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Gas and mm Dust emission

Gas and mm Dust emission. François Boulanger et Guilaine Lagache (Institut d ’Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay). Tracing diffuse ISM components in te Solar Neighborhood and across the Galaxy with mm dust emission mm dust properties across the HI/H2 transition. Gas Tracers.

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Gas and mm Dust emission

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gas and mm Dust emission François Boulanger et Guilaine Lagache (Institut d ’Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay) • Tracing diffuse ISM components in te Solar Neighborhood and across the Galaxy with mm dust emission • mm dust properties across the HI/H2 transition

  2. Gas Tracers • DiffuseH II : Pulsar dispersion measure • H I : 21 cm Line • Misses cold H I • H2: CO low J rotational lines • several caveats: optical thickness, CO photo-dissociation • Misses « diffuse » H2 (seen in absorption and in gamma rays) • Dust : H I and H2 • Extinction: clumping • Far-IR emission per dust mass is temperature dependent • mm dust emission: Matter Tracer • Galaxies and star forming cores (ground telescopes) <=> diffuse ISM • Dust emissivity: How constant across the HII/HI/Diffuse H2/CO transitions?

  3. IR-HI Correlation at 1.2mm FIRAS + HI all-sky survey

  4. Molecular Gas

  5. Longitude Profile

  6. HI/H2 Transition Solar Neighorhood H2 self-shielding: HI  H2 pour NH> 5 1020 H/cm2 Savage et al. 1977

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