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Bell Work-which parts of the report do you notice first and why?. UFO snapped over Thames. A STUDENT was left shocked when she checked her tourist snaps of the London skyline - and spotted what looks like a flying saucer.
Bell Work-which parts of the report do you notice first and why? UFO snapped over Thames A STUDENT was left shocked when she checked her tourist snaps of the London skyline - and spotted what looks like a flying saucer. University Of Exeter academic Karolina-Slavka Mueller was in London for the weekend, when she took some shots with her camera phone of the sights. But when she looked back at the January 19 night time pictures of Tower Bridge and the London Eye, she was shocked to see an apparent UFO. And experts claim it is the real thing. Karolina said in an email: "What's very strange about this is the fact that we didn't actually see this object in the sky while I was taking the photos
Exploring StructureLesson Objectives • To understand what is meant by the term structure • To be able to explain the uses and effects of structure within newspaper articles • To understand how the examiners will test our understanding of structure in the exam.
Bell Work-which parts of the report do you notice first and why? UFO snapped over Thames A STUDENT was left shocked when she checked her tourist snaps of the London skyline - and spotted what looks like a flying saucer. University Of Exeter academic Karolina-Slavka Mueller was in London for the weekend, when she took some shots with her camera phone of the sights. But when she looked back at the January 19 night time pictures of Tower Bridge and the London Eye, she was shocked to see an apparent UFO. And experts claim it is the real thing. Karolina said in an email: "What's very strange about this is the fact that we didn't actually see this object in the sky while I was taking the photos
Bell Work-which parts of the report do you notice first and why? UFO snapped over Thames Headline to outline the article and grab reader’s attention A STUDENT was left shocked when she checked her tourist snaps of the London skyline - and spotted what looks like a flying saucer. University Of Exeter academic Karolina-Slavka Mueller was in London for the weekend, when she took some shots with her camera phone of the sights. But when she looked back at the January 19 night time pictures of Tower Bridge and the London Eye, she was shocked to see an apparent UFO. And experts claim it is the real thing. Karolina said in an email: "What's very strange about this is the fact that we didn't actually see this object in the sky while I was taking the photos Use of picture to interest the reader and support the article. Attention-grabbing opening
What do we mean by Structure? • Structure refers to the order in which the detail is presented to the reader. To assess this you need to think about why a writer starts in a particular place and the way the ideas are sequenced and linked after this. • Newspaper reports usually answer at least five different questions. These are called the five Ws: • Who is the story about? • What is the story about? • Where did the story take place? • When did the story happen? • Why is the story news?
Identifying Structure? • On your copy of the newspaper article, find each of the five Ws, find the answers to them, and in pairs discuss the answers to the questions below: • What is the effect of the opening sentence? Why start the article with this information? • Why do quotations and opinions from others appear towards the middle of the article? • What is the effect of the final sentence? Why is this left to the end of the article?
Marks & Spencer is to stop offering free throwaway carrier bags in a landmark move to fight "plastic poison". The company will introduce a charge of 5p for the bags at its 600 UK food stores. The decision is a major breakthrough for the Daily Mail campaign to cut the waste caused by the 13 billion single-use carriers handed out by retailers every year. M&S executives believe their move could cut customers' use of throwaway bags by more than 70 per cent. The Mail's "Banish the Bags" campaign, launched yesterday, won massive support from political leaders, academics, environmental campaigners and celebrities. Nick Jenkins, of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, summed up the reaction when he said: "Retailers have to take a lead in stopping shoppers from the madness of using plastic bags just once. "Ninety per cent of the debris in our oceans is plastic. That is a horrifying statistic.”
Who? Marks and Spencer Marks & Spencer is to stop offering free throwaway carrier bags in a landmark move to fight "plastic poison". The company will introduce a charge of 5p for the bags at its 600 UK food stores. The decision is a major breakthrough for the Daily Mail campaign to cut the waste caused by the 13 billion single-use carriers handed out by retailers every year. M&S executives believe their move could cut customers' use of throwaway bags by more than 70 per cent. The Mail's "Banish the Bags" campaign, launched yesterday, won massive support from political leaders, academics, environmental campaigners and celebrities. Nick Jenkins, of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, summed up the reaction when he said: "Retailers have to take a lead in stopping shoppers from the madness of using plastic bags just once. "Ninety per cent of the debris in our oceans is plastic. That is a horrifying statistic.”
Marks & Spencer is to stop offering free throwaway carrier bags in a landmark move to fight "plastic poison". The company will introduce a charge of 5p for the bags at its 600 UK food stores. The decision is a major breakthrough for the Daily Mail campaign to cut the waste caused by the 13 billion single-use carriers handed out by retailers every year. M&S executives believe their move could cut customers' use of throwaway bags by more than 70 per cent. The Mail's "Banish the Bags" campaign, launched yesterday, won massive support from political leaders, academics, environmental campaigners and celebrities. Nick Jenkins, of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, summed up the reaction when he said: "Retailers have to take a lead in stopping shoppers from the madness of using plastic bags just once. "Ninety per cent of the debris in our oceans is plastic. That is a horrifying statistic.” What? Marks and Spencer charging for carrier bags.
Marks & Spencer is to stop offering free throwaway carrier bags in a landmark move to fight "plastic poison". The company will introduce a charge of 5p for the bags at its 600 UK food stores. The decision is a major breakthrough for the Daily Mail campaign to cut the waste caused by the 13 billion single-use carriers handed out by retailers every year. M&S executives believe their move could cut customers' use of throwaway bags by more than 70 per cent. The Mail's "Banish the Bags" campaign, launched yesterday, won massive support from political leaders, academics, environmental campaigners and celebrities. Nick Jenkins, of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, summed up the reaction when he said: "Retailers have to take a lead in stopping shoppers from the madness of using plastic bags just once. "Ninety per cent of the debris in our oceans is plastic. That is a horrifying statistic.” Where? Nationwide as all Marks and Spencer stores will participate.
Marks & Spencer is to stop offering free throwaway carrier bags in a landmark move to fight "plastic poison". The company will introduce a charge of 5p for the bags at its 600 UK food stores. The decision is a major breakthrough for the Daily Mail campaign to cut the waste caused by the 13 billion single-use carriers handed out by retailers every year. M&S executives believe their move could cut customers' use of throwaway bags by more than 70 per cent. The Mail's "Banish the Bags" campaign, launched yesterday, won massive support from political leaders, academics, environmental campaigners and celebrities. Nick Jenkins, of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, summed up the reaction when he said: "Retailers have to take a lead in stopping shoppers from the madness of using plastic bags just once. "Ninety per cent of the debris in our oceans is plastic. That is a horrifying statistic.” When? Happened as a response to yesterday’s campaign (very recent).
Marks & Spencer is to stop offering free throwaway carrier bags in a landmark move to fight "plastic poison". The company will introduce a charge of 5p for the bags at its 600 UK food stores. The decision is a major breakthrough for the Daily Mail campaign to cut the waste caused by the 13 billion single-use carriers handed out by retailers every year. M&S executives believe their move could cut customers' use of throwaway bags by more than 70 per cent. The Mail's "Banish the Bags" campaign, launched yesterday, won massive support from political leaders, academics, environmental campaigners and celebrities. Nick Jenkins, of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, summed up the reaction when he said: "Retailers have to take a lead in stopping shoppers from the madness of using plastic bags just once. "Ninety per cent of the debris in our oceans is plastic. That is a horrifying statistic.” Why? As a result of Daily Mail campaign.
Identifying Structure in the Paper 1 Exam:Structuring an Argument • To fully analyse structure, we need to consider the way a text is structured, considering the order the writer has used and the effects this creates. Read through the sample response which is a letter arguing the case for new standards for the care of dairy cattle to be imposed on the milk industry. • As you read through annotate your copy, making a note of the following: • How does the letter begin and what is the effect of this? • How does the writer begin the second paragraph and what is the effect of this? • How does the second paragraph build on the ideas of the first? • How does the writer end the letter and what is the effect? • Does the structure make this a strong argument? How?
Identifying Structure in the Paper 1 Exam:Structuring an Argument The cow is a naturally gentle animal and a good mother to it’s young. In current dairy practice a new born calf is taken from its mother at just four days old so that the mother may be milked to supply the milk industry. This is a cruel treatment of both the cow and the calf as there is a natural bond between the two. In addition to this, the calf will probably be sent to Europe and slaughtered at only two weeks old, having endured travelling in a tiny crate not big enough to turn around in. They are also fed an extremely poor diet. These terrible conditions are cruel and inhumane and are only occurring for the profits of the milk industry. I cannot understand why calves have to be separated from their mothers at such an early age and why they have to be shipped across Europe just to be slaughtered for veal and other by products. Surely it would be kinder to leave the calf with its mother for longer and ultimately keep the calf in Great Britain so it does not have to suffer the terrible journey across the continent?
Identifying Structure in the Paper 1 Exam:Structuring an Argument The cow is a naturally gentle animal and a good mother to it’s young. In current dairy practice a new born calf is taken from its mother at just four days old so that the mother may be milked to supply the milk industry. This is a cruel treatment of both the cow and the calf as there is a natural bond between the two. In addition to this, the calf will probably be sent to Europe and slaughtered at only two weeks old, having endured travelling in a tiny crate not big enough to turn around in. They are also fed an extremely poor diet. These terrible conditions are cruel and inhumane and are only occurring for the profits of the milk industry. I cannot understand why calves have to be separated from their mothers at such an early age and why they have to be shipped across Europe just to be slaughtered for veal and other by products. Surely it would be kinder to leave the calf with its mother for longer and ultimately keep the calf in Great Britain so it does not have to suffer the terrible journey across the continent? Opening sentence is a statement to make the readers feel kindly towards the cows-leads them to agree with the writer’s argument.
Identifying Structure in the Paper 1 Exam:Structuring an Argument The cow is a naturally gentle animal and a good mother to it’s young. In current dairy practice a new born calf is taken from its mother at just four days old so that the mother may be milked to supply the milk industry. This is a cruel treatment of both the cow and the calf as there is a natural bond between the two. In addition to this, the calf will probably be sent to Europe and slaughtered at only two weeks old, having endured travelling in a tiny crate not big enough to turn around in. They are also fed an extremely poor diet. These terrible conditions are cruel and inhumane and are only occurring for the profits of the milk industry. I cannot understand why calves have to be separated from their mothers at such an early age and why they have to be shipped across Europe just to be slaughtered for veal and other by products. Surely it would be kinder to leave the calf with its mother for longer and ultimately keep the calf in Great Britain so it does not have to suffer the terrible journey across the continent? Opening paragraph deals with a very emotive idea , providing evidence of current practice and explaining the writer’s thoughts about this.
Identifying Structure in the Paper 1 Exam:Structuring an Argument The cow is a naturally gentle animal and a good mother to it’s young. In current dairy practice a new born calf is taken from its mother at just four days old so that the mother may be milked to supply the milk industry. This is a cruel treatment of both the cow and the calf as there is a natural bond between the two. In addition to this, the calf will probably be sent to Europe and slaughtered at only two weeks old, having endured travelling in a tiny crate not big enough to turn around in. They are also fed an extremely poor diet. These terrible conditions are cruel and inhumane and are only occurring for the profits of the milk industry. I cannot understand why calves have to be separated from their mothers at such an early age and why they have to be shipped across Europe just to be slaughtered for veal and other by products. Surely it would be kinder to leave the calf with its mother for longer and ultimately keep the calf in Great Britain so it does not have to suffer the terrible journey across the continent? Connective used to begin the second paragraph to show there are a variety of arguments to support the case and to link ideas.
Identifying Structure in the Paper 1 Exam:Structuring an Argument The cow is a naturally gentle animal and a good mother to it’s young. In current dairy practice a new born calf is taken from its mother at just four days old so that the mother may be milked to supply the milk industry. This is a cruel treatment of both the cow and the calf as there is a natural bond between the two. In addition to this, the calf will probably be sent to Europe and slaughtered at only two weeks old, having endured travelling in a tiny crate not big enough to turn around in. They are also fed an extremely poor diet. These terrible conditions are cruel and inhumane and are only occurring for the profits of the milk industry. I cannot understand why calves have to be separated from their mothers at such an early age and why they have to be shipped across Europe just to be slaughtered for veal and other by products. Surely it would be kinder to leave the calf with its mother for longer and ultimately keep the calf in Great Britain so it does not have to suffer the terrible journey across the continent? The second paragraph builds on the emotive ideas of the first and sympathy for the calf is increased with further evidence and reinforcing of the idea of cruelty.
Identifying Structure in the Paper 1 Exam:Structuring an Argument The cow is a naturally gentle animal and a good mother to it’s young. In current dairy practice a new born calf is taken from its mother at just four days old so that the mother may be milked to supply the milk industry. This is a cruel treatment of both the cow and the calf as there is a natural bond between the two. In addition to this, the calf will probably be sent to Europe and slaughtered at only two weeks old, having endured travelling in a tiny crate not big enough to turn around in. They are also fed an extremely poor diet. These terrible conditions are cruel and inhumane and are only occurring for the profits of the milk industry. I cannot understand why calves have to be separated from their mothers at such an early age and why they have to be shipped across Europe just to be slaughtered for veal and other by products. Surely it would be kinder to leave the calf with its mother for longer and ultimately keep the calf in Great Britain so it does not have to suffer the terrible journey across the continent? The third paragraph starts by concluding and reinforcing the arguments stated.
Identifying Structure in the Paper 1 Exam:Structuring an Argument The cow is a naturally gentle animal and a good mother to it’s young. In current dairy practice a new born calf is taken from its mother at just four days old so that the mother may be milked to supply the milk industry. This is a cruel treatment of both the cow and the calf as there is a natural bond between the two. In addition to this, the calf will probably be sent to Europe and slaughtered at only two weeks old, having endured travelling in a tiny crate not big enough to turn around in. They are also fed an extremely poor diet. These terrible conditions are cruel and inhumane and are only occurring for the profits of the milk industry. I cannot understand why calves have to be separated from their mothers at such an early age and why they have to be shipped across Europe just to be slaughtered for veal and other by products. Surely it would be kinder to leave the calf with its mother for longer and ultimately keep the calf in Great Britain so it does not have to suffer the terrible journey across the continent? The letter ends with a rhetorical question to leave the reader thinking about the argument and engage more directly with the letter. It also makes the argument clear; changes are needed.
Homework-Exam Question Read through the article ‘Mobiles cut teenage smoking’. Explain how the writers and designers aim to interest the reader by their use of structure and layout.
Look at the advert below. How does the use of structure and layout catch the attention of the reader and keep them interested? Plenary Advertise with us • Want to market your holiday home? • Want to get it seen by holidaymakers? • Want to maximise your rental income? • Want to get more bookings? • We can help. • Set up your online advert today, just £149* for 12 months of great advertising . • What are you waiting for?