and patterns of development The influence of physical factors on development The influence of economic factors on development The influence of political, social and cultural factors on development The impact of development on the environment Challenges of desertification Strategies to promote development

  36. Component 3 GCE Section B ENERGY CHALLENGES AND DILEMMAS The classification and distribution of energy resources Physical factors determining the supply of energy The changing demand for energy The global management of oil and gas Problems associated with extraction, transport and use of energy Energy mixes and development The need for sustainable solutions to meet the demand for energy

  37. Component 3 GCE Section B WEATHER AND CLIMATE Global controls on climate World’s major climate types Climate and weather of the UK Extreme weather events Impacts and management of climatic hazards Impacts of human activities on the atmosphere at local and regional scales People, climate and the future

  38. GCE Component 4 : Independent Investigation Non-examined assessment: 3000 - 4000 words (20% of A level) ‘In total, the equivalent of at least four days of geographical fieldwork must be undertaken…. …..One or more of these days may directly provide the starting point for the independent investigation in Component 4….’ ‘A suitable starting point for the fieldwork is … Component 1… coastal or glaciated landscapes and changing places … their emphasis on the local scale is well suited to fieldwork.’

  39. GCE Component 4 : Independent Investigation Six stages of enquiry Context & Planning Data collection Presentation Analysis Conclusion Evaluation • Teacher guidance is allowed only: • At the planning stage • After the first drafting of the written investigation before the final report is handed in

  40. Fieldwork at GCE • The aims/title of the investigation, secondary information/research and the analysis, evaluation and conclusions must be the student’s own • There is no prescription at A level other than the requirement that the investigation must link to the specification (any theme) which may therefore be either human, physical or people-environment • All awarding bodies have been working together and with the regulator on task setting, taking and the fieldwork declaration to ensure consistency

  41. Sample Assessment MaterialsWhat will the exam papers look like?

  42. AS Component 1 Section C - Tectonics question Students answer in spaces provided on the examination paper

  43. GCE Component 1 • Resource stimulus • Structured questions • AO focus to the questions • Gradation of difficulty

  44. Gives direction to markers which AO is being addressed • Clear indicative content to direct markers – help ensure consistency • Recognition that there may be other approaches Mark Schemes

  45. Balance of AOs • Indicative content that gives direction but recognises different routes to the answer • Shows how specialist concepts are included Mark Schemes

  46. GCE Component 3 – Section A • Familiar format • Choice of question within Theme • Easy to follow structure for students

  47. GCE Component 3 Section B • Familiar format • Choice of question within Theme • Easy to follow structure for students

  48. Recognises and credits both AOs Mark Schemes

  49. How can we support you?

  50. Geography Page number FREE RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS & STUDENTS • FREE subject specific resources will be available for all to download from our website – including a comprehensive Teachers guide

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