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GIFTED PROGRAM REVIEW Parent Information Session April 9, 2013. Lisa Shannon, Director of Pupil Services Karen rumley , Summit County ESC Consultant. Summary of Tasks. OCTOBER Initial Planning with Superintendent, Dir. of Curriculum, and Dir. of Pupil Services
GIFTED PROGRAM REVIEWParent Information Session April 9, 2013 Lisa Shannon, Director of Pupil Services Karen rumley, Summit County ESC Consultant
Summary of Tasks • OCTOBER • Initial Planning with Superintendent, Dir. of Curriculum, and Dir. of Pupil Services • Focus Group Session with District Administrative Team • Focus Group Session with current and previous Gifted Intervention Specialists NOVEMBER • Focus Group Session with District Administrative Team DECEMBER • Surveyed Students, Staff, and Families • Focus Group Session with Community Members • Focus Group Session with District Administrative Team JANUARY • Planning Meeting with District Administrative Team • Planning Meeting with Gifted Intervention Specialists FEBRUARY • Recommendations Presented to District Administrative Team MARCH • Recommendations Presented to Board of Education Meetings Facilitated by: Karen Rumley, Gifted Consultant for Summit Co. ESC
OUR VISION The mission of the Chagrin Falls Exempted Village School District is to provide a comprehensive range of learning opportunities through which students, staff, and community, in partnership, can develop each student’s knowledge, confidence and responsibility leading to individual success and lifelong learning.
Students, Staff, and Parents would like us to consider… • Adding services for students between grades five and nine • Providing services to those students identified as having superior cognitive ability • Focusing on best instructional practices while teaching to the Common Core Standards • Maintaining gifted services at the Intermediate School • Including a Gifted Coordinator • Enhancing our professional development offerings to include multiple topics on gifted education • Aligning gifted services among the buildings • Centralizing our information for staff and parents • Offering opportunities for parents to learn more about giftedness and supporting their children • Reducing the stereotypes associated with gifted services
PROGRAMMING RECOMMENDATIONS “Service” v “Enrichment” SCHOOL YEARS 2013-2014 & 2014-2015
GurneyClark, 2002; Smutny, 1998; Smutny & von Fremd, 2004 Current practice FUTURE PRACTICE No proposed curricular or enrichment changes, at this time Continue with testing schedule Ref OAC 3301-51-15 (C) Provide counseling options and services aimed at addressing the unique needs of students identified as having superior cognitive ability (SY 14-15) Ref. OAC3301-51-15 (D) (3) (c) • Differentiating within the classroom for high achieving students demonstrating characteristics of giftedness • Enriching students during an intervention period • Testing students at grade 3 for gifted identification (specific academic and superior cognitive ability)
Intermediate School CURRENT PRACTICE FUTURE PRACTICE Grades 4&5: Students with Superior Cognitive ability (135+) served in ELA and Soc. Studies Class (G. Dole, GIS) Ref OAC 3301-51-15 (D) (3) (b) (i) Grade 6: Students with Superior Cognitive ability (135+) served in ELAClass (G. Dole, GIS) Ref OAC 3301-51-15 (D) (3) (b) (i) Cluster group (4-6/ class) other IDed students (superior cognitive and/or reading / math in ELA / math classes) Ref OAC 3301-51-15 (D) (3) (a) Continue to test students in grade 5 for gifted identification (possibly add cognitive ability testing) Individually test students based on referrals Provide counseling services aimed at addressing the unique needs of students identified as having superior cognitive ability (SY 14-15) Ref. OAC 3301-51-15 (D) (3) (c) • Gifted ID in Superior Cognitive ability (135+) and Specific Reading ability attend Gifted ELA class (G. Dole, GIS) • Gifted ID in Superior Cognitive ability (135+) and Specific Math ability attend Gifted Math class (G. Dole, GIS) • No Services for ID ONLY in Superior Cognitive or Specific Academic area • Test students in grade 5 for gifted identification
Middle School M.S. CURRENT PRACTICE M.S. FUTURE PRACTICE Students with superior cognitive ability will be served in an ELA class (SY 14-15) Ref OAC 3301-51-15 (D) (3) (b) (i) Cluster group (4-6/ class) IDed students (superior cognitive and/or reading) in ELAclasses (SY14-15) Ref OAC 3301-51-15 (D) (3) (a) Students follow their math progression and placed in math classes using multi-criteria methodology Individually test students based on referrals Provide counseling services aimed at addressing the unique needs of students identified as having superior cognitive ability (SY 14-15) Ref. OAC 3301-51-15 (D) (3) (c) • Students with gifted ID in reading are assigned to an advanced ELA class • Students with superior cognitive ability – No Services • Students are assigned to math classes • Individually test students based on referrals
High School current practice FUTURE PRACTICE No curricular changes, at this time Individually test students based on referrals Provide counseling services aimed at addressing the unique needs of students identified as having superior cognitive ability (SY 14-15) Ref. OAC 3301-51-15 (D) (3) (c) • Provides a multitude of curricular opportunities that meets the needs of unique learners’ abilities and interests • No services for students with superior cognitive ability • Test students based on individual referrals
District Staffing It is recommended that the district contract with an ESC for gifted coordinator services, a requirement of law, to be responsible for the following: • Manage all forms • Develop district processes • Ensure district compliance with laws and regulations • Maintain a centralized location for resources and information • Complete state reporting / EMIS • Disseminate information to staff and parents • Attend administrative and team meetings when applicable • Evaluate the need for professional development and plan accordingly Ref OAC 3301-51-15 (E) (4-7)
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Research Overview and Professional Development: Ohio Department of Education. ODE Javits I-Get-GTEd. http://javits.escco.org/ Winebrenner, S. (2001). Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom. Free Spirit: Minneapolis. Program Evaluation Resources: Delisle, J. and Lewis, B. (2009). The Survival Guide for Teachers of Gifted Kids. Free Spirit: Minneapolis. NACG. (2010). 2010 Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Programming Standards. http://www.nagc.org/uploadedFiles/Information_and_Resources/Gifted_Program_Standards/K-12%20programming%20standards.pdf Social- Emotional Considerations: (Including above) Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) – www.sengifted.org