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Introduction of Revised PMR Template focusing on conditionalities, assumptions, and improving the monitoring system under IPA I for effective project implementation. Operational conclusions and tasks of Project Level Steering Committees are outlined.
MINISTRY FOR EU AFFAIRS INTRODUCTION OF REVISED PMR TEMPLATE Financial Cooperation Directorate 16-17 May 2012, Ankara
CONDITIONALITIES • Assumptions and pre-conditions • Assumptions are external factors that have the potential to influence (or even determine) the success of a project but lie outside the control of the implementation managers. • Such factors are sometimes referred to as risks or assumptions but the Commission requires that all risks shall be expressed as assumptions. • Pre-conditions are requirements that must be met before the sector support can start 2
CONDITIONALITIES • In case conditionality is stated under section 3.7 of PF Progress regarding the fulfillment of the conditionality should be stated in the «conditionalities» section of the PMR. Pre‐condition is a condition that must be satisfied before project activities can start up. Usually pre‐conditions relate to: • The availability of a budget line to cover operational cost after the end of the project • Adoption of a new law or regulation required for the project success • Important studies to verify the reality on the ground such as if there is sufficient water. • Land appropriation or availability of necessary facility/ies 3
IMPROVEMENT OF THE MONITORING SYSTEM Withinthescope of «IMPROVEMENT OF THE MONITORING SYSTEM UNDER IPA I» Known as monitoringmappingstudy, followingmonitoringrelatedissueswerediscussedandconclusionswereadoptedbythe TAIB MC on 15 February 2012. 4
IMPROVEMENT OF THE MONITORING SYSTEM • PMRs (Progress Monitoring Reports) • On the spot monitoring: • Result-oriented monitoring: • Steering Committees at project level • SectoralMonitoringSub-Committees (SMSC) • JMC-TAIB Monitoring Committee / IPA Monitoring Committee • DIS Coordination meeting • Ex-post monitoring • SAIR/AIR Reports 5
PROJECT LEVEL STEERING COMMITTEES OPERATIONAL CONCLUSIONS OF THE MEETINGON IMPROVEMENT OF THE MONITORING SYSTEM UNDER IPA I • MEU will ensure that each project fiche should describe the functions of the Steering Committee (standard text in each project fiche) as; The Project Steering Committee will meet in principle twice a year, or more frequently where relevant as per request of the members, to monitor the implementation of the project, achievement of results, and to agree on corrective actions as appropriate. The operational conclusions of the Steering Committee meetings will be agreed by all participants in the minutes of the meetings. 6
PROJECT LEVEL STEERING COMMITTEES • MEU will ensure that Steering Committees covering all project components are formally established and will have first meetings at the latest within 3 months after the date of signature of the Financing Agreement. • MEU and CFCU will initiate a process for improving the effectiveness of the Steering Committees (SC) and adjust standard provisions of project fiches, terms of reference and procedures for Steering Committee to effectively cover both project and contract level issues. 7
PROJECT LEVEL STEERING COMMITTEES Accordingtothe «OPERATIONAL CONCLUSIONS OF THE MEETINGON IMPROVEMENT OF THE MONITORING SYSTEM UNDER IPA I» The Steering Committee will operate under the following set of rules/tasks which will be adopted by the SPOs. • To assess the progress of the project components in terms of the procurement preparation and implementation of contracts • To verify the achievement of the outputs and results specified in the PFs or as amended. • To discuss actions to be undertaken in following quarters in terms of achievement of indicators in the PF. 8
PROJECT LEVEL STEERING COMMITTEES • To design and monitor the outreach and communications activities among relevant partner/beneficiary institutions • To coordinate involvement of the partner/beneficiary organizations for effective follow up of progress made and ensure the timely flow of information between these institutional partners. • To monitor the progress made towards project indicators in line with the log frame or propose project fiches changes where appropriate. • To monitor and facilitate linkage among different project components/contracts and the project with linked activities with other projects, donors or through national fund. • To coordinate among different project components/contracts ensuring effective sequencing between interrelated components. • Issues which can not be solved at SC level to be brought to the attention of the next JMC (SMSC) 9
PROJECT LEVEL STEERING COMMITTEES • Dates of Project Level Steering Committee Meetings and Major Decisions should be stated here. 10
PROJECT FICHE AMENDMENT THREE MAJOR AMENDMENT TYPES • THOSE REQUESTED BY THE BENEFICIARY Why? Duetocertainproblems/difficultiesfaced, emergingneedschanges in theneeds/set up/technologyetc. When? Beforeorafterthe start of projectimplementation (PF andcontractsshould be consistent) • THOSE REQUESTED BY EU DELEGATION Numericalfinancialcorrectionsin linewiththeFinancingAgreement, duringoraftertheend of projectimplementation • THOSE WHICH REQUIRE ADDENDUM IN THE RELEVANT FINANCING AGREEMENT (FA) Relatestosignificantchangeslikebudgetreallocation /extensiontodeadlines of contractingorimplementation, as a packagedeal, generallyagreed in JMC meetings 11
PROJECT FICHE AMENDMENT MOST COMMON PF AMENDMENT SUBJECTS (based on 2007-8-9 IPA Programming) • Budget reallocations / transfers • Time extensiontothecontracting / implementingdeadlinesand • Modificationsrelatingtothesupplycomponent / changes in theequipmentlist OTHERS • Activity-componentredesign / regroupingtomaximizethebenefit of theproject • Change in theplace of activity/ locationtoensuremoreefficiencyandeffectiveness • Changes in the name of theprojectandotherwordingrevisions • Correction of erroneousfinancialfigurestoalignwiththeFinancingAgreement • Beneficiarychange 12
By FA Addendum upon CFCU officialproposal (5-6 months) FromBeneficiary Officialletter & e-mail (1-2 months) AMENDMENT REQUEST From EUD Officialletter & e-mail (1-2 months) MEU (FCD) MEU (FCD) Official letter & e-mail Official letter & email Revisionbybeneficiary Consent of EUD, CFCU NF & MEU Consent of EUD, CFCU NF & MEU NIPAC letter sent to EUD NIPAC / Officialletter sent to EUD / NF
PROJECT FICHE AMENDMENT DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE PF AMENDMENT PROCESS • Project Fichein trackchange(lastapprovedversion) • Project Fichetrackchangeaccepted • Justification • NAO Consent (givenbyNationalFund) • Annex 7b, Annex 5 & Annex 6 (preparedby MEU) IN CONCLUSION: PF AMENDMENT NOT DESIRED BUT INEVITABLE!!! DRAFT PF AMENDMENT PROTOCOL is ready!!! Prepared by the beneficiary, submitted to MEU (Financial Cooperation Directorate-FCD) 14
PROJECT FICHE AMENDMENTS • Allpreviousapprovedamendmentsarereflectedaccordingtothesubject of change as classified in thetable. • Date of approvalmeanseitherthedate of EUD letterconfirmingtheapproval of therequestedamendmentorthedate of entryintoforce of theFinancingAgreementAddendumifthe PF amendmentsubjectto FA addendum. 15
PROJECT INDICATORS • Indicatorsshould be takenfromthe LF. • Target Value is (in caseexists) set as a dateand/orfigure. • Achievementsregardingtheindicatorsshould be stated here. • Eventheindicator is not measurable, clearstatementshould be madeconcerningtheachievement of it. 16
MINISTRY FOR EU AFFAIRS Cemre GÜZEL, cguzel@ab.gov.tr Pınar BAŞPINAR, pbaspinar@ab.gov.tr Orhan AYDIN, oaydin@ab.gov.tr 17
İLGİNİZ İÇİN TEŞEKKÜR EDERİZ Thankyouforyourattention