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Fernando HERVÁS SORIANO OECD Symposium 3-4 July 2008

INGENIO 2010 The R&D and innovation strategy. Fernando HERVÁS SORIANO OECD Symposium 3-4 July 2008. INGENIO 2010 NRP priority area #4. INGENIO 2010 THE EVALUATION CONTEXT Evaluation object clearly defined: Spanish NRP priority area #4. The R&D and innovation strategy INGENIO 2010.

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Fernando HERVÁS SORIANO OECD Symposium 3-4 July 2008

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  1. INGENIO 2010 • The R&D and innovation strategy Fernando HERVÁS SORIANO OECD Symposium 3-4 July 2008

  2. INGENIO 2010 • NRP priority area #4

  3. INGENIO 2010 • THE EVALUATION CONTEXT • Evaluation object clearly defined: Spanish NRP priority area #4. The R&D and innovation strategy INGENIO 2010. • Method constraints: • General objectives not declined in specific ones, nor linked to specific measures • Timeframe of strategic programs: 4-5 years. Evaluation timing only one/two years after launch of first projects. • Important lag in the availability of key statistical indicators (INE 2006 available end November 2007) • Important lag in the transmission of measures to company’s and institution’s behaviours.

  4. INGENIO 2010 • EVALUATION’S FOCUS • Evaluation focused on the relevance and design of the chosen measures. • Wherever possible, evaluation of forecast results of key measures. • Analysis mainly based on monitoring data and on views and judgement of actors involved and experts. • ¿To which extent INGENIO 2010’s new philosophy has managed to change government’s policy and day to day action in this area? • Conclusions and recommendations orientated to the implementation of the up-coming new strategic frame (2008-2011 national plan and ENCYT 2015 strategic objectives).

  5. INGENIO 2010 • EVALUATION RESULTS STRONG POINTS • New philosophy of strategic programmes: • increase projects size and level of ambition, • focus on excellence, • promote stability and strategic vision (4-5 years horizon for projects), • catalyse cooperation between actors (universities, research centres, companies, public agencies). • Attract private involvement and money, create national and world champions.

  6. INGENIO 2010 • EVALUATION RESULTS STRONG POINTS (2) • Very good acceptance by industry of the public-private partnership programme CÉNIT. Encouraging signs of private R&D investments leverage in strategic sectors. • Comprehensive policy package: Money, strategic programmes and solid regulatory reform proposals.

  7. INGENIO 2010 • EVALUATION RESULTS (2) WEAK POINTS • Lack of coordination between INGENIO 2010 and on-going measures under the pre-existing 2004-2007 R&D national plan (characterised by dissemination of efforts, overlapping of measures, weak monitoring and evaluation …). • The new proposed Global Assessment and Monitoring System (SISE) is far from being fully operational. • Coordination between R&D and innovation policy and other key sectoral policies (industrial policy in particular) is weak.

  8. INGENIO 2010 • RECOMMENDATIONS • Reinforce governance structures at central government level and improve cooperation with regional authorities. Reinforce involvement of stakeholders during policy implementation. • Provide the Global Monitoring and Evaluation System (SISE) with the necessary resources and authority to be effective. • Establish strong on-going and ex-post project evaluation mechanisms to ensure concrete outcomes (new products and services). Promote exchange of best policies and practices between administrations and project managers.

  9. INGENIO 2010 • RECOMMENDATIONS (2) • Deepen regulatory reforms and adopt a new law for Science. • Improve policy coordination between R&D and the competitivity agenda (better regulation, entrepreneurship, competition policies …) and R&D and the sustainable development agenda (transport, energy, environment, health…).

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