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Comenius Project “ Tea Garden ”

Comenius Project “ Tea Garden ”. Objectives :. Promoting foreign languages learning;. Increasing intercultural awareness;.

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Comenius Project “ Tea Garden ”

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  1. Comenius Project“TeaGarden” Objectives: Promoting foreign languages learning; Increasing intercultural awareness; Evoking citizenship feeling as well as the sense of national identity in the United Europe - strengthening of the contribution of education throughout one’s life in social integrity, active citizenship, dialogue; Strengthening of the role of education throughout one’s life in creating European citizenship spirit that is based on understanding and respecting human rights as well as democratic principles; Shaping the attitudes of tolerance - encouraging respect towards other nations; Stimulating learning through cooperation;

  2. Effective use of communication and computer technology; Contribution to a wider participation of people at different age in the process of learning by involving parents and institutions supporting the school development in the cooperation; Incorporating parents and units supporting school development in the project; Increasing the level of education; Encouraging students’ and teachers’ creativity; Incorporating the project in the pedagogical school programme.

  3. Develop environmental awareness and sustainability by active involvement, by investigation, observation and recording all the processes; Develop the students' sense of personal responsibility towards their own environment so that when they become adults they will take part as active citizens in the resolution of global issues; Impact Enable the students to realize that there are many different countries in Europe, each with their own culture, traditions, and attributes, but with a common interest: protect our planet; To encourage the learning and development of modern foreign languages by both students and staff through creating plenty of opportunities in which they can use their linguistic abilities in meaningful context.

  4. Planning and planting a Tea Garden with two common Tea specimens in each country. ( to investigate growing conditions and harvest. To exchange the results and do some graphics where every partner understand how it´s going on. Subjectsandapproach Research for recipes of cookies usually eaten at tea time. Compare climate and environment as far as the growth of plants is concerned. Get to know flora from different countries. To supply a cooperation among the students from each part of Europe To give the practical knowledge as well as theoretical knowledge. Although the shared language will be English, the project will include the learning of simple phrases in each partner language and much of the work produced will reflect this. The project will celebrate the diversity of the partners and their languages. A joint dictionary using all partner languages will be produced using a variety of topics

  5. The main curriculum areas to be covered will be: English, Arts, ICT, Sciences, Maths, Geography, History, etc. Schools will then correspond by letter, email, video conferencing and produce DVDs and books for exchange. Much use will be made of the partner languages and European dictionaries will be produced to include the weather, trees, fruits, etc. Scientific and mathematic work will play an important role in this project as pupils will be able to plot, collect and analyze data of how different plants, trees, fruits etc grow in different climates of the partner countries. A joint recipe book will be produced for exchange The final products will be recipe book and dictionary.

  6. Effective cooperation will be ensured by staff from all participating schools attending the transnational meetings. When the students and the staff return to their home countries they will disseminate results, experiences and projected outcomes of the project. All partners will have common tasks and in additional each school will have individual roles and tasks which will include: exchange postal cards, blog and web information, video conference between each partner school. Everything produced will be recorded/copied and sent to each partner school, and it must be kept as evidence of each school. Through cooperation and teamwork, all schools in the project shall ensure that the deadlines of tasks will be respected, not to undermine the progress of the project. This progress will be monitored by the head teacher of each school. All the schools involved in the project organize a programme for the transnational meeting during the project. All partners will be responsible also for at least one specific task set during the two years:

  7. The coordinating school (Portugal) will be responsible for: • All actions prior to the project and plan its two years; • Lead international meetings, provide agendas and control the time of intervention of each partner; • The administration of relevant forms, for their own agency and partners; • Producing the questionnaires at beginning and end of the project.

  8. Germany will be responsible for: • Analysis of Scientific results about the growth of the six Tea Gardens. • Collecting pictures and record the DVD of the international meetings for the first and second years of the project.

  9. Italy (IstitutoComprensivodiDinami) • will be responsible for: • Collecting the recipes and types of tea to build the recipe book. • Coordinating shared resources for European Day of Languages each year.

  10. Turkey will be responsible for: • Collecting the terms for the dictionary. • Coordinating shared resources for Forest, Water and Meteorology World Days each year.

  11. Poland will be responsible for: • Creating the web Blog. • Controlling the evaluation of each transnational meeting.

  12. Italy (IstitutodiIstruzioneSuperiore “P.Sella”) • will be responsible for: • Managing the video conferences. • Creating and managing the webpage.

  13. Latvia will be responsible for: * Controlling and deciding the issue of the project logo. * Controlling the evaluation of each transnational meeting.

  14. Surveys at the end of each activity and of the whole project. • Results (of the worked issues) will be summarized by the participating teachers and students in each partner school. • Each new experience will be discussed at teaching staff meeting, to promote the idea of participation in projects like this one; in English lessons to show students advantages of taking part in this project. • The project teams of every partner school, administration, students and their parents as well other local partners will be involved into evaluation activities during whole the project. • It is foreseen to use the following form of evaluation: album with photos and description of each stage of the project, report, students’ essays about the project. Evaluation

  15. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the project the following actions take place in each partner schools: • September 1st year - students questionnaires to ascertain the levels of knowledge of the partner countries and the different themes to be explored; • June 2nd year - students and staff questionnaires to ascertain changes of European and each one culture and improvements of the six Tea Gardens; • During the international meetings staff will be able to evaluate and analyses strengths and weaknesses in order to make appropriates adjustments to reach the project objectives. • At the final international meeting, we will evaluate the success of the project, by discussing if the objectives have been met, including Eco-schools accreditation. • A final report will be written and shared.

  16. DISSEMINATION AND THE USE OF RESULTS The dissemination and exploitation of the results is intended to be carried out using the following forms: -in the participating organizations: Comenius Corner. Link with the course of the project in the schools web pages. Schools newspapers. -in the local communities: A common internet site will be created to allow local communities to access to the project evolution. All partners, at the inauguration of the garden and the tea party, can invite the whole school as well as other local community partners. Each school should try to publicize the project in the local or national media, if it's possible.

  17. -in the wider lifelong learning community: The final products recipe book and dictionary, will be edited as massively as possible in order to be distributed to all partners, associated partners, municipalities, educational authorities and organizations in charge of training and documentation. The materials will be available for the students and teachers from partner countries. Dissemination of Project results during the two years of the project and afterwards.

  18. Agrupamento de Escolas de Arraiolos Escola EB 2,3/ES Cunha Rivara

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